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Everything posted by Brianemone

  1. Yip i thought the Aquis and the atman were similair, the reason i have chosen this one over the standard aqua one filters is the combination of UV and good filter
  2. After hunting around for a good deal and finding not finding anything to compel me to buy immediatly I will be getting an Atman UV 2400 from here Will give me plenty of filtration (alot more than a smaller jebo or aquaone which i might have needed two of) and it also has a built in UV component which makes my life a little easier as I was planning on getting a UV filter anyway
  3. I could get two of the t5's over it but to be honest i would prefer halides over two t5 units as it would be more stream lined.
  4. Thats for two halides. The t5s would add to 208 (54watts per tube)
  5. your wood looks fine, I would suggest upping the water flow to that area for a start.
  6. Got a bit of a decision to make. I need lights. I need decent lights to make the plantsgrow. I dont want to go overkill I want something in a fixture that is somewhat pleasant to look at. Dont want to spend massive amounts on the lights or electricity. I can get a t5 (4x4") pendant for about 350$ which is not bad for the price but im concerned about the amount of light it will put out. I believe this comes with a stand but im not sure if it can be hung from the ceiling which I would prefer. Another option would be two 150w halides. I can get basic halides for about 400 including new bulbs, but I they wouldnt look very nice so i would then have to build an enclosure for them which would cost at least 100$ My final option is to buy two 150w halide pendants that can definatly hang from the roof and would look very nice. I think i would prefer the t5 option but only if it can be hung from the roof. My concern is the amount of light, will it be sufficient for the most demanding plants??
  7. try upping the CO2 and maybe put in a few more plants
  8. Cool, its good to see the daltons is working its charm with the plants
  9. heres another tank that i found on plantedtank.net, if i ever get another tank made i will be insisting on polished edges and no bracing
  10. Hey Crazdevil I aggree with the others, your tank is looking pretty cool. Can you give us a breakdown on the stats like substrate/filtration/CO2 etc etc A detailed write-up in the members section would be cool
  11. sorry for being nosey but which shop?? And what size tank is it reccomended for? One thing i'm not sure about is why it would have to elbows, unless you purchase the bubble counter and hte difusser seperatly
  12. Sounds like a plant that might be good for my pond
  13. Hi Jn Thanks for that post, great to hear your experiance's. It does give me a little bit more hope that I might be able to acheive something sustainable. I have alot of space and a fair amount of energy to through into it but the funds for such are project will be minimal untill the more important house projects have been paid for.
  14. That shouldnt be too hard to find in my area. Has anyone run a pond using no mechanical filtration at all??
  15. Im wondering what type of natual filtration I could use on my pond project. I would like to have a fairly sizable pond but do not want the added cost of huge pumps and electricity.
  16. I like being able to look down into the tank and so i never have lids, anyway I'm sure my son would love watering the plants with my wifes help
  17. Very good point, I guess with the heat from the lights it would need a regular watering to keep it moist.
  18. Nice, where did you get them from?? Anyway, I believe the U tube is to stradle the side of the tank and the bubble counter would be outside of the tank below the u bend. the difusser should be in an area that gets a decent amount of flow.
  19. Starting to take shape, love the pearling.
  20. I can't understand why more people don't have plants coming out of the tanks. I would love to have a peice of driftwood bigenough to have moss growing on it out of the water.
  21. Hey Peeple Just wondering if anyone knows what causes spotting on Discus. Looks sort of like pepper (heck it might even be called peppering). Also is it permanent or does it come and go.
  22. Im pretty sure this is the peice of driftwood that i'll use for my tank. The reason this one got chosen over the others i had was that it sunk fairly quickly and seems to be firmer and also it is a lighter colour so im hoping less tannins will be leached. Its a little less dramatic than i would like but i think i can do something interesting with it untill i come across something truely supuerb.
  23. why would it take so long to upload to PB??? mine usually upload pretty fast. Are you downsizing the pics before uploading or are you letting Photobucket reduce the size of the pics??
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