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Everything posted by Alan
I am saying PJ, to try it, as different temps in the breeding tank can and do get different results. When the fry have been born, the die is cast. As far as the finnage goes, that's why we have a process called culling, or supplying live food for hungry guests, oscars etc. Alan 104
WARNING WARNING WARNING Phillz, have you thought why you were able to get that tank so cheaply?? I'll give you a reason why I think you did. Based on my own experience too. I have a hex of 550 across and 600 high. I was admiring my community setup one day, and I noticed a small leak develop. I got some glue onto my fingerand smeared it over the offending area, but to no avail, it gradually got worse, and as I stood there thinking what the heck I could do to get out of this predicament, while holding it from going. But my efforts were in vain, the whole panel just opened like a door, I have never seen a tank mt so quickly. The force almost swept me of my feet, and other then getting soaked from my chest down I was ok. The fish?? I lost only two, one I stood on in the great flood, the other was washed behind some boxes in the shed (my man's shed). There was some rapid work entailed and due to the fact that I always have spare tanks somewhere, I was able to save the rest of the fish. I ended up stripping it right down and rebuilding it, with extra bracing on the top and inside the bottom. The moral of the story is, set it up in a shed or garage. Check your insurance policy, or completely break the tank down and start again. If one joint is failing the rest are past their use-by-date as well. You could also use it as a planatarium. but DON'T fill it inside until you have really tested it. Good luck. Alan 104
If you have enuf available tank space. Set up another tank exactly the same as far as water, fish , etc. BUT keep the second tank at 20oC Often temp decides or has affect on the sex ratio. Just reread your post to make sure I didn't miss anything :oops: I see you have some similar tanks so I'd go for it. You aren't going to loose anything, and you may gain your desired affect. Also if you keep GOOD records, you may find that certain females/males produce more males than others. Also the reverse Dispose of the reverse ones and concentrate on the MMP's and you'll have more males than you can shake a stick at. Alan 104
Three strikes in a row Plantman. YA OUT!!! Go get some glass. Alan 104
If it is the alkaline cure, ie, didn't smell like a vinegary harsh scent when applying, then your tank is toxic. The stuff plumbers get carried away with, is lethal to fish. Alan 104
Babies can't jump, but guppies can. mmmmmmm Yeah nothing wrong with the hotwater cupboard as long as Mum doesn't bury them or you tip water onto clothes or linen in there. How warm is your house?? Temp. first thing in the morning is the coldest. It maybe ok to leave them on top of your tanks. Have your water for water changes, stored in the vacinity of your babies. The water will then be the same temp. Alan 104
I seldom float anything in tanks except fish. But then I hope they aren't floating. I have over 50 tanks, so I can pick and choose. NOTE I have the babies in their own containers in a drawer The room is heated, NOT the tanks. Number ONE Rule of a Killiphile I will keep my tanks (containers) COVERED at ALL TIMES Alan 104
Plantman Don't be a tight ass. Go down to the local glazier and get a piece of scrap glass from their bin. DON'T use perspex Silicone doesn't stick to it. If you have glass lids, you could use that and use the perspex for the lids. The silicon to use, is acetic based, and hazardous to breathe in the fumes, it should read "Aquarium Safe". As it is just sitting on the base, once it has been smoothed off, you can fill it with water straight away. It will set under water. Alan 104
It will take you 24 hrs to get the BBS ready for feeding out. Yes micro worm is ok, but I seldom use it. One, it settles on the bottom in comparison with the BBS that stays in the water column and is a natural for the babies to hunt and eat. If you haven't got any MW ready, you are miles too late. What you get, is what is called, "a starter culture". It is not ready for feeding till the lot is writhing and climbing up the containers side. So get one for back up. Once you have the MW going, set up a couple more, as sometimes they just die off so rapidly that you have to get backinto begging mood again. But get into the BBS. NOW If you have any java moss and/or riccia, put that in with the babies. They'll pick amongst it all day, and get food from it. A small container? haven't you heard what I use?? Do you know the size of a matchbox?? Well that is the size I use, not too many babies at a time, but almost 100% water change each day, and the food is in their face so that they don't have to waste energy hunting for it. A snail or two for cleaning duties too. I use what is termed a bench-tidy. What perhaps your Dad has in the shed to store small things such as screws etc. As they grow, increase the size of the container. Alan 104
Remove the babies from the rest of the eggs and start feeding BBS straight away. Feed at least twice a day. keep snails in with them to eat any uneaten BBS Goodwork KK KKK Alan 104
Yep Blue&Kim. Are they pairs , or sorting themselves out? They can get pretty territorial as the pairing takes place and they decide on a nesting site. With those rams, they like real soft, peaty water, at a temp just over 80oF. EJ has had some huge breeding success using this formula. Alan 104
and before this thread goes into it. Please don't bring up goldfish. It's all been said before. (to other posters BK) Alan 104
Nope, not at all. Those two you mentioned are just line breeding for finnage and/or colors normally. Whereas the Bxxxx fish are bred for their deformities. Which, as a breeder, is against all what I feel about reproduction of a species. Alan 104
Just remember, other fish can SUCK the fry thru the mesh too. I would not use mesh as a divider between fry and predators. Alan 104
They won't be free swimming before the weekend. You could shift them either way, with or without the parents If you remove the eggs, watch out for aggressive behavior. Each will think the other ate them, and they could fight. Just be aware. What bloody size is a 40lt tank??? :evil: L x B x H?????????????? 40 litres That means absolutely NOTHING to me. Or really to anyone else for that matter. Could be a stack of 40 litre milk bottles on top of one another. Blasted yankee care-on. :evil: Alan 104
I really don't know why there isn't a queue of ppl wanting to become members of the NZKA. Solve several things at once, cheap home bred fish, help with the MTS syndrome, and have a reasonable selection of pretty fish. That's just to name a few points too. Alan 104
Yes, I didn't realize that you had a spare tank. Make sure that the water conditions are the same. The guppy fry will end up as angel food tho. Alan 104
What an ugly looking fish to practice on, entering it onto the forum. :evil: NOT Good one Stu Eon sent some down for EJ and myself, 2 pair each. Thanks to you both. Hey, what age are those fish we have got, and what size will they be and how long to go, before we can expect to start egg collecting Alan 104
BK Try this site. http://apisto.bravepages.com/Ram%20article.htm There are only two types of rams Bolivian and the Blue, which I think is also the butterly ram. The other two are only derivatives of the blue. Don't go near the ballons, they should have been fed to the nearest Oscars. Alan 104
Can you get a piece of glass cut to the width of the tank, LESS 2mm. Then cut two lengths of garden-hose, and slit length way to fit on the edged of the piece of glass. It should go down into the gravel and at least 10mm above the water-level. I like to make it as tall as possible to stop any fish jumping. The glass will separate the two families of angels. If the glass has been measured correctly the babies shouldn't get thru to be eaten. Gentle aeration won't hurt. Have you got you brine-shrimp ready to setup?? You'll need it about four days from hatching when they (angelets) will come up in a swarm free swimming. DON'T feed, or attempt to feed them, before this. G'luk Alan 104
A couple more days to the hatch time. See if you can pick out the dead (white) eggs with a needle and blow away the mess using an airline to jet water into the space it was in. It (fungus)will spread rapidly, and consume the whole egg mass if you don't. Give us some clues as to how they are situated, with/without the parents, com. tank or are they on their own. Tell us more info please. Alan 104
How's Eric BB?? Take care Alan 104 aka Al
Yes, turn down the air, you should be able to count the bubbles. If you only have the one feed of air from the pump, you may need to introduce a 'bleeder' into your airline. This takes off the excess (air) pressure on your pump and increases it's life. Make sure the air-lift tube is not near to the glass wall of the tank, it will act like a sounding board. Alan 104
Hi W.bain, welcome to the site. We have a chat most nights at about 9.00pm. Drop in and have a chat, we sometimes even talk fishy subjects. I'm over the hill from you in Whakatane. There is a club in Hamilton that meet once a month and travel, or do something, between meetings. I think they are planning a trip down this way, but I don't know what route they'll be taking. Any way, make sure as has been suggested, to check out your cycling process before you get any fish. Been out to Arnie's Water World on the Rainbow Springs Rd.?? They seem to be getting bigger each time I visit. There is another good shop over in Tirau, they know what they are on about, and it's called Tropical Blues. On the Western side of Main St. But back from the road frontage. Definitely worth a trip. Alan 104
Woops, something is dangerously wrong here. If the thermostat part of the heater was OUT of the water, then maybe ok. But it really doesn't matter how much water you have, if the Heater/Stat is under the water, and it is operating properly, the temperature should only go to what your stat is set too. In other words, if the first setup was a 4 footer, and running ok, then you should have safely been able to use your H/S in 10 lts. CHECK THAT THE THERMOSTAT IS SET & RUNNING CORRECTLY, OR AT ALL. Alan 104