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Everything posted by Alan

  1. As Caryl says, you can use those big yellow bags, Hauraki Peat, some of it is quite twiggy tho, or if you only want to get small amounts, ask for Jiffy Peat Pellets, about 40mm across and 10mm thick, it is compressed and disc shaped, and when soaked in water will increase into a cylindrical sausage of 50mm across and 60mm or so long, retained in a coarse, mesh stocking. Make sure that there are no additives. Some of us in the NZKA use this with our fish of choice. Alan 104
  2. Alan

    White Slugs?

    They sound like they may be planarians or maybe leeches. Alan 104
  3. Alan

    White Slugs?

    How big are we talking?? Alan 104
  4. XYYY, Warick said It's all there. So you have an hour to wait. Alan 104
  5. That was why I asked the question. Premature birth. Get another, but smaller tank than your main aquarium and use that. Have it set up with the same conditions as your main tank and have riccia and java moss in it for fry cover. The plant also produces infusorians for the fry to eat. Alan 104
  6. What age and gender are they?? Alan 104
  7. Ahoy there Land-lubber welcome to the site. If you have a look around you'll see that there is a fish club in Hammies, I'm sure they'd welcome you along to their meetings. Some of the smartest breeders are in that club, IMO. No I don't belong to it. lol We go to the chat room most nights at about 9.00pm and talk about anything, sometimes we even talk about fishy things, why not call in and intro yourself. Alan 104
  8. No the whole base doesn't need UG-filtration. That will make the plant guys happy any way. I plant above my UF-plates and don't have probs with my plants, theory is, as far as I'm concerned, is that that is where the most nutrients are, and also in the water column itself. Also the deepest gravel. Alan 104
  9. Just had a bright idea Aquanut, try giving EJ a ring and see if he wants to sell his airpump, he's closed down his room I think. Alan 104 ps u no my fone # 4 the bbq date. Al
  10. Do you move her to a breeding trap for the birthing?? Alan 104
  11. It is okay to put a link here for the swords. Alan 104
  12. Save $$s and do it yourself. I use a small emery stone called a spit stone, used for honing axes.Just need to take of that sharp slicing edge. Alan 104
  13. What sort of fish are they Luda?? Alan 104
  14. Alan

    platty with tb

    First step in a case like this is to put it into quarantine away from the other fish, but using the same water parameters as the tank it is from. Then keep an eye on the others, especially if you got others from the same tank. Alan 104
  15. Brings back memories of what they called "the Guppy Plague" we had several years ago. It got so bad that the wholesalers could not afford to import them due to the huge losses. In fact, one wholesaler bought all my guppies from me, at a pretty good price too, to keep his customers happy. They were just wild coloured too. Maybe the wholesalers will have to get away from the Asian market and try the States. Alan 104
  16. It is with regret that I have to say I will not be in attendance with you all that are going to Conference this weekend. First it was on, then off, then I thought that we , a friend and I would be able to make it, but due to family circumstances, he can't go so I won't be there. Thankyou to Stu for the offer of the billet for the wekend, I was looking forward to that. Also I will miss the chance to meet my new cyber buddies and buddess' that I've spent time with thru this forum. I'll miss renewing old aquaintances and making new ones. Most of all tho I think, I'll miss not being able to touch base with all my friends in the NZKA that will be there. KKK. Good luck, hope the weather holds out for you all the best Kapi Mana in your efforts, and all those travelling, take care. Don't know who will take on the arguing for things, but who ever it is, remember, it is normally all forgotten after the Con photos are taken. Catch ya some time later. Alan 104
  17. Yes PJ, depending on their gender of course, that size will breed, well, they have for me any way. I have a pair here at that size, that lay approx. monthly, but so far they have not got past their eating egg stage or their eggs fungusing for me. But I see last night that they were getting defensive of their piece of slate. So I'm expecting eggs this morning when I go out and turn on the lights. Alan 104
  18. Argumentative Chim????????? Alan 104
  19. Agree there Alan. Wet worms are woeful. Damp worms are delicious. Plastic is US in my view, mine are in an old washing machine bowl with about 150mm of mix in the bottom and I don't know how many million worms. Absolutely LUVE luncheon. Alan 104
  20. Alan

    Newbe to site

    I'll kick it off then M. Welcome to the site, hope you find heaps in here as far as info go and friends too of course. Good luck with the remainder of the fish you have and be ready to have more tanks start popping up around your house, they just seem to come frome no where. Alan 104
  21. Alan


    Do we have to explain you and your reactions to the loaches, the snails or just you your self Jude. Somany things to contemplate. Hope WOK doesn't see this, I'm sure he'll answer all of the above. Alan 104
  22. What reason do you want stronger light for, they are rather insignificant until they gain some size. I personally would be trying to keep the light down by having indian fern floating in the tank. This will help with the feeding of them between their BBS munch out. As an a side. Bryan was a valued member of the NZKA and was a fantastic fishbreeder with his fishroom as a room under the house of his garage, with windows facing north and west, he was able to use daylight as his light source. He supplied a shop locally with cardnial tetras and several species of killies as well as other fish as well. He had absolutely superb angel fish as well. He gave up this when the shop he supplied, expected to get them at prices that would have been 20 years old , but was always keen to show visiting aquarist around, and not shy of telling and explaining about his fish and system used. Closed down now, and from what I've heard shifted from his house. I don't now what his situation is now though. I for one, miss the visits, coffees and beers shared with him and his wife. Alan 104
  23. Alan


    I was just replying to your original request. Not many ppl recognise pacus as tetras. Mine never ate a single fish all the time I had them, and that was about five years. I cooked them the other day, 47oC. Alan 104
  24. Alan


    You missed the best one out. PACU Alan 104
  25. The weight of the glass will do the horizontal joints. I have heard of ppl using matchsticks for packing and then removing them after the glue has set the filling the little gap. The sides are just squeezed together to exude any air bubbles from the joint. Being black, I'd be very inclined to use masking tape up the edges of the joints. At least with clear, it is not so visual. If you are doing the job yourself, plan first or get aid from someone that knows what they are doing, and tip-of-the-day. DON'T BE MEAN WITH LAYING ON THE GLUE Alan 104
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