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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. Hello. I am having really bad luck with my plecos. :tears: My L260 tail look bitten or has some sort of fungal infection. I am not to sure what it is? Here is some img of the pleco... Please help :tears:
  2. Ammonia is 0 now ^,,,,^. Feeding them again. Thank everyone for there opinion and help.
  3. I found the major factor of the death of my pleco. Today I tested my amonia and it is at 0.25. So i am adding some prime into my tank and doing 40% water change everyday and feeding more vegetables and removing some fish to other tanks. I might do another test on maybe Monday or Wednesday. The L260 has died this morning :tears: .
  4. Hez anal hole has a bump and it is red? The L200 and the L018 I had them for 3 days? and the l260 3 weeks.
  5. Sorry, I feed them more on Vegetables then met. But I feel them shrimp everyday. I have 2x AquaOne 1200 Filteration?
  6. But that doesnt explain the huge lump on my L260? PLus I had them in there for quite some time. I think i might have over feed on protiene-rich food? Could be caused by contipation?
  7. I just recently found two of my pleco dead!!! L200 & L177. Both Frozen in time... I dont know what happen. They were fine when i feed them this afternoon... And my L260 has a bloated tummy with red coming out of his bowes.. Please help! I feed them, shrimp, vetable pellets, peas, courgette.
  8. Would this work? Since the metal is uneven and the wood will bend to what ever, Would I be able to remove the wood, put some building glue or liquid nails around the top frame of the metal stand, then putting the wood back on the stand without the polly and the tank for 1 day until the glue set to filling the gap? Would that level the stand?
  9. The leveling is off at the top of the stand. As I will be using liquid nails. Also what did you use to design your background?
  10. Thanks David R and Smidey for the information. ^,,,,^. But which method should I use? I don't really have hard materiel skills so it hard to choice what method is effective? Greg said use the liquid nail? I don't know sorry. :tears: . I will start working on my tank after I pass my test this Thursday for uni. QwQ. I still need to research a bit more on gravel and lighting.
  11. I might use a poly background with concert etc. My dimension 2200mmx800mmx700mm. Yeah, Me and greg put the tank on the stand without the poly to check how much it was out.
  12. I can borrow you my UV if you want.
  13. Thank Smidey! I will try that out :happy1:. @Ghostknife: I will upload some pictures of the other tank soon. But not today. Trying to sort out the 1200L tank 1st. Oh quick question. Do I soak my background in my tank for a month?
  14. I don't know exactly myself. Greg told me there is a curve in the middle of the stand. I think one of the steel beam was slightly longer then the rest. :dunno:.
  15. Hello Everyone. Last week Sunday I finally got my tank:happy1:. At the moment it is collecting dust though as the steel of stand is uneven in the middle by 1mm or more says Greg and the sump hole is on the wrong side ("As I gave the stand builder wrong information"). I would need to use some sort of liquid to even out the tank. Of cause I had to rearrange my entire garage:tears:. Thank to my amazing helper ("JackiePlec, JarrodRussell & Joutai"):hail:This was achieved within a day’s work.:happy2: Oh special thanks to ghostknife for helping too on that day.. Also thanks to Henward and David for giving me amazing advice on my tank size and sump. I took some pictures of the tank to show you how it looks. Again, I would like to thank you for all the help. Hope I can get my tank up and running. My Girlfriend mum used the space below as a storage room :tears: Just Felt link adding my favorite pleco :love: Sump Designed by David R
  16. I was wondering are this good lights or do i need more? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Pets-animals/F ... 875980.htm Including the ones I have http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/deta ... 36/m/1238/ Or should i get more? Or should i get 2 more of this? http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/deta ... 48/m/1238/
  17. @tinytawnykitten, I am sorry, I've lost the link. Sorry, I normally just go on PT&E , so I accidentally posted it in there . I've found a few on trademe, but I do not know anything about lighting..... So could you indicate me which on is good? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Building-renovation/Electrical-lighting/Lights/Hanging-lights/auction-360174841.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/Building-renovation/Electrical-lighting/Lights/Hanging-lights/auction-360106703.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/Building-renovation/Electrical-lighting/Lights/Hanging-lights/auction-359852841.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/Building-renovation/Electrical-lighting/Lights/Hanging-lights/auction-359819588.htm Also I notice they didn't have a reflector?
  18. Hello Everyone! I am finally getting my 1200L("220cmX75cmX75cm") tank on Wednesday, hopefully >,,,,<. Now it's time to think of the types of fish I might add to my Arowana tank and the types of lighting and gravel. My idea is Arowana at the top, Discus mid and Plecos at the bottom("May add sterbai corys"). I've got my Arowana and Discus all sorted, but not Plecos :tears:. The theme of the tank is going to be heavily planted. I've recently bought a beautiful Royal Pleco and still alive and healthy Chocolate zebra pleco. I have a couple of question to ask here. First question is "Gravel", Should i go for cheap aqua base from Mitre10 ? Or should I buy Fluorite? Which do you think will give my plant a better health? Second Question"Lighting", I was doing some research and I came across a "DIY T5 Light for your aquarium fish tank". Requirements, T5 Lights, Tin foil and a container, cost $50. Do you think doing DIY is more effective to make one then getting one from the pet store for $500>?. Third Question"Plecos" As I mention before, I have currently 2 Plecos("Royal, Chocolate"). I wanted different variety of plecos. The ones that I am going to hunt for are the Queen Arabesque, Green Phantom, Blue Phantom, Gold nugget and Magnum pleco("Maybe a Zebra Pleco"). How many pleco can I stock in my 1200L tank?
  19. The tank that I've placed the pleco, is in the baby discus tank. There are 15 baby discus producing waste every day. My girlfriend tries to pick up as much dirt at the bottom of the tank by doing 20% water change per day and refilling with rain water. Also we feed the baby discus 3 times a day with different sort of food such as tetra colour granules, blood worms and flakes. We feed the pleco bottom feeder food. Hence, we do put a variety of foods for the pleco and discus. Also it is a bare bottom tank making the tank easier to clean and maintain water conditions. We do water changes in the morning. And throughout the day the tank floor is filled with leftover and waste from the discus and pleco. Sometimes we even do two water changes. The ornament I am using doesn't have any light reflecting inside the cave, so there isn't any problem with the cave. We put the pallet inside the cave so that the other discus doesn’t eat the pleco food. We also make sure that the leftover waste and food going into the cave is cleaned ever day. We will take a picture of the cave tomorrow. It sometimes even feeds outside the cave when there’s no one around.
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