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Everything posted by henward

  1. henward

    new to killies

    wasnt sure just a thought
  2. henward

    new to killies

    hi there im new to these guys i have a 4 foot tank, community. in side is as follows - leopard ctenopoma leopard synodontis peakock eel clwon pleco 2 clown loaches pictus cat question: 1: would killies be ok ith this bunch if so how much can i put in there. can i put 3 to 4 killies? are killies aggressive? or just really quite timid?
  3. same problem here i coudlnt think of anything Track down a jardinii, they are not as much of jumpers as silvers i find my one has not jumped EVER! my silver jumpd about 100 times in one day for the first day, or just splash out and get that 1800 golden aro on trade me haha if you get the aro, youc an put 3 to 5 cm of gap and not fill up the tank so much so when they jump they can do it with less risk
  4. in nature these guys dont go on the kate moss these guys will eat anythin they find ims ure they will be ok but its funny how they get a bump though my ones are sometimes like that
  5. another jardinii is tempting but, i already hvae one:P sorry mark looks nice though my one is a fatty lol that one looks it and slender my one is very thick in girth..if i can mix them i would get it but i would need to make sure that you would take it back if they fight:P arowana: I had red bellied pacus ones it grew to more than 58 cms mouth to tail it ate alot! i mean, everything. in the tank it ate the glass heater which electricuted me. It ate the edges of the tank. it chewed driftwood. worst of all, it ate a 1 foot pleco and literally ate its entire head off. the next morningi found it with its mouth shredded..... but it didnt stop it from eating the smaller pleco while its mouth was injured... i loved that fish!!BUT TOO BIG! one day i will buy a huge huge water tank and keep it in there lol
  6. there is a wonderful royal pleco, only 96 dollars. and doesnt get big at albany hff. or some clown panaque at hff mt roskill, those are 130 though
  7. ill get her topick but i might add more loaches
  8. Yay 4 foot tank community tank 1x leopard c'poma 1x peackock eel (cool spots on the tail0 1x pictus 1x clown pleco 2x clown loach adding either 3 or 4 more. my girlfriend has 3 to 4 of her choices of fish providing they can live with these:) she wanted pretty colourful cute ones she says lol
  9. can you put 2 or 3 of these in one tank? or will they fight each other in adulthood?
  10. so the vote is that skimmer is a must ok fair enough now, how bout this does the skimmer make the water clear? ro does it remove dissolved toxins and impurities o nly? i mean on my filter, canister filter, i have 5 trays currently i have one layer bio rocks and all others are wool do i need that much wool with a skimmer? or can i have maybe the other way around, most of it bio rocks media and one layer wool? does the skimmer actually remove particles that float around like fish shi t ? or is that the filterwools job?
  11. but it looks like the most practical and easiest way is a skimmner though a hang on one is 400 dollars:S might be easier to buy a new tank or just drill a hole and make an over flow but then you still hve to buy a skimmer
  12. ok i see so basically skimmers are good cos it does give you that ability to take the waste out leaving the water cleaner, same as water changes, but.... no water changes just the actual crap coming out. ok i understand, so not neccesary but good to have, and wiht out it one must endure plenty of water changes. ok cool i get it thanks
  13. ok i see, so wiht out a skimmer, the only trade off is frequent water changes. so wiht a skimmer - in essence, it buys you time to not do water changes. so lets say without a skimmer, do a water change ever week with a skimmer under completely identical factors, say every 2 weeks? 3 weeks?
  14. ok so bad mix huh so what can i mix with these fish very intersting fish looks cool and has a big mouth:D eels? pictus cats? whiptail? pleco? bichir? synos? wat cna i mix with these fish? i have a big tank, 4 foot by 1.5 foot by 2.5 to 3 foot in height.
  15. can i mix leopar ctenopoma and borneo tigers?
  16. you know, i look at thediet of my jardinii, freshwater carnivore, lots of meat for this baby. say i had one fish, same size tank. one is tropical freshwater wiht a dient of shrimps. the other was tropical saltwater. diet of the same shrimp. fed exactly the same and same amount. why is that i would need a skimmer for saltwater? everyone so far has told me that i nee a skimmr. pet shp said its not absolutely neccesary. i will put no coral and fancy stuff, just one fish. hey said it should be ok. cos they have tanks with no skimmer tats salt water and they can succesfully put animls in there.. why is it that i need a skimmer. when freshwater doesnt need it. is it because of the salt water? all i want in there are a crap load of coral rock for bacteria infestation. and maybe one salt water puffer fish
  17. can i mix a leopard ctenopoma wiht borneo tigers? plenty of plants and hidy places no problems.
  18. .............. just wondering ...cough.... 8) they are quite nice i like them might keep them on my maybe list anything else?
  19. already have bichir hoplos they look interesting, a cat fish right? do they grow big and are they aggressive? i have this fetish for aggressive fish, ones that either chompstuff o swallow large chunks of meat and flesh. dont ask e why, watching them eat like that soothes me:D and i lik ewatching animals hunt
  20. yes, already cycled and set up ready to go im looking for large fish im wondering who has large catfish around or any other large fish that are nasty i am looking for ideas
  21. I have an empty 4 foot right now. dont know what to put in. looking for large puffers freshwater. but obviously thats a long shot. any ideas? agressive catfish? any aggressive unusual fish i can chuck in here? large catfish? how fast do boneo tigers grow?
  22. HFF is currently having aqua1 bio rocks , cheap! i filed upa tray on my jebo 1200lph tray with one container. 12 bux i think if i remember correctly. i say put 4 trays of bio media, not bio balls but ceramic or the rocks or scoria pummice etc, and one wiht fine polyester filter wool for fine particles to make your tank exremely clear. all my tanks or meat eater tanks and water is perfect. plenty of bioballs. my jardini tank has almost 7 kilos worth of total bio media. im obsessed with them:D i have only used carbon for removing medication. i hvae never used it. should i?
  23. sounds like a pain in the buttocks ok ill hvae too reconsider
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