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Everything posted by Dimsum

  1. Was this when the dinosaurs were walking around? :lol:
  2. I heard that val doesn't like copper, which causes it to melt( heard but I've never tested the tolerence val has to copper myself), have you tried to kill snails lately?
  3. Looks like the banned stuff, but can anyone confirm before I buy myself some trouble from MAF http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pets-animals/Fish/Aquatic-plants/auction-251983389.htm
  4. I don't like the floating method because reptile eggs don't like movement, which is why I prefer the eggs in a container on a stable platform. I guess it depends on how much water movement is in your tank.
  5. I've hatched RES eggs in a fishtank before. Used a 30 x 60, put in two bricks and a platform ontop of the two bricks, fill the tank tank with water to just above the bricks, put in fish tank heater and set temp, make sure heater is under water, put eggs in sealed container with moist vermicilite(sp) and seal lid, put container on platform, cover tank, add water every few days to keep the water level up and then you wait, and wait, watch paint dry, and wait and wait, watch grass grow, and wait, then if everything goes to plan the eggs should hatch
  6. If you are trying to sex them at a very young age, I find using a torch helps. Also don't confuse body pattern spots with gravid spots :oops: If in doubt move it into the male tank.
  7. SamH is right, only drops to the inlet, which is right up the top of the tank. It's the water in the overflow drops down to the 1/4 mark, but when the return restarts again it fills up and its all go.
  8. This is what mine looks like The light blue line is when everything is running, The dark blue line is when there is a power cut or interuption to water flow that causes the tank's water level to fall below the inlet. As you can see there is still water in the bit that goes over the side of the tank. If the syphon is broken in this bit everything will not restart. As you can see the inlet on mine is very long, thats for the greater water flow. I get about 2000L/hour, using 32mm pvc, with a tap closed 3/4. Fully open and it sucks more water than my punp can return and constantly makes a loud sucking sound. If you look at the green arrow, that is where the outflow will suck to when power is off. From that you can see why your first diagram won't work. The "u" in the inlet is way above the t-joint illistrated in my diagram. Livingart's diagram has the t-join way higher to stop the syphon flow breaking PS make sure the breather pipe extends higher than the tank's water level, cause I have a tap in the sump, if I turn the tap fully closed, water will flow up the breather up to the tank water level, trouble waiting to happen if you have a shorter breather.
  9. Living art's design will work, I have one on one of my tanks, restarts after power cuts. Down side is it's a bit big and hard to get it quiet. I would drill my tank if I had the option, but it was imported and the retailer advised against it incase any part was safety glass.
  10. Don't forget about gravity. I cut off a piece of glass from a tank to have the glass fall onto and smash the opposite pannel :oops: . I had the tank standing up on it's side long ways.
  11. My 180L tank cost $20 because it had a broken side, replaced the glass and siliconed it myself, think all up it cost me $50 for the glue and glass. If you can fix tanks you can get really good bargins
  12. Saw it on the news and all I could think was, $70k and all they brought over were comets?!?!?
  13. is that 1.018 reading for a brackish tank?
  14. nzmint.co.nz $29880.90US/kg at the moment $929.40/ounce Doesn't include delivery, not sure if you can pick up
  15. Wii has a couple FPS's, Redsteel, Resident evil and Call of duty come to mind.
  16. You've set it to in-car mode. Going off my SE 880, go menu>settings>profile and change it to normal or whatever you want it to be. May be slightly different due to different models
  17. Me too But a quick look at wiki brought me back to reality Thats a really big turtle
  18. Formalin is a probable carcinogen in humans so might cause some deformaties in the developing eggs.
  19. I got an idiot tax refund :bounce:, whole $47 dollars.
  20. Go to Jaycar.co.nz Search for "key finder" theres one for ~$10, beeps when your whistle, but you have to be within 3m, not sure how it will go of the tortoise buries itself And a set for ~$42, has a remote and 4 beepers, works for 10m
  21. Can someone with a confirmed female(laid eggs right befor your own eyes) snake neck please post a pick of the underside of the shell. I just waht to test out the U vs V theory Thanks
  22. Why not just use the wave making pumps used in reefing? Tunze, Seio etc
  23. I've emailed that seller and they said that in the past their torts have come out femail so this time they've tried to get males. Any tortoise breeders want to comment on the incubation procedure? I would love one but the better half wants an engagement ring, I offered an engagement tortoise as a compromise and suffered for that comment.
  24. Have hybrid turtles been released into the public before? I also have a red eared with strange pattening. I got it as an adult so not sure of it's origins
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