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About Ghaz

  • Birthday 04/15/1985

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    Waikanae, NZ
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    Cars, Orchids, Fish, Soccer, Computers and other stuff

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  1. yeah im on there, jus haven't been breeding for a while(lost my MG HM + spawns, and a couple dumbos + spawns when we had a quake a couply years back) so been more of a troller lately lol. the lack of decent fighters in welly area hasn't gotten me back into it till now lol.
  2. yay for the welly breeders i got this guy. have a week old spawn of about 35-40, paired with a darkish body steel blue CTx fem. could be keen on some swapsies once they've grown out
  3. closest I found was from a guy from Levin area, he puts his stuff up on TM not sure if he's on here. That was at the start of this year(march) so he'll prob post some towards the end of the year or early next, pretty sure he said he only uses his account to sell around summer when he has stock. good price and quality stock from him and knows his stuff, I ended up getting a couple from him which were born 02/01 so you may just have to wait for the next season of babies to come along and watch TM.
  4. Microrasbora erythromicron/Celestichthys erythromicron(Emerald Dwarf Rasbora), one of my favourite mini fish, but not sure if they will go with the gourami, might turn out to be food for them, mine were fine with smaller licorice gourami's CPD's are nice but find it hard to get around welly area, i know HFF usually has them for a good price and they do shipping too. bumblebee goby's(the fresh water ones) would be good for bottom dwellers, but you might find it hard to get food to them, and they may get aggressive, but if you give them room they're fine. and although its not quite Southeast Asian, think its right on the border of southeast/central, but Badis Badis or scarlet Badis are quite cool especially during breeding times, i had a small tank with Scarlet Badis, Emerald Dwarf rasboras and bumblebees, all are minifish, and got along well even during breeding in a 60L. I also had Botia striata, licorice gourami's and fighters in my central/SE Asian tank. I also used indian almond leaves and oak leaves to release tanins and i find it gives it a nicer look to the tank as well as helping the fish survive. i would also get some spiderwood and/or Mopani wood, and some Crypts, Java fern, and Rotala wallichii to keep it SEA Biotype. unsure of SEA groundcover, maybe a moss (Java moss? its SEA but personally i hate the stuff.)
  5. Same dealeo with Dragons(and fighters in general), They have a possibility to have bad genetics/faults, but some will be strong and have no/little "side effects" of having the desired traits, hence the reason to improve them and their genetics through line breeding so they are stronger. Fighters with longer tails technically wouldn't survive very well in the wild as they would be out competed for food by the faster short-fins, so in that respect, we would would only have plakat if we went by that logic.
  6. best chance of survival: Separate, lots of cover and live food, Daphnia if you can, otherwise white or blood worms, keeping water quality as good as you can. as long as he isn't a random mutation, the siblings should carry some albinism so should be good candidates to breed from. I'd keep the best looking siblings of it, cellophane's, dragon or double tails if any in there. I found DT and dragons had the highest possibility of having a suppressed albino gene in them. both your parents should have the gene, or its a random mutation, hard to tell unless more albinos' show up. then cross back to the mother or father, which ever you like better as both "should" have the albino gene. I tried mine with blue marble PK DT x dragon VT, and Blue marble PK DT x mustard HM, had a few come out with red eyes but had a lil colour and most died after 2 or 3 months. Had 1 survive to breeding age, but lost almost everything(dragons, dumbo's, and my fave - Mustards, had Dumbo mustards and oranges at 4.5 months old too which was heart breaking.) in the last lot of Welly earthquakes. 1 mustard Fem survived, so im on African Cichlids(only tank to make it) now as i can't afford to replace everything just yet as welly has the worst selection of fighters, or people are like me on don't really publish what they do lol. Alternatively, start at the top with the new Albino, and breed with what you like best, then cross the daughter/brother back, introducing new unrelated genes on 3rd gen that show strong tail type you want, then cross back again see what happens, try for a higher than normal albino ratio, then start picking out the good tail types your wanting and continue on. Note: all my personal opinion and mainly on the theory of genetics, a little on personal experience but hard to predict especially with albino blah blah blah.
  7. Congrats!!! Definitely separate it and keep an eye on it till you can breed. would be good to see if any colouration shows as it gets older but looks like it might be a true albino. What are the parents? how old are they? and will you be selling some siblings(shipped)? would be keen to try get an albino strain going, and unless it was a complete fluke of a mutation the siblings should carry a lil albinism even if its not visible, gave it a go a while ago but gave up lol.
  8. There's plenty of cichlids that don't dig stuff up. and also... MTS!! lol
  9. i use a 1" thick A4 size piece of foam(aquarium safe of course), it floats so is always on top of the water and easy to remove after filling up the tanks. also use it as a cheap divider for fighters/fry .
  10. There's that turtle haven place up north i think. think they get a bit over run with turtles sometimes though. don't think theres much down our ways, but if you need something rescued i can help lol.
  11. i wouldn't leave your house either im just over the hill lol
  12. Liked, I Hate how its a popularity contest, cos the leading tank(2nd pic in) is nothing but fake plants. TBH the only tank(s) that is your comp is the discus tank with the Java fern(which i think has the least votes), or maybe the African tanks. Moral of the story, make more friends lol. [EDIT] actually i take that back, you have twice as many friends as the leader. New moral, turn into a hot chick.
  13. Rotala, Thats been starved of good light...? I have Rotala growing in the creek in the back yard, but has good access to light so is nice and red.
  14. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4807 just asked my mate(Google) and its a bit of a mixed view. But from what i can gather they aren't really "poisonous", but rather the secretions they give off when attacked give a nasty taste, in turn the fish will not eat them and they will rot in the tank, and the rotting/excess secretions in the tank is the part that kills the fish. So going from that if ya fish likes them, they should be fine as there wont be any left overs. and eggs would be fine as they have not developed the necessary glands(right terminology?) that secrete the "poison".
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