I personally cannot wait to see pictures... BTW im starting to fall in love with discus and am very tempted to just go and buy another tank (you would then have to find my body as i would most likely be killed by my husband~! 40 is not enough~!*joking*) if you are wanting hardy low light plants, maybe go for some different sized Anubias plants and also the java fern variants would look amazing all attached to your multi level wood. Needle leaf java, windelov, giant java fern and also java fern with the variating anubias types would look amazing - im saying they are hardy as i have them and manage to grow then well and havent killed them yet which is a BONUS! - i only flourish excel and comprehensive when i remember also Excited to see your scape, have you thought what kind of discus you want.... im learning my fav ones.. you know just in case i accidentally buy and put another tank up....