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Everything posted by livebearer_breeder

  1. My bettas keep spawning but i only manage to get 4-10 fry to survive everytime atm. The nests get massively full, the fry seem to live until around a week after they are able to eat microworms and then they just die off 1 or 2 everyday until eventually i only have a few left that hit the grow out tanks. Any tricks out there? I use indian almond leaf in all my betta tanks and the fry tanks are barebottom with moss. They get there first water change at around 12 days and a day or two after that start dying off slowly.
  2. Yeah weve been covering things like that, hes never had flees and ive constantly treated him with the same brand and quantity and it would have caused a reaction on the skin there sooner or later on his neck according to the vet, where as all his chewing and discomfort is his backside/tail/general back end atm. Yeah we will see how we go over the next few weeks, ill continue to feed him what causes him the least distress and continue with these salt water treatments and hopefully he will pick up, otherwise im just not sure. No doubt i will love this place! so sick of moving fishtanks though!
  3. German Blue and Electric Blue Rams!! Ive got around 40 young from a spawn from a while ago, the parents were 1x German and 1x Electric, anyone had this before? will they be fertile? around 40% of them have coloured up full electric blue so far
  4. Like i said, i live in a concrete jungle, so i really could not consider subjecting another small furry life to this kind of living, i really hate it myself, the city causes me anxiety and makes me feel like im choking which im sure in a way translates to him, we are very close. A little light at the end of the tunnel, ive managed to find and fill in the last 2 weeks a large lifestyle home 15mins outside the city, 100 acres. My expenses are going to get quite high but hopefully the saving grace will be the room and happyness of my boy and on the bright side i get an ensuite, private deck, spa and horses. His skin seems to be doing alot better since going to the beach every night but he certainly is not very smart, eats a lot of seawater and then spends the next hour throwing it up happily. He seems in high spirits atm but still does not look like his usual adorable self. Yes i have had him on meat only diets which was redic $$ and then expensive hypoallergenic foods which was also redic $$ already had 5 vet visits this year and have purchased everything the vet could possibly think of. Really the only food that he doesn't react badly too or get diarrhea from is purina large breed, just a basic supermarket brand and i supplement that with butcher cut offs and large bones and knuckles for him to chew on i also have small chewable dog supplements for his hair and health which have made whats left of his coat lovely. This combo seems to cause him no gastro stress and pick up-able secretions. Everything else, including the main stream "high qaulity" brands end up creating a lot of smelly nasty mess. Having a dog eh.
  5. If you are approved a permit i believe DOC then gives you a list of approved breeders you are able to legally purchase captive bred livestock from.
  6. If its any of the same 3 breeders of killies from down south, they will not sell you eggs.
  7. whats your opinion on the 24w ones?
  8. Hey guys, since moving into the city with my pup from palmy our lifestyle change has been quite rough on him. He used to have a lot of space and land and local places to play and wonder, never got sick or had any eating issues, now living central city wellington for work and study, he is stuck in a small concrete jungle, the local greenery has caused his skin a lot of trouble, its been almost a year and thousands of dollars, from homeopathic remedies to hypoallergenic foods to emergency vet visits, insane online animal remedy purchases and full shaves and steriodal creams and now to the beach every night for a salt water bath but nothing has helped and slowly he has just got more miserable and more stressful and needing far more time and care than i can give him as a full time worker and student. He used to be the happiest dog and i always looked at him like hes my little boy but now his white under hairs are stained red from blood from his skin from nawing, hes torn huge patches of hair out of his back and bleeds and oozes constantly, his food sensitivities have sky rocketed and im at the point where im considering giving him up. Anyone have any advice for me? He is a Rotti X 3 year old non neutered male and even large sturdy head cones he has destroyed in order to get at his skin.
  9. If you insulate well the lighting and dehumidifier alone will create plenty enough heat! no need for a heater
  10. I dont think its an actual blonde, alot of my males look like that too, kind of top rust look.
  11. I would look very carefully at the way you've constructed some of those stands, ill be honest, they scare me quiet abit.
  12. I worked at animates like 8 years ago and we not once replaced someones fish.
  13. Pretty jealous! makes me want to setup something like this for my ones.
  14. hahaha :gpo2: , if you were an american, you'd be a conservative huh. "NO QUESTIONS! keep things how they are, i don't want to hear it or be challenged because i said so and that's just how it is blah blah!" And i would happily take a cuddle :thup:
  15. Where in this thread have i asked for that? enlighten me. You work for a store so of course your going to be prejudice. It would be amazing if ANY store EVER gave me ANY kind of guarantee on ANY livestock. Has never happened. So, you sir! are one of a kind and had your store been closer to mine i would perhaps consider it. I deal with people who are involved in importing and breeding and get far better prices, esp when purchasing in bulk. Got my last BOCT and girls for some leopards and $20, bet you couldn't do that.
  16. This happened to my fighters. Added one female from the store, didn't notice she was sick, spur of the moment rushed purchase, 3 days later all were dead. I should have quarantined, was my own fault, i just hadn't purchased fish from a pet store in so long, needless to say i am now reminded why i stopped dealing with stores and only deal with private breeders. $280 fish down the drain, not to mention an entire spawning. Only have one male CT and 4 females from a BOCT strain left that im hoping to cross.
  17. Danio and WCMM once adult are a very similiar size. Danio are active at the surface, where WCMM like all water levels. Danio wont have the same colour contrast of red and brown against the green. WCMM do not actively eat their fry like Danio and will readily spawn in all your moss.
  18. When you say "pure colour strains". are you referring to a guppy with a single solid colour? or are you referring to a fixed strain?
  19. you should put up your location details as this would help.
  20. Its easy to see why someone would have a problem with you considering the way your posts are articulated. You cannot say it is one thing or the other things and then belittle someone and expect a merry response. It is a combination of factors and always will be with imports! simple. DONE. What does concern me is you say you have all this experience and have been in all these industries and yet you claim quarantine facilities don't specifically cater to the species of fish they import? Another problem i have with your comparisons is you keep trying to equate things to each other that are a little finicky at the best of times. Guppys are cheaper and breed readily, actively and prolifically, than many fish, of course the death toll of these fish are going to be higher considering the species. If your going to compare a species of fish to another, compare all avenues, attributes and idiosyncrasies in order to establish true parameters. Don't just turn up and troll someone over fish!
  21. Anyone seen that footage taken down south of large black cats roaming the bush?
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