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As a result of this guy...



We have had to do this...


Not pretty but hopefully it will stop him. I found a dessicated half eaten fish body under one of the bushes while anchoring down the net. Not sure if a cat dragged it out alive or if it died and was scooped out as it floated near the edge. Wasn't the heron as it only just arrived - luckily I was looking out the window when it came in to land!

I stood guard while Grant rushed out to buy some netting. We had thought of using the stiff wire stuff but it would have cost over $300. As it was, the netting was $50. One of the disadvantages of habing a large pond :-? . We had to get 4m x 10m of netting.

Eventually we might get around to anchoring it in a neater manner and perhaps getting the net ends under the decking. This was a quick fix-it job.

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damn it must be that time of year! came home yesterday to find fully grown blackmoor veiltales 4 panda fantails 4 orandas 2 all half were eaten the others just spread around the pond all dead! assuming it was a cat never happened before until now! :evil: so \i was not happy when i got home yesterday

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OK, came home today to find one blue heron sitting in the middle of the pond ON the netting! :evil:

I then remembered I had done an article (for the November AW, due out in the next week) about pond predators so looked up what I had written 8)

It said that herons were wading birds and didn't like to get their feathers wet so the pond had to be deeper than its legs (which it is, except around the edges) or the netting had to be 15 - 30cm above the water so it couldn't spear the fish through the netting.

Hmmm, this required some thought as the pond is too big to practically build a framework over it. We finally decided we could thread nylon through the netting lengthwise then pull it up tight at each end.



Grant wobbled out on the ladder and started threading nylon from the pergola to the opposite end.


He then listed the aid of mother duck


and over she goes!!!


The nylon was tied to the tree at one end and the pergola at the other.

It now looks like this


As you can see, the fish were out and about, following Grant down the ladder, obviously thinking that if he fell in all their Christmases would have come at once!

While the heron was there they all disappeared so obviously they have some sense!

I wil keep you posted as to the efficacy of our efforts.

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the fish watched closely, waiting, as grant made his way precariously across the flimsy ladder, hoping, watching, for a misjudgement in his movements, and always with one eye on the heron watching them equally as closely. And such was the complicated nature of the food chain.

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The heron is either new to the area, or only moved up to our street after cleaning out ponds further north!

We have many cats drink from the pond. The netting is upsetting the smaller birds who used to bathe in the waterfall. We might have to pull the netting off that bit.

The net isn't as colourful as it looks in the pics. We have now strung nylon around the edges and maybe this will do and we will be able to remove the netting. The heron will not be here long hopefully before it moves on. :roll:

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We have a small pond with 10 goldfish. We also have 8 cats who drink from it and never attempt to go fishing even though all the fish come over to them while they drink. We have noticed a kingfisher hanging around but I don't think it will venture into our backyard with all our cats! Our only issue is that twice one of our chihuahuas has fallen into the pond while attempting to eat the fishfood on the surface when we feed the fish. They can climb out easily though.

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