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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. I got 2 assignment due in tomorrow night plus an exam. Plus I've got 1 exam on tuesday. :tears: Okay guys. I think its time for me to bury myself for an SAC :digH: My girlfriend been feeding my arowana.
  2. Lol, Are we the only one havingt a discussion about arowanas? Sorry haven't been with my tank recently. Been studying hardcore >,,,
  3. What type of discus strain do you have?
  4. So can I not grow my arowana to a nice size in the 366L?
  5. My arowana is still really skinny. I don't know whether it is normal. I want to know how do I get my arowana more bulkier?
  6. Nice. My black arowana is now 45cm. He feed off Hikari stick and stuff Hikari stick prawns. I am waiting till the end of the year before adding him to the 1200L tank. I want him fully grown. I am also growing a silver arowana in a 366L tank.
  7. It could be that both discus are female?
  8. I am happy with my 2 beauti! trying to find a nice silver arowana NOW!
  9. Aww man! I wanted that arowana in the future! Look beast!
  10. What type of arowana is this one? The Dragon House gallery,(2011). Retrieved June 8th,2011,from: http://www.arowana.co.nz/gallery
  11. Would you be able to post some photos of the discus?
  12. Hahaha, Yup. I keep discus and arowana. It is actually my new project I am doing. :slfg: .
  13. Hello, Sorry for your lost. It is most likely to be Discus plague disease which is a rare nasty virus. It isn't curable as what I have read. Read the article below. http://www.aquaworldaquarium.com/Articles/TonyGriffitts/discus_plague.htm
  14. Yeah! I don't mind. I'll trade you my goldfish for the gravel lol.
  15. And I though buying 20 goldfish is a lot lol.
  16. :slfg: I read that article last night.
  17. I can help by supplying 20 goldfish lol.
  18. Anime is the best type of cartoon. I like your drawing!!!
  19. Glasses BMW or motorbike
  20. Nice! Can you draw any anime pictures?
  21. Bloodworms Warlock or Mage
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