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Everything posted by Fishie123

  1. After one week of waiting for the glue to harden. I filled up the tank up to 6cm. :happy2: . And guess what.... . The right side of my tank had 6cm water and the left side of my tank has 2cm water filled....... :an!gry Seriously don't know what to do now.! The stand builder told me he would come up to my place and have a look at it. ("Thank you"). On the plus note, I am getting my sump built next week and I am going for a painted black background maybe this week. Just wondering what kind of paint would I need. Also I am going to copy henward automatic water change system. Might start on that once I get my sump. And I will be using silicon sand as my gravel. :happy2: No I haven't gotten any picture of the tank now as it look too hideous and messy atm. :sick: Grrrrrrrrr :an!gry
  2. Your tank look pretty boss. Can't wait to continue my journey with my 1200L. :happy1:
  3. They look cute in a weird type of way. lol
  4. Nice looking tank. Wish I have the money and time to get a marine. :thup:
  5. To tell you the truth. I think Charlie Sheen killed Bin Laden. :thup: :spop: This is getting really interesting.
  6. I agree with David. This would aggravate and offend a lot of people in that country. There are bad people in the world in fact not just in Iraq and America, they are everywhere. Iraq hasn't been a place of peace for many years. But Americans have killed a lot of innocent people while they were in Iraq as well. I do feel sorry for that country and all those who moved out of their motherland. Peace to all those out there.
  7. How much did you spend on the setup. Sorry if I didn't see it anyway. I was going to setup a marine. But I have so much commenting with my 1200L and my 250L tank. Looking at your pictures motivated me on converting my 250L to a marine. But I don't have the cash to do so.
  8. I can't though. Need to home my arowana. Once I finish my 250L tank and my 1200L tank. I will definitely make a reptile tank.
  9. I should convert my 1200L tank for Reptiles. :happy2:
  10. Now I feel like getting some water dragons :happy1:
  11. I finally got some islander friends to help me with lifting the tank and applying the liquid nail. It took me 15min to remove, glue and stick on. Thank you Islander friends :love: . They were so easy to handle and dictate :happy1: . Joking I owe a lot to them for helping me with the tank. Sadly they had to bus and train home to Manurewa as my fuel pump stop suddenly today :tears: .So now I have to get towed back to Manurewa. Oh well I guess, the fuel pump been running for 7 or 8 year now. Now to the next step, waiting for the glue to dry :happy2: . Could someone help me build my background as me and my girlfriend has serious drawing block . If someone can make it for me, (I'll pay of course) please Pm me . I am going to see if the stand is balance again tomorrow. I am hoping to add the background and soak it in the 1200L by next week.
  12. :love: My Favorite Band since 2004 :love: Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Siren http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkHl4-HtEWc Asian Kung-Fu Generation - After Dark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ePEbtpipn0 Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Aru Machi no Gunjou ------> My favorite song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulsjnglr-dY I love Japanese, Chinese and Korea music > English
  13. I don't mind. I find it funny actually. I still haven't though of "Smart Question" to ask. Plus, Ive got programming assignment to do. I agree with Warren. I think this amazing site should have a history.
  14. Yes, I am in Uni. Doing Bachelor of computer systems. Everyone reading this, please feel free on posting your though about "Fish Forum"
  15. Sorry for the late reply as I am busy with my programming assignment too. My other assignment is due in june. So I've got a lot of time. Thank you Adrienne and Warren and Zev. I'll get back to you with more question probably by the end of this week as I have mid year exams.
  16. When you first started this forum, what was your target age group? On this site what is the major challenge for users? Do you promote this web site ("Example: Magazine, Tv etc") Would you want to start advertising or increase advertising? Thank Adrienne for being responsive to my post. I would like for you to give your thought and review on this forum?
  17. Everything need to be public as the markers will check for this things. Anything that I've reference must be present on this site I review. I've got more question. I just need to find a smart way to ask them. Oh, What do you mean . Please explain thoroughly. Thank for making my assignment easy. I love this site :love:
  18. I think I was over feeding with shrimp or maybe waste produce by the plecos. My ammonia is 0 as I check yesterday and today with my test kit. I've just added some melafix. Hopefully everything turn alright. :tears:
  19. I've removed all the wood and bamboo but my L260 is stuck inside on of them? I have no idea how to get him out of there.....
  20. Hello Everyone. Today I was given a really "Fun" assignment :happy1: . The assignment is about reviewing a website. So I though why not review FNZAS as I am on everyday and even at uni. This site has a lot of media("Photos"), attracts a lot of people around new Zealand and the site also provide a easy to navigate to pages and this site is about interest and hobby and not about business. So this site is like a huge national community family :love: :happy2: . This site is a perfect to review plus it would be easy as everyone is friendly. I would like to ask the admin or moderator some questions regarding though about the site. If I get high mark I might be posting the review on Fish forum If interested or get high marks. I would need to screenshot "Only of public accessible information NOT private information suck as Pm or anything against forum rules" I would also appreciate thought about this site's usability ("Please do not Pm me. As I am only allowed to get information for my assignment publicly") This is an open discussion to anyone that is user registered. Please also list pros and cons. Things I know about this site: I have view the source code for this site main page Powered by phpBB The designer is scratch media The hosting appears to be http://www.digitalnetwork.co.nz/ My question to the Admin or Moderators. How long has this site been running for? I there a copyright notice on this website? I will think of other question later on as I just started my assignment. Thank Navish
  21. I haven't feed them since Saturday till Wednesday as I had a problem with my ammonia. Started feeding again on Thursday? I haven't feed them much beside cucumber or carrot? My ammonia is 0. I can put him in a bucket with water from the same tank and use the bucket("Non Chlorine") as a hospital tank. As I do not want to starve my other fish. I am going to use an internal filter into the bucket, and put a small heater in there at the temp 30 degrees or higher. Will this method be suitable?
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