Woops two answers in a row.
OK PJ, got ya PM, those eggs that you got are apparently packed from those tins or plastic paks that you get them in, in bulk.
Broken down for resale, I bet they aren't stored in 10oC b4 sale.
And how long is it since they were opened and packed.
So other than the money cost,
don't be dispondant about any hatching probs,
it just may be they are too old, and not stored correctly.
If ya can't afford a tin, find some friends and go shares.
Ya can't get them much cheaper.
I just use ordinary sea water that I get from a local harbour.
Some recipes use the B/S. I don't, cause I feed mine out as BBS, not adults.
Your baby cichlids will grow ok without it, might be a bit cheaper and slower, but as long as the parents don't decide to eat thm, they'll grow fine.
Alan 104