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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Shae, check back on those fish and you'll maybe notice three are anabantids. :roll: That rule of size per gallon or litre went out when Noah was keeping fish from disappearing when the great flood hit. That must have been to global warming come to think of it too. mmmmmmmmmmmm Maybe I'd increase my schools higher, or, maybe get me a pair of bleeding hearts. Alan 104
  2. Gee Phillz, I was joking about those oscars and pacus. The others are fine tho. Keep away from those common plecos, they outgrow most tanks, and become a blasted nuisance. Stick with the bristlenose varieties for my money. Alan 104
  3. Gee Phillz, you have room in that tank for a pair of oscars and half a dozen red belly pacus, as well as what other suggestions you said. No sweat at all. Alan 104
  4. Shae, I'd be quite happy to stock it up to what I suggest,prolly even go more. Alan 104
  5. Males have better colors, better fins, and are slimmer than the females. The females lay the eggs too. Alan 104
  6. Alan

    Madgasia Rainbow

    Try this link for information on this lovely rainbow and increase you search from there. Your spelling was wrong. Madagascan rainbow or Bedotia geayi. http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/other ... ainbow.htm Alan 104
  7. The honey gourami belong to the Colias Family of Gouramis Some of which follow with their common name C. fasciata - Indian or Giant gourami (don't confuse with the Osphronemus goramy - Giant goramy {or gourami}). C. labiosa - Thicklip gourami C. lalia - Dwarf gourami C. sota - Honey dwarf gourami. So as you can see there is a nice range of that famly to tempt most breeders. Shame it is so hard to get them in their natural colours any more. Alan 104
  8. Why not just turn off the filtration, stir up the gravel on the bottom with your fingers, let it settle, then you only have to vaccum off the top of the gravel. Don't forget to turn on the filter when you've topped up the water. Alan 104
  9. Don't add any more species, but increase your neons and harliquins to 6 to 8 for schooling of these fish. Alan 104
  10. Shae, build a room in the garage, there is no need for a permit to do that. Don't be scared of over-insulating, I don't think there is such a thing. But you sure as anything under-insulate. On the floor use polystyrene sheets covered with ply. Cut out any drafts, and keep your lighting to a minimum, unless you have planted tanks. Heating is done with thermostacially controlled electric fan heater, with any tank that needs more temperature to have a heater-stat in it. Plan, plan, plan, before you do anything, and allow room for bending down to work on bottom tanks. Also allow ample room for netting fish, and lights (if they are used) above the tanks. Been there, done that. Alan 104
  11. Is there not a requirement that in case of a major spill, (the lot fall over) all water must be contained within the premises. I too have considered a q. station here. That was one of my problems with the earthquakes here, but the other problem was the distance from international airport and also the distance, (Rotorua or Tauranga) for the vets to travel IE. Time plus travel = large costs. Alan 104
  12. Chim, if ya still keen on getting mangrove seeds, have a look at the hi tide mark around the bays where mangrove are growing. You'll see green "seeds" about the size and shape of a broad bean. That's them Alan 104
  13. How do you sterilize your "contaminated water"? This can be expensive. Alan 104
  14. Alan


    It wouldn't be at any rate. Only down to the chain above the mean high-water mark. Alan 104
  15. That looks awfully like a wandering jew, a real pest in the garden. Like most, or should I say some plants sold in LFS, it is a terrrestial plant, may grow in water, but not an aquatic. Next time you visit, get the name, write it down, then go and suss it out on the puta. Also have a look at the links of the home page here, I'm sure there is an E-book (?) of the FNZAS plant book. Good for letting you see what is available in NZ. Also look for the link to "Paul's Plants", an NZer that's is a member of this forum. Wish I knew what he's forgotten. Alan 104
  16. Alan


    Don't talk too loud. There's a legal size limit on flounder. Dum-De-Doo Dum-De-Day :roll: Alan 104
  17. Alan

    sick gourami

    Was the tank cycled properly. Sounds like ammonia poisoning to me Alan 104
  18. BG has a starter pack for only $8.00. I'm sure someone mentioned that before somewhere. Lives out Papakura way. But travels into town. Ya'll know for next time. Alan 104
  19. shiuh, how much did the starter cost you? Did you get it from your LFS?? Alan 104
  20. I think that you have the nationality of your sucking cats mixed up. It is the Chinese sucker not the Siamese sucker that is the aggressive, non-algae eating culprit. Alan 104
  21. Alan

    silly queston?

    It means the lid on your container needs taking to the doctor. Well, :roll: That's how it is pronounced anyway. It's just a designated name for a classification of a family of fish. Some C are suitable as community fish, but choose their tank mates carefully. Research the ones you see in the LFS, and would like; on the puta. Lots of these grow to a ridiculously huge fish, and also viscious-as, so buyer beware, otherwise you'll be needing new tanks quickly. What is the special thing? MMMMMMMM I think it is the shapes, colouration, behaviour, and probablyy most of all, their various breeding behaviours, and different techniques. The main one I think is the mouth-brooders, absolutely amazing. Especially for first-timers. Are there special "things" required. Well yes, pH in my mind, a lot come under the acid side of it, but there are also a lot on the alkaline side, with these in mind of course comes the softness or hardness of the water. Once again, do your research before you buy. Your final part about a "silly question". The only silly question is your question that you don't ask! ! :roll: Are you in an area where there is a fish-club. If so, join it, they, I'm sure will be able to keep an eye on what you are doing and help you thru various problems that arise in lots of cases. Alan 104
  22. Alan

    b/n eggs

    Especially if they have bag-pipes. Alan 104 oh yes, good one Steve. Have some blanched zuchinni ready or mashed up boiled peas. DON'T feed until they are free swimming tho Al
  23. Seahorse Farm = Money Out in the wild = Fun Result = new fish for your tank and sunburnt kids, with a memory that they wont forget for the rest of their lives. Alan 104
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