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Everything posted by Alan

  1. You and the rest have missed the main ingredient for the aquarium, but cycled water would be a fine addition too. Stops the fish wearing out their fins and scales on the gravel. OK?? Alan 104
  2. They grow a lot better IMHO on BBS too. Alan 104
  3. Alan


    Bettas optimum temp is apparently 26oC for breeding. The others should be ok with transfered heat. Alan 104
  4. Alan


    I use that system, and have the heater in the middle tank. In an unheated garage I have platys, guppies, killies and cichlids in there. Glass is not an insulater and transferd heat. But it will work. Are the tanks inside the house? What fish are you wanting to keep in the unheated tank?? Alan 104
  5. Alan


    Looks real good Kyle Alan 104
  6. Alan


    An itch is created by something that is annoying. No annoyance. No itching. OK??? Alan 104
  7. B&K, as fry tanks are fed heavily and to enable the snails job to be simple. BBT's all the time. Why put in a small layer of substrate. Ever been a fry looking for micro worm or white worm when all that stuff is hiding it from you?? Alan 104
  8. As I understand it, only the V. gigantica is the non-allowable plant in the shops. It is only because the idiots that try to enforce these laws can't ID a different spp they try to come down hard on all of them. Alan 104
  9. No substrate for cleanliness. BBT, or Bare Bottom Tank. Alan 104
  10. A corner box filter is about the cheapest tank accessory around. Pay a bit more for the air-pump and get a reasonably powerful one. You never have too much air. Run the box-filter in the main tank for a couple of weeks, to seed it, then just flick it over to the Q tank. Then keep a couple of spare fish in there to keep it ticking over for you. Alan 104
  11. Alan


    Azlin said Surely that means you are going to add more?? Alan 104
  12. Alan


    Nope, just follow the instructions, that is the chemical, waiting in suspension to zap the ich as it swims thru the water. Get some charcoal ready for when the treatment has finished or when the whitespot has disappeared from the fish. If it is the latter first, finish the treatment. Alan 104
  13. Alan


    While we are on the great salt debate, check out this article. http://tcoletti.tripod.com/molly_salt_debate.html A bit of reading, may want to put that away to your favs. Alan 104
  14. Alan

    Most wanted fish.

    Slapper said: Which inner thigh would you strap it too?? and is it dwarf so these damn MAF guys can't feel it?? Just wondered. Alan 104
  15. Alum is used as a floc. in municipal water to drop the fine sediments out of the water column. Alan 104
  16. Alan


    Alan said Read that part Caper. It does make sense. The guppies and platies don't mind the salt. But don't get carried away. If those fish are scratching, it sounds to me like parasitic. Maybe a salt bath would help. That is a lot higher salinity than what your tank is running at. The fish are only in it for a short period or until distressed. I think if you check Pegusus's site you'll find the amount to use. Alan 104
  17. Alan


    Caper, ya just don't keep adding salt to your aquarium. You'll end up with the Dead Sea type salinity in time. Salt is only added to water that is replacing water removed from the tank. Replacement of evaporated water tho has no salt added, as the evaporate is only water and the salt stays in the tank. OK??? Alan 104
  18. Get some snails into there They make excellent rubbish collectors, even stack them into little easy to remove packs for you. Do heaps of water changes too. Bit out of season aren't they?? Are they anything special?? Where are you from?? Alan 104
  19. Alan


    Try the Pupuke Aquarium, they aren't far from you. Sounds like a female to me with those longitudinal stripes tho. Alan 104
  20. Hi Naomi, and welcome to our fishy home base. Does Livebearer know something that we don't about you?? Just wondered at his first part of his post. May see you in the chatroom some night. Alan 104
  21. Alan


    Well if you are just doing a qik hello I'll do a qik welcome Welcome. Where might home be anyway. Oh, did I say, Welcome?? Alan 104
  22. Alan


    Too agressive IMHO LL Alan 104
  23. POP to sex those cichlids Joshie Have a look at the anal, dorsal and caudal fin. See any colour or mark differences?? No? Then they are all the same sex!! The differences you are looking for are what I term spangles. When I had breeders and first setting them up, I couldn't see any diffs either, until sitting in front of them one day with a friend, I said, "blowed if I can sez these things" He said, "Look at the single fins, they have got spangles." Problem solved. :oops: So I'm passing on that tip to you. Have fun breeding them, they make good parents, and the fry are easy to raise with them. Alan 104
  24. A lit cigarette kills leeches too, I remember from my tadpoling youth. But how do you keep a fag alight under water is a problem. Why not just syphon it out?? Alan 104
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