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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Alan

    new killies!!!

    Devon, Click on this, http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/killi-pics-vt8324.html Now have a look at the first three photos of the fish. That is the SJO Fundulopanchax sjoestedti. By the way, how old are you as you said "Mum was going to check on the name.??" Alan 104
  2. Alan

    new killies!!!

    You have email Devon Alan 104
  3. Any other meetings after that you'll be paid to go. Alan 104
  4. Guess what?? It was me that gave them their first lessons at tank landscaping. Years ago Bet the owners are G & E. Alan 104
  5. Alan

    new killies!!!

    Make sure you have ALL gaps covered, or you won't have to worry about them breeding. They can go through VERY small gaps. So take care. Alan 104
  6. Alan

    new killies!!!

    OK Give us a clue. The best way is to hit us with a pic. Next is to describe them,may help us ID them and help you. Colour, Shape of the caudal (tail)fin. Alan 104
  7. Alan

    new killies!!!

    Like, can you tell us what ones of approx 20 that we have in NZ that you have managed to get hold of?? Alan 104
  8. and if water gets at the wire to corode it, the zinc is the first cab of the rank, and according to what I've read, zinc and fish don't mix. Just a problem put in there to think about. Alan 104
  9. Please watch any more replies to the person referred to. No names or nicks please. I will come down very quickly. Alan 104
  10. Thank you Eric, right on the dot. Shuih, I still have some cans available, let me know if you are interested. Alan 104
  11. Yes That is how most breeders will condition their fish for breeding, getting them full of row in a fit condition to be able to take a bit of a bash, and to be ready for the male. If you do get her to spawn, remove her from the tank as the male will hammer her, may be to death. Alan 104
  12. Try joining the NZKA klaymann and reap the benefit of inside information. But best of all, the price. What are they going for in the shops. If they have them?? Let me know if you want to join up and I'll send a form for you. With the rego, you'll automatically become a member ofthe FNZAS and be entitiled to the Aquatic World Magazine. RRP is $21 .50 NZKA fees $20.00. Membership - - - Priceless Alan 104
  13. Alan

    DIY tanks

    If your mate is a plumber, I bet the sealant he uses is the wrong stuff It must be an acidic cure. If you use the other, you will end up with a permanent toxic tank Alan 104
  14. Alan

    My damned jewels

    Have you really conditioned them up?? Have they got enough cover, is there too much light. Do you have dither fish? Are you giving them too much exposure to your self?? In other words leave them alone and they'll come home. Alan 104
  15. You are right I just tried it It refers to Shuih's setup with the small tanks from the Big Red Shed. You can find that with a little bit of a search Alan 104
  16. Alan

    DIY tanks

    No NO NO Show us the mistakes. People remember those better and wont do the same thing. I remember the very first tank I made I put the glue on all the wrong touch areas. Then in an effort to save the glue from wasting I tried shifting it while it was wet, BIG mistake, glue everywhere. Another is not to penny-pinch and try the smallest possible bead, you'll get leaks, and they really suck. Alan 104
  17. Alan

    New to NZKA

    Werner, Woops, :oops: You are 264 Kyle, you are 263 Sorry about that gang. Alan 104
  18. Kyle, you have PM Alan 104
  19. Whose? Ya reacon?? Alan 104
  20. Alan

    New to NZKA

    What else is there?? No arguement!! Any that do, don't know about killifish. Ummmmm Salties, keep out of this. You are a different sort of animal, and that's understandable. Alan 104
  21. B&K have a look here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/compac ... t8588.html Alan 104
  22. Thats what I was aiming for. Baby fish appear to graze Alan 104
  23. Alan

    Hello from Welly

    Welcome home Where in Wellington are you??? We have lots of KM members scattered around the area. Alan 104
  24. One of Shuis' would be okay in that size tank. Alan 104
  25. Alan

    New to NZKA

    Welcome 264 Good to see that you know a FISH from a fish. Alan 104
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