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Everything posted by misnoma

  1. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&safe=off&q=malawi+tank&spell=1 good start anyhows
  2. misnoma

    Danio nightmare

    With cichlids that size, it probably wouldn't be too long before it "magically" disappeared
  3. misnoma


    That would be up to you - no?
  4. I'm well impressed... I had been wanting something like this in NZ ever since I started keeping fish.. and the day I stumbled apon this site was definitely a good one There's so much information on the net, however to get real-world information/opinions from people in the same country with similar setups tends to inspire more confidence etc. That and the couple of people I've met in person through this site have been fantastic Thanks Cees - this site/forum is excellent and I'm well glad I stumbled across it
  5. misnoma


    I guess it depends how predatory you want to go, or if you're just looking for more agressive fish. For that size tank you really want fish that aren't going to grow much beyond 100mm, even that will be big for that tank. If you're just looking for agressive fish, perhaps a pair of convicts () or even some jewels are always fun (although it's debatable on their agression - seems to vary by person). Anything oscar/arowana will outgrow that tank within a month or three max.. believe me, they grow fast Personally if you're wanting a tank with predators - I think you may need to look to a bigger tank - there's just not enough real estate in a <100L tank to let the fish find their own place and get space if needed. just my $0.02 anyhows (I keep oscars/jewels/convicts/etc etc in a large tank - I like my carnivores )
  6. *sigh* an update on this story unfortunately.. I'm over in Perth for the week and got a phone call this morning.. apparently Eustace the oscar was in a greedy mood again and got himself another convict. This time sadly he managed to (seemingly) choke himself on it, and was found dead this morning greed - definitely one of the seven deadly sins
  7. I've had this guy for about three weeks now.. and have hardly seen him unless the lights were off - and even then for no more than about 10 secs at a time before he rocked back to his cave. However, in the last week he's been out and about most of the day/night (finally settled in I guess ) so I managed to get a picture of him (assuming on the him - I wouldn't have a clue )
  8. I'm either really crap at maths, but that doesn't seem to add up to 2000 litres? or did you mean 200?
  9. Heh... speaking of convict fry... I just randomly found one still alive in my main tank (with convicts/oscars).. he's huge! - easily twice as big as the other fry in their seperate tank... I'm more than impressed that he survived.. he'll be a tough cookie I get the feeling I'm a bit under-generous with the other fry though.. might have to feed them more often (as much as they seem happy as)
  10. actually.. scrap that reply.. this isn't a discussion about cycle
  11. The other thing I've found lately is if your water is anything much other than clear (mine's a bit yellowish due to a newish piece of bogwood) it'll confuse the hell out of the camera - although this can create some entertaining effects (the direct flash would have effected this as well)
  12. I have a sony DSC-F828 which I find takes pretty nice pics (you'd hope so though given the price ). planning to get an external flash for it though, as taking pics of fish with a flash pointing straight at them doesn't tend to come out so well - not to mention I'm pretty sure the fish don't like it too much.
  13. You don't keep convicts??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. I would use 21mm for the uprights on either side, 18mm for the bottom/back and top. I have an aqua one 470L tank here and the stand that comes with it uses that mix of wood basically. I'm also about to build a stand for a 4ft tank
  15. for the cost of a sheet of customwood to sit between the stand and the sheet of polystyrene (maybe $20-$30max for 18mm) I would get a sheet - keeps things looking tidier imo
  16. Right.. so I've now got a 4ft tank free (woohoo!) which my flatmate wants to plant to death, and put his fish from his 2ft tank into, which seems like a good idea to me (angels/tetras/pleco basically). So.. given the idea is to make this tank look primo, and have plants growing etc etc etc.. what should I be using as substrate in the tank?
  17. misnoma

    Good Shop Today

    Nearly all my fish have come from Hollywood Albany... never paid for a polystyrene container yet - although they do keep mentioning they're supposed to charge for em
  18. Heh.. must be the time for it I came home from town this morning to find blinky the pleco (about 25cm) sitting on the carpet. I was sure he would be dead.. carpet was dry, pleco was dry, picked him up and put him back in the tank just in case.. as soon as he hit the water he swam off happily as if nothing had happened... Talk about the pleco that just won't die - I'm stunned, he must have jumped hard enough to lift the acrylic lid off the tank and all... sightseeing taken to a new level
  19. I have one that is ~12cm long and still has his stripes - I'll try and get pics sometime but he spends a heap of time in his wee cave under the driftwood. Although when he comes out he seems to have no fear (tank with oscars and convicts), and even innocently tries to nibble on the oscars whenever I see him out
  20. Heh... well if that was his plan, he failed dismally seems the balance of power in the tank has definitely changed.. the other three convicts are a whole lot more respectfull now as well hehe
  21. I'm just waiting to see what happens now.. the other oscar (the bigger tiger one) is currently swimming around checking out the other convicts as if he's thinking "hmm, wonder if I should join the fun". Plenty of hiding places in the tank though, so if they're sensible they'll be fine. I'm guessing the victim literally swam full-speed into waiting mouth
  22. Oscar is about 4.5", convict was about 1.5" even though I had removed all the fry out of the main tank the father just wouldn't leave the oscar alone. Up till now the oscar had been a real wimp, just running away every time the convict challenged him. Seems something snapped.
  23. Okay.. so I wander out of the shower, go to have a look at the tank, and out comes one of my oscars from behind the driftwood looking all innocent, closely followed by the other oscar. pffft innocent... seems Dad convict chased just a little too hard this time, and met the open mouth of Oscar.. Luckily they spawned a week or so ago, so we have spares
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