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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. @phoenix44 - Sorry. My girlfriend account is White. @Everyone else. I went to a pet store and with my water; they said there were nothing wrong with my water. The fish died naturally. My fish died the same way as "Adrienne". My pleco looked alive but just frozen in time. It died so suddenly. I have a cave in the tank for it to hide. Before their home was driftwood in my 1st tank i started. But I was getting a new tank setup. So their temp home was the cave I got them. @DJPleco. I went to a pet store with my water; they said there was nothing wrong with my water. The fish died naturally. As for what you said - I don’t need you making crude remarks as to how I take care of my fish. I researched my fish before buying them and tried to give it the best care as I possibly can. Thank you for the tip for feeding plecos as I am thinking of getting a couple of magnum and royal pleco for my 1200L tank. I really love pleco as much as i love discus and my arowana. I am really sad losing one of my babies. I wish him to have a good afterlife
  2. Sad sad day for my baby pleco. R.I.P. Today. My girlfriend and I were doing water changes in my baby discus tank ("150L, bare bottom tank, 1 random cave for the pleco"), which consisted of 15 baby discus and 2 chocolate plecos. While doing water changes I noticed that one of the pleco was out of the cave. So I was pretty surprised to see him/she outside. While doing water change I had to lift up the cave ("Because all the leftover food keep getting into the pleco cave."). Once I lifted up the cave I wanted to take it out of the tank, but the other pleco was still in there so my girlfriend suggested doing something with it that I didn't understand. So I place it back down near the bottom left of the tank. As i was going to put it down, my girlfriend screamed out. ("Don't squash the pleco you idiot"). So I quickly lifted at the last minute before squishing the pleco that was outside of the cave. Then my girlfriend notice something was up with the pleco. Girlfriend: "I think there’s something wrong with the pleco", I replied "Its fine", Girlfriend "But why is it white and dirty". Then I put my finger and waved the water around the pleco. It started floating and went back down. So I took the net and fished the dead pleco out. When I flicked the pleco over to see its tummy, I saw orange spots on the outside of the body and red on the inside lower body of the pleco which looked like interior bleeding. I don't know how it died as it was alive in the morning when my girlfriend was feeding the fish. Could it be the Tetra color bits that are emphasizing the red color too much? I quickly fished the living one out to see if similar symptoms. Nothing was on the other pleco? Could someone help me identify what was the cause of death? Could my other pleco be infected and died soon?
  3. Me and my girlfriend went to certain fish store in Albany to find some breeding pair of goldfish. So I could feed my Arowana. When i went there, I asked one of the staff member if they were old enough to sex for breeding. She replied, "Why do you need to breed them for" I think out of curiosity. I replied "I want to feed my Arowana". Then she looked at me with a disgusted face saying. "It is illegal to feed live fish to another fish under the animal welfare". So I immediately back off. As I didn't know what to reply. I assume she was right as she work in a fish store. Jarod had an idea of feeding my arowana goldfish. So i told him what the person in a certain fish store told me. Didn't mean to have hate after mentioning what someone from the pet store told me. But no evidence has found to back her statement about feeding live fish. As I visited the animal welfare site and it doesn't have anything to do with gold fish.
  4. I've got a proper quate from Hollywood, $750 for a steel stand.
  5. The Dimension of the tank is "2400x700x730" 1226.4 liters.
  6. I have no problem buying the tank and stuff. Ive got my tank sorted. I know someone who might be able to to supply me with some steel. Which would be cheaper then getting the stand from Hollywood ("As it is $1500-$2000 just for the stand") But need to know what thickness of the steel do i need? What kind of coating does the steal need. Etc.... Other then that, I am able to get the stand within 2 weeks, And have already purchased the Tank. Ive got a tank for a sump, but Ive never done a sump before . As what I said "Money no Issue for me".
  7. Price wasn't an issue. But Greg quoted me $1500 just for the tank, $2000 just for a stand -_-". I do have money. But not that much. My budget was originally as what TO said. $1500-$2000. But i wasn't seriously thinking of adding other fish though. But Ive watched tons of videos about discus and Arowana? If I am able to mix the aro with the discus. It be pretty cool. And I would of been able to increase the price. I know people is asking ("Why did you buy the aro is you dont have the money or the space"). But I bought it for a gift to my girlfriend. And my girlfriend loves the black arowana.
  8. How much was henwards tanks size? The measurements for the tank he bought? And how much did he buy it for?
  9. All these ideas are amazing. But the only problem is the cost of getting the tank and the stand. How much would all this cost?
  10. I haven't decided on the Tank size. For Filtration, I was thinking buying a sump? But which is more cheaper , easier and Efficient? Tank size probably the one that 1300L
  11. David. How much did it cost you to get the 1400L tank? Including the sump and stuff?
  12. I like my fish to be in pair. I dislike when they are odd. I feel uneasy.
  13. If i bought the 1300L. Could i get 2 arowana?
  14. how long does it take to grow though. What is their avg lifespam?
  15. The sad thing is that. I bought the aro already... Because the person said that the minimum is 500L
  16. I was watching some videos about black arowana. Alot of them have them with discus or in 150Gallon? Oh and david, The arowana is still a baby. About 15cm I think.
  17. My budget doesn't matter. But i just need the right measurement. Also. David, they got it in today at 2pm. i bought it from hollywood fish farm albany. There only 1 left. You should quickly go there and get it. Before some one like me buys it. David. Tell me the exact measurement for 1 arowana. Does that mean I can add other fish. Or no.
  18. Should i make the tank wider. Or the measurement you gave me okay? Because I am going to place an order now. Thank By the way ^,,,^
  19. Is that measured in ("cm") or ("inch"). Also, I don't mind paying extra for a wider tank.
  20. Hey. I bought a Black Arowana today. But haven't picked it up yet. The only reason why i bought it was because the person who works in that place told me the minimum requirement for that fish is 500L, But the tank has to wider and long. But later on i read, that a minimum for a Arowana is 1300L. But I want a tank solely for 1 fish. I don't want to add anything beside the Black Arowana. Could someone help me. And tell me what the minimum is for "1" Arowana. And also could you tell me a good measurement for a tank. thank you QQQQQ
  21. Fishie123


    Went to Port waikato today. And didn't really find much driftwood.... Walked for 30min around the main river. And didn't find amazing looking driftwoood..
  22. Fishie123


    Where about in Port Waikato could I find nice driftwood? Could someone link me the place?
  23. What about Filters and Heaters from overseas?
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