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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. So those that mean the new zealand herald lied to us! I must complain!
  2. A lot of people oversea are saying it would be at 10pm today?
  3. :slfg: I have never done a sump before. So I am new in this. :rotf:
  4. Not really the best photos as I am taking it off my phone. I don't know whether or not, what I am doing is right or wrong. :slfg:
  5. :slfg: , I've learned the hard way. &c:ry . Thank for everyone feedback. :happy1: @critter_crazy: Hi-five for being noobs in planting :slfg:
  6. Lol, That why I failed my bio :tears:
  7. Thank you. Will have light on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours.
  8. Hello Everyone, When I took a long break from my 1200L tank. I bought a Juwel rio 180. I just got the tank up and running last week friday. I've always wanted to have an heavy planted tank. I have tried that before but I made a mistake by adding yoyo loaches. I have 5 Amazon Swords, 1 Tiger Lotus, 3 Dwarf and 1 random plant. I bought 2 t5 florescent bulb lights ("Daylight & White") with reflectors. I have 1 bag of Seachem Flourite and mixed it with some gravel. My lights are left on 24/7. And I add once a day Flourish Excel and Seachem Flourish Potassium. So far from my daily observation, my plants looks like they are dying as their leafs are coming darker and darker. I was wondering what I am doing wrong? Should I add one more bag of Seachem Flourite? Please share your experience and advice please. Thank you.
  9. Welcome to FNZAS I found discus are really friendly fish. I have discus with, cardinals, arowana, corys and plecos. :thup:
  10. Waiting eagerly for revelation of the spectacular VIP red Arowana.
  11. I have purchase Electronic Items over ebay, and I have never played GST. But "IF" the item is a certain is over a minimum weight. You would have to pay to get it. I bought an Alienware laptop from ebay. Only cost me $20 to get it to me. But if the Item is small. It should be fine.
  12. Got my stand builder over today, He said the stand is fine and the tank is level. ("Thank You again ronnie") Now time to move on to bigger plans. The stupid paint came off as when I was painting it started to rain, and I didn't know that the water would leak... So I patch up the gaps that were leaking but majority of the paint came out. So I might re do it. Also, Need to remove all the building glue that got accidentally rubbed off the tank. Getting the sump on wednesday, Can some one give me a list of media I would need for my sump PLZ. Hopefully everything is up and running on friday. Hopefully. Picture will be added once my tank look decent enough to be on a fish forum. lol
  13. Fail.......................... :an!gry !!!! Painted the back of my 1200L tank... And I pretty much failed at that... The left had more black then the right.... So now, I have to figure out how to even out the paint... Sorry everyone, I am not a painter....
  14. No? Lol, I accidentally broke my light fitting for my Juwel rio 180. The thing that holds the 2 lights and powers them?
  15. Sorry, Wasn't powerhead. It is the light fitting?
  16. :smot: Again. I broke my powerhead for my Juwel rio 180. Does anyone know were I could get some new ones.....
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