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Everything posted by doch

  1. my fish love cucumber they get a slice evry day and chopped shrimp
  2. how do you guys keep your tanks so clear and clean ?
  3. as barrie says i do the same try running a tyre shop over here with 2 other tyre shops lucky to make a living just
  4. i have done water changes with nothing added fish are quite happy they love the new cold water as well
  5. i have used crushed oyster and pipi shell in my sump works well and keeps ph stable
  6. BTW ryan demisone are at it again more fry in the tank had 6 last time and noticed more little fellows again this morning but i want the peacocks and yellows to get at it
  7. did a big vacumm on mine this morning and a 30% water change all parameters are good i also use baking soda to up the ph but i also have limestome in the sump
  8. i will be down to get a supply african live on the wrong side of the coast up here for driftwood
  9. yes i have 2 x 300 watt heaters never a problem
  10. the ferry from whitianga to ferry landing only carrie's people
  11. doch

    new fish ?

    well sat down in front of the tank for an hour and just looked at it sure enough found another 4 lurking under rocks and only comming out when the big boys where not there
  12. doch

    new fish ?

    have looked in the tank this morning cant see any of my little fellow maybe he got scoffed how many babies should they produce at once ? maybe the lot have been eaten
  13. doch

    new fish ?

    yes they are there ryan have been looking at them definatly demi but they do alot of hiding (dont blame them) have put a fine net filter in the sump so i dont loose any as well
  14. doch

    new fish ?

    yes plenty of room to hide rocks driftwood shells
  15. doch

    new fish ?

    just been doing a water change and vaccum and noticed some tiny little fish swimming around very small but it looks my demisoni are breeding will keep a good eye on them
  16. doch

    rubber suckers

    have tried all the local shops some have plastic suckers with hooks on them but need ones that clamp around tube
  17. am looking for some rubber suckers like the ones on tank heaters to hold my 20mm dia spray bar to the top of my tank anyone got any ideas on where i can get them ?
  18. telecom phone at least 2 times a week to get my phones and broadband back with them no thanks i have been with ihug since year dot and am very happy with them telecom have alot to answer for now
  19. ceramic is there for its wearability s/s shafts wear very quickly
  20. never used a outside filter all my sumps and filters have been in side trickle and over flow
  21. hey ryan when you going to send me my white worms ? ineed to get this other thank going soon to get theses fish in them they are growing so fast and i will need to get more fish soon
  22. my guys love peas popped straight from the pod into the tank
  23. i feed mine the same as ryan but also plenty of cucumber and lettuce and mashed pipi
  24. i can write an article about all the things i dont know about fish keeping and all i need to know
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