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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. Hey Everyone. My cousin from America found some really unique driftwood from the beach, and has a lot of spare driftwood that he doesn't need. He was considering giving me some. But one problem.... I live in New Zealand. So i was was discussing about if I am able to get them into new zealand. But he told me there might be a problem with Maf or something rather. My question are.... Will there be a problem with maf? Will i even be able to get driftwood from overseas into New Zealand? How much would it be to get wood into New Zealand. It will be sad if the cost of getting driftwood in New Zealand be $1000>.
  2. HI, i would like to know the procedures of importing a fish from overseas, like from a fish farm and how much it would cost approximately? And what are the chances of the fish arriving to NZ safely with NZ's strict biosecurity.
  3. This post wasn't about the baby discus....We were talking about the 24 fishes that died. I will like to emphasise on the the fact that this thread was to express on how we felt about the store, not to complain about the store.
  4. Yes. I agree with "Black Sabbath". And we didn't say we disliked Animates. I've bought a tropical fish tank, dog stuff from animates in "Manukau" with good customer support and advice from most of the member. And i love the animates in "Mt.roskill" with the different variety of discus. This animates that is in "Albany" was just a put off because the fact that there were a lot of dead fishes and the staff members didn't notice the dead fish until we mention about it. This thread isn't about "Hating Animates" thread. Just to express how we felt about that certain section of the store. Yes, the staff member could of been working in another section of the store. But we ditch before asking anymore question.
  5. We were in the store for at least 20min, and not one of the staff members were concerned about the death of the fish. i assumed they will remove them as soon as possible once the fish die to avoid more dying fishes. but they didn't really care because they were too excited by the new LED TV they got that day. Every tropical tank had dead fishes. Some had 2, some had 3, some even had 5. We asked them multiple time, "Why aren't you removing the fish". They look at us like we were idiot and said "Okay". Then they continue playing with their new LED TV. :facepalm:. I did ask what type of discus it was. But i was referring the breed. I even told him, "Is it a red turq, blue turq and etc." all he replied while handling the TV. They are just baby discus....
  6. Its not white spots. I don't know what it could be :dunno: . But it looks more like fungus? Maybe. Its has a 3d circle shape. Maybe one of the discus bit it. And know it became infected.
  7. Here some pictures of the bristlenose. They aren't the greatest. but i hope you can vaguely see them.
  8. We today carefully looked at our bistlenose. There was only 1 3d shape circle on the back of the body. And i was reading white spots is all over the body? Then I thought it might be fungus? But i saw images of fungus and it doesn't look the same.?
  9. But to be even safer. Should i remove my discus from that tank. because. I don't see any white spots on any of my discus or other fishes. Just my bistlenose? As what I have mentioned before, I've given 3 discus from the infected tank to one of my friend without knowing that my bistlenose was infected, also gave my 2 choc pleco to another one of my mates from the same tank. But they said when they were Acclimatizing the discus & the pleco there was no white spots on them. They also show no sign of this disease. And they looked fine. So if i removed the discus, wouldn't that minimize the threat to the discus? And remove all the non infected fish from the tank to another tank to be safe?
  10. What is the best anti-biotic for killing the parasite?
  11. Should i remove the infected Bistlenose thought? And just quarantine the pleco to avoid spreeding? Or it's not necessary? Also, should i remove my discus from the tank? I am worried about the discus getting infected. I've moved 3 to someone tank yesterday and moved my choc pleco to my mates. Would they get the infection? Or would it be safer to remove the discus to avoid the infection to the discus?
  12. True. My budget isn't a lot tbh. I mean. A rough idea of how much the tank will cost will indicate to me how much i have to spend. I cant spend more then 400 for tank excluding the stand. BUT. If its more then 100 buck difference is fine.
  13. Ouch. I don't have enough space for a 5 foot tank. I guess i wont be able to get a new tank after all. As what i stated before. My max space is exactly 110cm Length, 126cm Height, 60cm Width. It doesn't have to fit 10 discus. What about a 4 foot tank?
  14. Ty Henward . I will put of the 3 baby discus the 150L tank. Will that be fine? And leave 6 into the 224L tank? I am not planing on getting rid of my 150L. That could be used for quarantine. But for my new tank. What is the best size from the measurement I have giving for a decent discus tank? I am going to build a custom tank for my discus. So i would need a exact measurement for a 5foot tank or 6 foot tank. Thank you :happy2: :happy2:
  15. What is the max amount in the 224L tank. And what is the Max amount in the 150L. I was planing to put the little ones into the 150L tank. I did an exact measurement on the area that i want to put my tank. The max space limit are, 110cm Length, 126cm Height, 60cm Width. I may be wrong. But if they weren't wouldn't they hide. My girlfriend was feeding the discus of her hand on the top of the tank. And they were eating fine. But i don't know if that happiness or just they hungry. Lol. This is the link of them feeding.
  16. I remove 5 buckets of water everyday. So about 40%. Really sorry for the noobness here everyone. Should of read a bit more. I went to a Fish store and asked them, "How many can I keep in my 224L tank". This is what they said. You can put 8-10 discus into that tank. But i cannot blame the store because it was my fault on not reading more about the tank spacing.
  17. @ryanjury: I didn't mean i was going to get a tank that was 120cm height. I was giving a rough idea how much the space that the area for my tank can fit. henward wanted to know the max space ("what is the maximum length, height and wide you can go with? and we can work from there. "). I'm sorry if i said anything miss leading. Once i get rid of my angels, how many discus can i fit into the 150L and how many cani fit into my 225L tank? @Adrienne: That isn't the tank measurement i want to get. Its it a rough idea on the space of the area that the tank could fit. My grammar is extremely bad. So maybe that why you guys think i am going to get 120cm length. Yes. I do daily changes. I only got 9 in one tank because some are 4 months old. Once i get a new tank. The 150L will be a substitute for the little ones. Ive got 5 "4 months" old discus. And 4 "8 Months" old discus.
  18. Wait. What. Are you serious?
  19. Great my gf just told me that one of the britlenose got eaten after it died :tears: :tears:
  20. The max so far is 120cm height x 95cm length x 60cm width. Not accurate measurement, it my rough measurement. Don't know how many L that will hold.
  21. The tank is about 224L and 2 filter canister. One pumps 400L P/H Aqua 1200, and the other Aqua 700 and also have a small internal filter.
  22. Hello Every One. I love Discus, And i love to buy more discus. :happy1: But I have no space to add more discus into both of the tanks. :tears: So I thought. Why not get rid of the 150L tank that i have and replace it with a custom made tank. About 350L or so. But the only problem is, The place where i want to put the tank has a limit of spacing ("Length wise") therefore I wanted to get a tall tank ("Height") and a slightly wider tank. The Length of the 150 is 90cm. My ideas is to add atleast 10 Discus in the tank. At the moment. Ive got 9 Discus in a 224L tank. ("Ive asked someone about fitting the amount into the tank before adding.) Before people jump into ("calling me a noob"). Ive kept discus only for 3months. And still learning. So I am sorry if I have made a mistake. :tears: Thank You :dunno:
  23. Will the body rot and pollute the water?
  24. Thank guys :tears: I got so worried for nothing. But its really sad that one of my baby cory got buried :tears: Curse my gf.
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