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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. my one has been running non stop for 8 months :oops:
  2. did you get it from the beach?? most of them wont handle the high temp very well.
  3. the last pic makes it look a bit like a blue snapper :lol:
  4. sorry i couldnt help myself, some of the things on that link were very funny crabitat and nudie crabs
  5. have you examined your crabitat helifax?? :lol:
  6. most people will mix and match. the only biotope reef tank i have seen is Bombers tank
  7. Alot of tanks have great colours and fantastic corals but still dont please the eye. I remember someone posting a while ago about the guy over in italy that dosed human growth hormones and his tank had the most amazing colours i have ever seen, yet the general consensus was that it was a bit gawdy and not natural looking. So how do you strike that magical balance, which colour should be dominant and in which form? Personally im going to try and strike a more natural balance of colour and form. starting by eliminating some of the more radical colours in my tank (flouro's) and some corals that are of a colour that is already too predominant. (red surprisingly) After i have moved i will be on the hunt for some natural forms and colours but would like some input as to what that would be
  8. Jetskisteve has some aquamedic ones but i dont know if he has managed to track them down yet
  9. nice pis fay, if you havent already you should post them on RC the clown fish nuts would love those
  10. i found they like lots of wavey currentto open up properly and spred faster under a stronger light (not as strong as acro type light but almost)
  11. you dont buy live rock from the store in nz (generally speaking) you buy dead coral base rock and cycle it your self.
  12. you shouldnt have a hard time finding a powder blue tang paul, ive seen them a few times here in hamilton just give murray a call and get him to order one for you
  13. jimmy's apperance is a little deceiving, i weigh more than him, he just looks tubby because he wears his old fat clothes and he doesnt have any hair
  14. im not sure if im a towny or not but im sure i can out eat most people. living in italy streches your stomach in amazing ways
  15. speaking of food, what do you think is the best thing to get at your eatery?
  16. thats a shame. too much too soon i guess
  17. yeah i think i could do a little more if the tank was longer (have the streams going down the length of the tank) at the moment i have to bounce them off the glass and stuff. i really want lots of flow on the bottom to avoid detritus build up, and fungid arent really that happy on rocks. the blasto i think i could create a little cavern for
  18. yeah om going to change the driver on one of them but i think ill end up with four streams in the tank to give better coverage. with two i still have a lot of dead spots and its not chaotic enough with four i can do alot more on the multicontroller as well
  19. Since adding more flow to my tank i've noticed that some of the LPS corals (blastomussa' and fungids) are haveing a rough time, at the moment there is a spot in the bottom left hand side of the tank that doesnt have as much flow as the rest of the tank but this will change eventually when i upgrade on of the 6000's to a 6100 and get another 6100 as well. question is do i even attempt to find a calm spot for the blasto (the most current and light sensitive coral i have) or do i crank up the flow and only have corals etc that can handle the pace???
  20. looks like you've been plenty busy looking foward to the way the new tank progress's
  21. no thats a different type jimmy, but its not a host anemone so definatley not good for people wanting something for their clowns, ive seen fish that have nasty stings from these things as well
  22. lol, for a minute there chimera i thought you were going to put pics of your own tank up.
  23. so if someone has cancer then logically after a year or two they will develop immunity according to logic?? white spot is a parasite, i dont think it is possible to develop an immunity to parasites .
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