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Everything posted by dan_from_nz

  1. wow there so realistice :lol:
  2. I am looking for a system to filter water to get it clean enough for fresh water fish, i have read that ro water can strip fish of nutrients and can cause hith disease on discus is there a sudgested system that anyone knows of that gets it relatively pure but not to pure also needs to do large quantities like 20l every 5-10 mins any help apreciated thanks alot daniel
  3. dan_from_nz


    yes New Zealand is exactly the same as australia. good luck with the shipping, if you are moving a whole house it would be most efficient to organise a 20' container through a freight forwarder and load it yourself so you know it is all secure. i co-drove in the rally of canberra this year to ship a 20' container cost us around $5,000-$7000 including internal freight have fun in nz and on this site daniel
  4. jbl do a product (although a little deer) that adds salts to your tank to set it up specifically for the african lake cichlids if you go to your closest lfs that sells jbl products they will be able to get it in good luck Daniel
  5. I have a freind that flys all over the world looking after the electrical systems for airports and thought as he has some good connections is it worth trying to get cheeper mh lighting balasts and vho balasts for my (currently non-existant) tank or does it just cost in the long run? is it true a cheep balast running the same bulb will not put out as true or full spectrum of light and also reduce the life of the bulb? thanks Daniel
  6. that would work also, another tip if you are trying to seperate larger fish from getting together is to use old suction cups with heater holder clips on from blown heaters to hold the wall up securely (or you can use airline suction holders)
  7. yeah i made my one out of fiberglass fly screen mesh it worked quite well, for the frame i used venetian blind tilt rod (just a thin steel rod) it didnt rust but i didn't use it for too long
  8. dan_from_nz


    redwoods in chch has a web site not sure of it though, a 4 foot tank is worth about anywhere between $200ish (tank only 2nd hand) to $2000 (tank and cabanit with light and filter etc) regards, daniel
  9. they look fine to me, as they are not well known it is hard to determin what the reliabilaty would be like, and being low flow if you replace the sponge they come with with another filter material you may find that it almost has no flow but if it just to be used untill you can afford somthing better that price isnt too bad
  10. dan_from_nz

    wet pets

    i'm going in tomorrow so ill ask peter, could have been a customer putting somthing in there people can be pretty stupid when they want to
  11. because you are using old tank water that should be enough to cycle it a little but if it is going to be relatively heavely stocked then i would properly cycle it (although bear in mind with no filter you don't have many surfaces for the bacteria
  12. looks quite good, although if you only have 20% going through your fuge wont that give to little flow?
  13. dan_from_nz

    wet pets

    that sucks, i was in last week and saw them putting a couple new fish in there from another tank seems strange. although that red tail cat was over 14 years old (although not the orriginal one) that is a long time to be kept in captivity
  14. i agree with the breeding trap thing, i made my own breeding trap that was a good system (there are photo's of it at the link in my signature) although with guppies they breed that fast you really don't need to worrie about encouraging them to breed
  15. should the rate be measured in velocity the water is treveling at or turnover rate or is it as pies said insignificant in respect to the high velocity of the sea water the reason i ask is i am considering having a large sump with a cover over it to act as a step to get up to the display tank making the sump about 2 times the volume of the display tank and i assume keeping things alot more stable and in theory working as a much more natural eco system (the ocean is massively vast with only a small ralative volume for reefs
  16. how do glass blowers heat glass up without it cracking? surely you could use some sort of oxy accetelene cutting bit to get a nice fast cut. or a laser that has a spectrum designed to cut glass (maybe impossable as the laser would go straight through)
  17. the anenome will move to where it is comfortable try moving a power head or water flow device so that it is comfortable where you want it (easier said than done i know)
  18. i know this question is very dependant on what you have in the tank and is roughly 10 to 20 times the tank volume, but is there any rule of thumb as to how that is allocated ie. x times through closed loops, x times through sump, x times through wave maker etc? regards, Daniel
  19. to the lfs that gives out good advice :lol:
  20. dan_from_nz

    white spot

    as kim said white spot comes from stress if the temp drops in any way the fish can get shimmers (i think that is what it is called) this is where the fish sit in one spot rather than swim around and they just shimmer this is a sure warning sign that whitespot could come next if you can work out what needs changing (in this case temp) and change at this point you don't need to add any medications
  21. very well put and never said often enough, prevention is the best medicin
  22. no worries about the offer always happy to help another fish keeper out. congratualtions on the new tank addition hope things are working out better for you now
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