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Everything posted by Loopy

  1. Spring cleaning!! Septembers Meeting will be a Garage sale FISH style! Sunday 7th September. Details are still being confimed so watch this space! In the mean time you can all go and dig out all your fish gear to sell and possibly other items of interest (but don't get TOO carried away )
  2. the Club meetings are hosted at a different members home each month to keep fees down (no hall hire costs) and to encourage and meet new people and see their tanks. Usually someone will put their hand up to host. We all bring a plate for a pot luck tea and have a very relaxed and social evening. lots of talk of fish and a bit of off topic chatter too Congrats on your angel breeding success! I have a bit of a fetish for angels myself so i can understand your enthusiasm for them. They are really wonderful to keep.
  3. You are in a very fish friendly part of the country! Welcome to the forums! There is a club in Chch which has monthly meetings where you can let out all your pent up fishy excitement. (well there are 2 clubs in Chch but i have to show where my loyalty lies:wink: ) We have outtings and are possibly looking at having a fish themed garage sale next meeting. Anyone is welcome to come along and new members are always a pleasure to meet! Tis a good place to talk about your fish without friends or family contemplating locking you up for being obsessed with fish. This is what we got up to last meeting HERE Keep an eye out for details of our next meeting.
  4. Memoirs of a Geisha and Pan's Labyrinth
  5. Chch TT has their meetings on the first saturday afternoon of each month. We would love to have you along sometime!
  6. Loopy

    Naughty Juju

    hmmm.....ok that answers that question... Chances are slim to nil loachy deaded :evil: BAD Juju
  7. Loopy

    Naughty Juju

    umm... what are the chances of a horse face loach surviving severe head trauma? Juju musta got hold of him and gave him a bite just behind the eye. :evil: He looks pretty sad. and a bit mushed. Still breathing but is lethargic and rests wonky. I am annoyed as i thought i had out witted her by getting a fish that hids, burrows, and moves like lightening.... must have just seemed like a game to her. Got him in a trap at the mo to monitor and give him some peace.
  8. or have they managed to master the art of teleportation?? I shall keep an eye out for leopardfish in my tanks now too :lol: creepy!
  9. come and get one of the bits i have here. I have a couple of really big bits that are just sitting here. i dunno if they will sink or float but you can but try
  10. Thank you for your offer AMAZONIAN. I think most of our members would agree that Nelson is a bit too far out of our way this time Although the thought of extra biscuits is very tempting. I have not bred from the angels as the deal was that i was not going to.They will grow out to be displayed in the monster tank once it gets set up. At the moment they are in our tank growing out very nicely and making fat little pigs of themselves.
  11. soap and fish probably were not together long enough to cause any real trouble.
  12. oh and we have been tentativly offered a behind the scenes peek at one of the local fish shops!! Yet to be confirmed but still exciting!
  13. Loopy

    Just saying hi.

    Howdy NEIGHBOUR!! :bounce: I hail from Hornby too!! Great to see you here. I guess this is the point where i do the compulsory club promotion?? I am the loopy-in-charge of the local aquarium club Totally Tanked. OUr next meeting is a tank crawl which will be a great chance to get some inspiration and a chance to gawk at other peoples tanks. Keep up to date with the details HERE
  14. They did that yesterday (Seriously! :evil: ) fish seem fine
  15. Let kids put cakes of soap in your fish tank!!! You will never have a problem! Easy!! Dunno why i didn't think of it!!! :roll: Fish seem fine so far
  16. 20 tiger barbs and a giant gourami together no problem
  17. Loopy

    aqua day

    And where are your pics??? Huh? Ilove looking at bettas! * needs smilie with little hands on hips ,taping foot*
  18. i found about 6 celebes rainbow fish fry in a tank once. had a tank that had wcmm fry in it and i chucked a handful of java moss from the tank that had a pair of celebes in it. didn't notice anything until i realised a couple of the "minnow" fry swam weird. They died when i seperated the to another tank.
  19. Loopy

    aqua day

    :bounce: Wow what a funky colour! Very nice wee fish. Congrats
  20. Loopy

    aqua day

    yep i tried that too.... :oops: *must really learn to use the preview function more* :roll:
  21. Loopy

    aqua day

    yep i tried that too.... :oops:
  22. Loopy

    aqua day

    aww jeez.....you really had me going!! So.........piccy?
  23. Loopy

    aqua day

    oops silly me for assuming :oops: I didn't think there were any other types of fish that were refered to as "crowntails" :-? i guess that is even assuming it IS a fish?? Go on please put me outta my misery, i wanna know whatcha got!
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