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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. thanks for the advice fay
  2. canon of fuji seem to be great camera's i dont think you'll go wrong looking at your possible choice's make sure you put up some pics of your tank when you get the camera
  3. the reserve was 80$ the fixed offer was just for al the special people asking the questions
  4. if someone where to accept that offer i think the question would be answered.
  5. Brianemone


    hope your not buying from there, their fish arent even made in a factory
  6. go on buy it. i thought that you and feelers would get a kick out of that one. i think i'll keep it for a while untill someone with a suitible tank pops up
  7. Brianemone


    yeah the cross hatch triggers are beautifull
  8. less light low flow you have them quite high at the moment
  9. its probably a few of them, so far i've been lucky and only my lps have shown any interest in spreading their love around the tank. not looking foward to when my SPS grow up and do their thing
  10. Brianemone

    New Reef Tank

    dude it looks like your dosing plutonium with the glow off that caluastrea
  11. still going i think. to bad about that purple tangs attitude problem though
  12. i got mine about a year ago from singapore. 100$ for the m1100 obviously they dont compare with the streams.
  13. i think everyone is just jealous that my one works
  14. the streams are definatly a high quality product. the seios still have their use's though
  15. arent dive bottles fairly similar in price anyway???
  16. i think that was just from slappers biting it in frustration
  17. nope, its keeping half of my tanmk bottom detritus free
  18. well i've already got a m1100 and will be getting another two streams in a year
  19. depends. how good is your skimmer?? if you think its up to skimming out all the spores before they have the chance to find a new home then you might have a chance of them not spreading. they will still thrive in good water quality unlike alot of pest algae's best bet is to try removing it without popping it second best bet is to do what i do and not worry about it
  20. I believe ross understands the situation causing the stress and he is doing his best to remedy the situation. the only thing i think he needs now is a bigger tank
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