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Everything posted by blueether

  1. I have read that when the active carbon is full it has a habit of dumping lots back into the water :dunno:
  2. Thanks, should have taken them tonight as I've did a 1/3 water change today so there is less tannin in the water, but the smelt* are a bit spooky tonight, always are after I do a water change. The torrie looks mostly ok, no loss of colour, feeding, sitting in the current etc, he is just bent :-? * if the smelt are spooky it makes the Inanga spooky as well, as they shoal together
  3. bet they couldn't go as far in life as the one in the OP though
  4. I have seen that posted as a food for them, let the yeast grow for a few hours in warm (sweetened?) water.
  5. When he swims the tail looks to go from centre to the right, almost looks like there is slight paralysis on the left side about 1/2 way along the body. He used to swim well. In the first two weeks of there being fish in this tank I had hardly seen him, that is why I rearranged the tank to bring the filter outlet closer to the bottom (stella you were correct :oops: ). I hope that now he is out more and getting more exercise it will improve. West coast iron sand, Raglan, and pebbles from a Pirongia mountain stream
  6. two thing spring to mind... duck al la ronge and snapper bait I'll get my coat
  7. If I can unforget correctly about 1000deg c will do it
  8. Hello and welcome back from a new native keeper... not done that yet, but I doe have 100 litres spare to play with if I'm forgetful with the hose
  9. Select the pic, on on it's page click the " Share to See more »" click "get code" you will want the "IMG for bulletin boards & forums" and probably the thumbnail option HTH
  10. That is what the active manuka honey is for
  11. Here are a few pics of the torrie, always holding himself with his tail to the right. He was still feeding ok tonight but not swimming well - tail never goes much past center body on the left side And a few pics Two of the Smelt one of the medium bullies one of the smaller bullies and one of one of the inanga nzbeeman, on Flickr
  12. Paratya curvirostris our native freshwater shrimp, or do you mean what we call each shrimp?
  13. It will still take many years to return to anything like the state it was in though :tears:
  14. :happy1: Temps staying below 20deg without ice now Rearranged the layout to better suit Stanley the torrent fish, noticed that he is not swimming well and has a bent spine I hope I didn't drop any wood/rocks on him. Google points towards constipation or fish TB. Would fish TB grow in a cold water tank? Oh and the white spot has returned - the fish did get a bit stressed while I was away, tank hit 24deg :facepalm:, re-salted the tank and will keep it up for longer this time. and one last thing, one of the 'inanga' is much darker and with less spots, could even be dark with light spots. It looks mostly like the other inanga but is slightly smaller and maybe not as deep :dunno:
  15. black and about 10mm - probably one of the solitary bees, my guess would be a masonry bee.
  16. Just get UMF™ 15+ / MGO™100+ or over
  17. http://www.redwoodaquatics.co.nz/product_cid_28.html http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/product/page/aqua-one-external-canister-filters/m/1137/Meh when I got my (cf1200) one just before xmas they had a list price of over $200 so ordered from petmart
  18. Mine were happy enough just eating what they could find, was funny seeing them hoard a bit of heart and scurry/scoot away with it
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