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Everything posted by livebearer_breeder

  1. This is how you do DIY inline. Really just depends how much effort you'd like to put into it to how effective it could potentially be.
  2. If your interested in DIY i find it quite effective, there are various small changes you can make to something like this that may suite what your after.
  3. Disagree, some light like, halogen, which has a very low kelvin rating and often referred to as "dirty light" is highly unproductive for plant production an growth. Closer to the yellow spectrum is only good if you actually have plants flowering and even then i would only suggest it in conjunction with some type of daylight or blue/green spectrum leaning toward vegetating, partner lighting.
  4. My experience with the cheaper LED's listed as "white" so far is that they do tend to the yellow spectrum slightly, sitting around 6000k, which is basically daylight but more toward the flowering end of the spectrum as 6500 is best for growth IMO. I have experimented with very similar lighting and find it tends to cause algae to grow, however over my aquaponics system I have a series of white LED bulbs producing over 1800lumens each and that does well for my herbs and veges, just not great for aquatic plants. If i were you id go to bunnings and buy a Cool white 20-24watt CFB for $5 and a clip lamp for $10 and add Co2. Have had alot of success this way.
  5. Feel like selling some danval, give me your bank account number :bggrn:
  6. Biggest issue is transferring things like leeches from the wild grown plants that can attach to your fish.
  7. If you ever go snorkeling in lake waikerimuana <-- cant spell it youll find thousands of dollars worth of christmas moss and glosso, theres even ambulia. And heaps of small multicoloured triple fins, which i thought were only saltwater but apparently are purposefully released into the lake.
  8. Yeah and it doesnt seem like any breeders are having huge successes. Im also on the hunt for these, half beaks, clown killies and liquorish gouramie but wellington pet stores are rubbish tbh.
  9. 1 small male leopard fish, very hardy, can survive tropical and freezing temps, doesnt mind water fluctuations and only grow to 2m
  10. I might keep all these ones for now, sorry about not having photos up yet, just in the process of moving, once i have them settled in, should be all go.
  11. You may have already covered this somewhere, so if you have i am sorry, i am just curoius what your method is for the dry period? do you have a cut off or a flow switch?
  12. Rad, thanks a lot, so they will either be one or the other? not some kind of new hybrid colour morph mix? Pics to come, sister was not home to lend me her SLR :tears:
  13. Yeah it makes sense, Im going to try a different method with these guys after i move
  14. There is no current in the tank, it has a lid and i use microworm milk as that has sufficed for all my other fighters. 6 have survived, started with around 40. Will just keep trying i guess. Its only the really fancy types that seem to drop off like flys.
  15. You've inspired me! Thanks SamH just wanted to double check, super cheap alternative to hydro grow media
  16. that tank would look amazing fully planted out with dwarf sag, with a line of twisted val in the centre creating a kind of separated look from all angles.
  17. ill take some photos tonight, looks like 99% are either electric or germans, only have two that ive separated out that have a kind of wild colored patterning to them. Really interested to find out if they are fertile.
  18. Mine used to breed in the same tank together without smashing each other, which was nice. Heavily planted and plenty of space is the key.
  19. would pumice be a safe plant media for fish?
  20. IMO its best to leave WCMM in a species only tank with lots of moss and other plants that promote micro organisms and are easy grow or low light, hair grass is also notoriously hard to grow, feed them plenty of microworms as a staple <- this is a key, and whatever else you like (e.g flake) the microworm milk will also suffice as a food source for any hatchlings old enough to feed that you cant see. WCMM fry are very small and the parents are not often carnivorous but shrimp will certainly enjoy them. I leave mine alone except for water changes and they seem to spawn heavily when its been cold for a while and then suddenly gets very warm on a good day.
  21. You know what a big home means!!!! big tanks! yussss i miss them
  22. Yes i feed them as soon as they are free swimming tank is 15l max at a guess and the perfect size in my opinion I dont have this problem with the plakats, they seem aggressive and hardy even when young Its only my EE/HM fem and red DT male that have this trouble, but they are the prettiest! The water i add is the same water i use for all 16 of my tanks, its from a 200l plastic water reservoir so i always have water ready to go as i have alot of breeding fish and need alot of regular water changes, with a large water pump in it. literally thousands of fry from different species have lived happily using this method for the last 8 months. Ive never had this problem before and ive bred a lot of betta but this is the first time ive been able to get the fancier fin types so im thinking theres something there.
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