you know, i look at thediet of my jardinii, freshwater carnivore, lots of meat for this baby.
say i had one fish, same size tank. one is tropical freshwater wiht a dient of shrimps.
the other was tropical saltwater. diet of the same shrimp. fed exactly the same and same amount.
why is that i would need a skimmer for saltwater?
everyone so far has told me that i nee a skimmr.
pet shp said its not absolutely neccesary. i will put no coral and fancy stuff, just one fish.
hey said it should be ok. cos they have tanks with no skimmer tats salt water and they can succesfully put animls in there..
why is it that i need a skimmer. when freshwater doesnt need it. is it because of the salt water?
all i want in there are a crap load of coral rock for bacteria infestation. and maybe one salt water puffer fish