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Everything posted by Bilbo

  1. Keep a very close eye on it. Check to make sure the 'white' isnt slightly pink or red. Also check to see if it sticks further out when the fish is idle and moves in when the fish is swimming.
  2. Despite all that I have read about harem spawning I have more success with 1:1. In the main tank there are 5 females and 1 male. I have tried 3:1, 2:1 and 5:1 with no joy at all but 1:1 it’s easy. I am going to try 5 tanks with 1 female each and just switch the male around to see what happens. They are the fastest apisto’s to grow that I have ever had and constantly looking for food, even coming up to the surface to grab the brine shrimp or micro worms before they sink. Did a recount last night and its closer to 100 (counted 3 times and got 3 different answers but all around 95 – 99) fat little bellies swimming around. Bound to loose a few though, I will be happy to end up with 30 or even 20 from here.
  3. Finally got a successful spawning of Agassizi. About 50 - 60. Now a week old eating heaps of microworms and decap BS. Hopefully they will be quite nice as they are a cross from a beautiful Red and F1 girls
  4. Just got mine. Thanks Caryl, another great read. Next year I will have to get my $ in on time :-)
  5. I was/am planning to get there tonight. Told Ryan I would go around and I will, but last night was not fantastic for us either as I had to work late and then having sick children of our own. I have test kits and a few cans of of clean water in the car to take later this afternoon.
  6. Cockatoo's. only 4 left for first batch 6 weeks old and 20 swimming round with mother 2 weeks old. Agassizi. Just hatched on Saturday. Blue Rams. around 120 left about 2 weeks old. Bitaeniata. on eggs.
  7. I have at least 3 on my list of must haves :-) I really want Inka again as they are stunning fish elizabethae and trifasciata. There are probably others but chances of getting them are pretty slim. sp. Rio Mamor'e trifasciata etc
  8. Total confirmed list is Agassizi Bitaeniata Borellii Cacatuoides Eunotus Panduro Viejita. Thats pretty disapointing, hopefully some more will pop up. Is there any people who would be interested in them if more were avaliable?
  9. pandurini is the same as Panduro Name: A. panduro Other Names: A. sp. Pandurini; A. sp. Blue-sky; A.sp. Azur I know Hands, that is why I really want a full species list. I have owned Macmasteri and Inka and a few others but I was never serious about them. Its really sad actually that we can count 6 and maybe 7 if we count Eunotus and possibly 8 A.sp.Nanay/Melgar. I think that someone made a mistake in identifing one or the other of these so I am pretty sure that we had either Eunotus or Melgar but not both they look very similar.
  10. Thats another one thats really cool. So we can confirm 5 so far from a possible 250 identified species and 77 allowed by NZ Bio Security. I know of Panduro so thats 6. Any more out there?
  11. Does anyone in NZ still have Apistogramma Baenschi (Inka)? I havent heard any mention of them for a year or more. I know there are apisto's few about but what about A. elizabethae, A. sp RioMamore', A. eremnopyge, A.diplotaenia or A. McMasterii. Has anyone kept any of these? Make a list of Apisto's to see whats around I will start with I have at least 1 pair of each of these A. Agassizii A. bitaeniata A. borellii A. cacatuoides
  12. On Apisto forums a heap of people, myself included, got a ton of spam from other users both in PM and normal email. It turns out that emails from some members got hacked. It pays to mention that passwords should not be the same as logon names. Dont know if that applies here but some other forums it seems to be common place
  13. Caryl. Yeah we will see. Im not ready to be published yet. Olly. I use 3 diferent stones but my biggest pair have a favority stone. They use the same dumb rock even though I am forever pulling it out from under them. Fry hatched today :-) Thats another 200 odd rams on top of the 200 two week old ones. I need more space :-?
  14. I am writing an article about rams. But so far so good. seem to be doing well. Just a few flat stones.
  15. I am fortunate that I have these growing ok too but just wanted to say well done Whetu. Its really great when people here help out others
  16. It was really great to meet eveyone. Hope everyone got home safe and sound. It was a pity I couldnt get to the main tank crawl so all those who had cameras should post pics so I can see all the tanks that I missed. Hopefully a good day was had by all.
  17. Bilbo

    Blue ram???

    The females has a pink belly sometimes and slightly lower extensions on her dorsal fin. She is usually shorter and fuller. Her black spot on the side has blue spots in it and her tail is more rounded. After a look at a few it will easy to tell them apart.
  18. I have changed my plans and will be home. I dont know if anyone wants to see my tanks and I dont know if anyone is still coming to Palmy or not. I havent heard a thing about this apart from what I have read but I will be home anyway.
  19. Bilbo

    DIY tank

    Some good reading here http://www.austinglass.com.au/aquariums.html
  20. My home is aways open to whom ever wants to come over. I dont have the greatest fishroom or tanks but I make good coffee.
  21. Bilbo


    If you are talking about dwarf neon rainbow fish ,although your discription doesnt sound like it, then yes. Tons of them. Cant stop them actually. The last lot were accidently syphoned out into a bucket while doing a water change and I didnt know there were there till I almost emptied it out on the lawn. I got about 40 from that lot without really trying They are all great fish. Active and colourful and easy to breed. Just put a group of adults into a tank with lots of moss and remove them a few days later.
  22. Ok. Sounds a bit like it might be better when everyone is around. To be honest that weekend is my birthday and wedding aniversary and my wife had plans to go away. I changed it for the tank crawl (How to get into the dog box fast!) I can be home for people to come and see my tanks but I would rather be elsewhere. Let me know whats happening please.
  23. Bilbo


    The amount of water vapor the air can hold increases with temperature. Relative humidity therefore decreases with increasing temperature providing the actual amount of water vapor stays the same. Absolute humidity (The mass of water vapor in a unit volume of air. It is a measure of the actual water vapor content of the air) doesn’t change with temperature unless the RH gets over 100% Dew point is the when the air has cooled of enough for the RH to increase to 100% and saturation occurs. At this point the some of the water is released from the air and forms dew or condensation. As an example. A lounge temperature is 30c and the air is holding 30g of water per m3 if that air is cooled to 10c (by passing it through a pipe and fan into a colder area) then the same volume of air can now hold only 10g per m3, what happens to the other 20g of water? It forms dew and by doing that it decreases the amount of water in the air. Relative humidity increases but absolute humidity decreases. That is where condensation comes from.
  24. To worse!!!. Had both lots of eggs in a divided 10 ltr tank and the heater failed. Everything boiled to death.
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