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Everything posted by Alan

  1. So this:- Watts x hours x kWh cost x 30 = monthly electrical cost of the aquarium . Should read this?? Watts/1000 x hours x kWh cost x 30 = monthly electrical cost of the aquarium . Thanks for that Tanksman. Alan 104
  2. If the box is well insulated, a smaller heat souce can be used, ie, a lower wattage bulb. You can also get thermostats that will turn it off and on at the required temp., and it doesn't have to be immersed inwater either. It is just connected to one of the wires going to the bulb. I use ones from the LFS. It is the same as a heater, but without the heater-coil. Bit hard to find, but I'm sure if you ask, they CAN get them in for you. Alan 104
  3. Just made for your query http://www.algone.com/energy_consumption_pf.htm Alan 104
  4. Have a look at your power bill. :roll: If you remember the time in the dim dark past, when you weren't infected with the fish-bug, what your power bill was then. Deduct that off what you have now and then hide from the missus. Alan 104
  5. You can download it into bottles with a good lid on it No sweat. yes it is me with eggs for sale Alan 104
  6. What brand of B/S are you talking about Tankman?? I very much doubt if the family deep freezer is run at -17oC or lower. No evidence that I have read suggests anything like this. They can actually survive searing desert temps and repopulate a lake when it rains enough to fill it or form waterbodies. The ones at Lake Grasmere would definitely not get to that temp. The tins I have recommend to store in temps 10oC or lower. Recommending refrigeration not freezing. PJ's eggs would be beyond saving if they haven't been stored at cool conditions before her purchase, as are a lot of eggs when bought in the smalll containers from you know where, wouldn't be stored that way, resulting in ppl having so much probs with such an easy live food. Alan 104
  7. Deleted by author, double dipping Alan 104
  8. Golden Barbs and Rosy barbs are suitable for a cold tank too, as are bronze corydoras. Alan 104 PS and some killifish varieties too Al
  9. Saw some fish tanks at the warehouse yesterday. Plastic, and IMO not suitable for viewing fish because of the way the plastic warps the view. Ok for a rearing tank and definitely ok for a B/S hatching tank. Under $10 too. Alan 104
  10. I'm sure Oranda breeders like Wok will love this URL http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auct ... d=31907284 Better get ya fish breeding, if this is what you can get for them. Alan 104
  11. As I said, the light is not for looking with. It supplies heat. In fact the BBS swim towards the light and use energy, therefore become less nutritious Doesn't matter if ya turn it off. You can tell when you have a hatching. The brown spheres go orange. Don't worry about the baking soda, I don't and nor does Cass I don't think. Sea water is handy. I get a 40 litre container. so no mixing is required. It may be half the salinity that they prefer, and you do need to increase the salinity for growing on, but for hatching purposes, it is fine. Alan 104
  12. Woops two answers in a row. OK PJ, got ya PM, those eggs that you got are apparently packed from those tins or plastic paks that you get them in, in bulk. Broken down for resale, I bet they aren't stored in 10oC b4 sale. And how long is it since they were opened and packed. So other than the money cost, don't be dispondant about any hatching probs, it just may be they are too old, and not stored correctly. If ya can't afford a tin, find some friends and go shares. Ya can't get them much cheaper. Water? I just use ordinary sea water that I get from a local harbour. Some recipes use the B/S. I don't, cause I feed mine out as BBS, not adults. Your baby cichlids will grow ok without it, might be a bit cheaper and slower, but as long as the parents don't decide to eat thm, they'll grow fine. Alan 104
  13. You aren't the first one to make that mistake and get sucked in by the hype. So don't be embarassed, if you have bought the most highest priced BBS. It is not the special food that you 'have' to buy to make then dance, it is the light, which is also their downfall, as a lot of shrimperies use the light to attract them to their doom. Baby fish's stomachs So have a look around the site you will actually find eggs for sale here and also how to grow them on to adult size. Can't find it? Ask some more questions. Alan 104
  14. Got a chilly-bin? Or one of those poly boxes from the LFS? Use that with a bedside lite. Low wattage and you have a hatching box Don't disturb him, 9The ol'man)the bikes are on at the moment. Put a hole thru the lid or side for an air-line, and if ya lucky a thermostat operated switch for the lite. Sounds profesional doesn't it?? Yep, I agree the egg hatch would be all overthe place at a cold temp. Both Cass and myself want BBS when we snap our fingers. Alan 104
  15. Definately not PJ. But like you say, there is a bigger Hatching time variation, from a nice warm enviroment to a cold climate. The NZ eggs come from lake Grasmere just south of Blenheim and that can get really cold. Their ponds are seething with them. It is the area where they have big shallow lakes that evaporate and leave salt for harvesting. Alan 104
  16. That's prolly about the best thing for them. But sorry you couldn't try and get your money back or exchange it. Alan 104
  17. Are you talking about a thru hole, like one for a window slide button??. Scoring only creates weaknesses for more cracks to run from. Sometimes it pays, in fact all times, to continue the crack to it's full length. Or solve the problem with a hammer. Alan 104
  18. Near enuf for me boss Alan 104
  19. Did you go to the same school as me Bill?? I leave their light on so as they don't grab a mouthful and try and protect them from the sudden change. Alan 104
  20. The glue you use for perspex, actaully melts it and "welds" it together. That glue doesn't stick on glass. Alan 104
  21. When are you forwarding your NZKA subs to EJ, Caryl?? Alan 104
  22. See if you can return the gold algae eater too. Get an ancistrus species, they don't get aggresive like the CAE get. Alan 104
  23. Thankyou Misnoma and Caryl. Some of the only few amongst us that can explain a tank SIZE correctly. Alan 104
  24. If they are the gold varieties of the Chinese Algae eater, then I don't think they have been captive bred Of course I could be wrong. Thank goodness they can't be, as they can, and do, become a nuisance in the tank and not one I'd reccommend for ANY fish tank. There are better Algae Eaters out there than this species. Alan 104
  25. Caper, by going to "SEARCH" at the top of the page, I typed in TRANSPORTING" and about the third one down found this http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/transp ... t7119.html There are more there if this isn't enuf. Have a good holiday and watch out for stupid drivers on the road. Make sure your tank is ready for your new fish too. Oh did I say, your Quarantine Tank?? Silly me, missed it. Well you know what to do. Alan 104
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