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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Rose and I are the proud GP's of a brand new baby boy. Saturday afternoon. Weighed in stripped at 9lb 3oz Glad I'm not a sheila Baby was in dire trouble at the final part of the delivery, inexperienced mid-wives in emergencies, baby had cord around neck, shoulder jambed him coming out, and he was black when born and cold. They seem happy with his progress and Lisa is now home with Liam. Thank you God Alan 104
  2. Alan

    Stuck Fish!

    Chakuna, Why don't you set up your sig like this. Others can go straight thru to that site then. Alan 104 Go to: http://students.cecs.csulb.edu/~atran/c ... /index.php
  3. Bill, did you get any of PMc's fish or lines?? Alan 104
  4. Only till the water is filtered clean. The reason they clog is cause they are cleaning. The powder that is used is like a talcum powder of ground up diatoms that are a made of silicate. Care should be taken when recharging these filters as the silicates are harmful to the lungs if ingested. Alan 104
  5. GT, your water is so hard that you would find bathing in stones a softer option. Alan 104
  6. im, if itis the older type this site may halp ypu. http://bigalsonline.com/catalog/product ... pcid1=1971 Alan 104
  7. Way ta go Cass If any one can, you can. Alan 104
  8. Alan

    Special light

    No, in fact I find that in a darker tank,(NOT BLACKED OUT) the fish's colour is more intense. Proof? Try setting up two tanks identically except for the gravel. In one use DARK gravel In the other, use a white gravel. You will see very shortly the changes in the fish. Why? Cause the fish realise that over a light coloured base, predators can see them easier. That's my theory anyway. And I'm sticking with it. Alan 104
  9. Alan

    Hi Peoples

    Oh NO!! Not another NUI Welcome, see you in the chatroom I suppose. About 9 onwards MOST nights. Alan 104
  10. Did you get a pair?? Or are they too young to tell yet? Are there any differences between them? Alan 104
  11. I'd go with TIDEN Good buy They should have been up nearer the $30 for my money Now breed them Alan 104
  12. Did you buy them BlueandKim? If so, what did you buy them as, and for how much?? Alan 104
  13. That was Salvinia Phill, definitely on the banned list Every backyard goldfish pond had it when I was a kid. Makes a perfect lawn of a lake I saw it at the Western Springs lake North to south, East to West. Alan 104
  14. Hey Candy. It's very easy to feed the little fish by hand, just hold them in the tank and the oscar will take then outa ya fingers. :lol: Alan 104
  15. Nice to have you come in to visit Candy. Hope you enjoy the company and stay a bit longer than a while Alan 104
  16. Alan

    Special light

    That's whyI suggested them. Both will grow with just the daylight in the room. So get in touch with some of our friends down thataway. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    Special light

    PJ, why don't you get some inexpensive Java Moss and Java Fern. Ypu'll find the fry grow quicker with natural plants than plastics. They have something to pick on all day until you arrive with their treats. Bonus is that the tank will look better and you can go away for several days without having to feed them. Alan 104
  18. Fingers squash them. Then the fish get the taste for them. Oscars and Pacus eat garden snails But I find them hard to retrieve when I've let them search for them in the garden Just don't want to return to their tanks. Alan 104
  19. Newtz, what diatom filter is it?? Alan 104
  20. It isn't a marketing gimmick The water is so clean that you can't see it. So in a panic, you go and get the hose to fill up the tank, only to find out it is already full and now you have to get in the carpet driers to clean up the mess and hope the wife doesn't notice. She has now put in several ping-pong balls so that I don't make the same mistake again. Actually, I think the National Aquarium uses one.Just that theirs is a tad bigger. Alan 104
  21. Diatom filters are the best water polishers I've ever seen. They filter out down to a micron and even take ich out of the water column. Pretty expensive tho, and I'm not too sure if they have survived on the local market. Alan 104
  22. Alan

    Fish Food

    Just wondering BlueandKim if you work in an LFS Food can often be used after the E date Checked ya bread or any of the grocery lines lately. Use it up, you have a good mixed diet going there. Stop going grey over nothing Alan 104
  23. Alan

    Fish Food

    I'd use it as long as it hasn't started to break down. Foods that contain vitamins quickly loose them. But with a varied diet, go for it. Waste not,want not. Alan 104
  24. Alan

    Some Pics

    The rest aren't bad either. Thanks for sharing Fay Alan 104
  25. For the time it takes and the risks incurred if you don't, it doesn't take long to water down any additions you may make to your aquarium. Alan 104
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