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Everything posted by blueether

  1. Hi and welcome (from another new user here). There are a few bods that do leaflitter, Stella being one (see http://www.youtube.com/user/nznativefish?feature=mhum#p/u/3/p-ESu5xK_Pk) PS lice looking tank
  2. looks like salt or Hydrogen Peroxide might work http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82066
  3. Starting to take shape, not there is a cave underneath and will probably add holes where the circles are so that water is drawn up from the cave. That is on the stand so you can get an idea of the ground layout/area and the card at the back is 600 high so is the same height as the tank. I have decided to turn the flow from along the back to towards the front (black arrows), this might not show off the fish as well whilst in the current but should create a larger calm area within the tank. The filter return will be above the black circles for now, but might change to the left front with the flow along the front if/when I get a powerhead to go in the back position. tank layout 2 by nzbeeman, on Flickr
  4. I spend way too much time on the PC but the above still stands But I guess as a tool that all the youth use, that is face book - not me, it does sort of make sense to use it. and as for twiter: stuff 140 lets get back to 4:20
  5. :facepalm: Sorry but I cant stand facebook, or understand why organisations feel that they must belong...
  6. My thinking was that it is easier to create a fast flow in a shallow area, then when it goes deeper the current will naturally lessen. I have just laid a mockup out on the stand and the styrene does take up a lot of room I do have a large bit of drift wood that I was planning to use to break up the current and add some vertical interest. Next time you come up SH3, after it is installed, you will have to pop in to have a look then
  7. I had thought of doing a cave and have the powerhead pulling water from there and exiting in the shallows. As for getting it filled, I need to decorate the front room/office and finish the stand first :-?
  8. My nephew was named Silas (both parents work in child care and didn't want the name-association).
  9. No comment on my geek status I was looking at about 350 less the volume ov the shallow, so about 300
  10. Another vid of feeding, this time Paratya curvirostris our freshwater shrimp. http://www.flickr.com/photos/blueether/5278368346/
  11. On the 19 of Dec Santa dropped off a 1200 * 600 *600 430l tank The plan: To have a better environment for both my torrent fish and the inanga. Planed setup is to have a shallow fast flowing area that drops off into a pool Have ordered a CF 1200 for filter and will get a power head if needed for extra flow. Does that layout look OK or does anyone think it needs tweaking? Now, do I make the shallows out of solid polystyrene, reducing the water volume or have it as quite open under it?
  12. You may also find that the 'far north' could be to warm for salmon, and that might be why the trout population is low as well.
  13. Umm... Said dehumidifier (ie a refrigeration unit) is in bits on the bench in the workshop, just needs a thermostat and a waterproof container for the chiller side About Q1? Do I need to level the top or would polystyrene be ok?
  14. ok, it looks like you lot have given me MTS. only two atm, one 50l with my current natives and a 10l micro ecosystem with all sorts of bugs Yet to fill is Santa's little gift of a 400l
  15. Yes Inanga atm but with a bigger setup I would like to look at some of the others. I was thinking sump as it would easily allow for a converted dehumidifier to be add as a chiller if/when needed, but I could always inline it on the -ve pressure side of a canister filter. Stella, I'll post a sketch or two sometime in the native section on how I'm planing to lay the tank out. I was thinking of a ... ... anyway I was thinking a powerhead to up the circulation at one end and only running the tank at 2/3 - 3/4 full, having a shallow built-up end and having a deep hole with planted ferns etc as 'stream' cover, will see what looks good etc. [Edit]
  16. For now it will have torrent fish, galaxiid and some common and red fin bullies, ie a cold water native setup.
  17. OK, Santa came yesterday, well it two trips The new arrival is a 400+l 1200mm tank and stand, now for the questions: 1. Should I use Self Leveling Compound on the top of the stand or will just a sheet of styrene be OK? 12mm ply top that has never had the full tank on it, the ply has a little wave to it; about 1 - 1.5 mm [Edit] 2. Should I: A: Buy a Aquaone CF1200 (can only just afford atm) B: Buy a CF1000 and then ad another CF 1000 latter when I can afford it and I have increased the bioload C: Buy a 1200-2000l/h pump, cut an overflow and build a sump (with a trickle filter?) 2c. How big would the sump have to be? 2 is more of less out of the way now that I have a CF1200 in-transit
  18. I have had two shrimp in my bug tank for the last ~2 weeks - no filter. I have just transferred the last 6 out f the main tank as the inanga are just killing them all (6 dead shrimps this morning ). I wouldn't mind so much if they ate them but they just seem to kill them and maybe eat the head. Hopefully the extra shrimp will keep a bit of the green hair algae down in the bug tank. I went out to get some more daphnia from the pond on my parents last night and only got a few but I did get a few thousand mossie larvae Oh and Santa came yesterday afternoon, bit that is a thread (or two) on it's own :bounce:
  19. I'm sure that 2 of the above are on the noxious plants list... And good lick to the shrimp :bounce:
  20. Well a bit late after I already have nearly 40 posts but who is counting... Any way just emigrated back to NZ after 10 years in the UK. Stole one of mums tropical tanks with a few guppy, then got rid of the fish and turned it int a west coast stream biotope with some 40 freshwater shrimp and two 25mm bullies. Two weeks later and I added a torrent fish that I wasn't expecting to get... there goes the west coast lowland stream :facepalm: A few weeks later and I have added a half dozen inanga and some more bullies, and thinking I need to upgrade the 50l tank... Santa is making a quick visit either tomorrow or on sunday with a slightly larger tank and stand, I hope his sleigh is long enough :happy1:
  21. feijoa and olive are both tough, but might be ok :dunno: just make sure the native is not lemonwood as it I think the leaves have some toxins/insecticide* It sounds like it is all coming along nicely :happy2: *this migh just be hearsay as I couldn't find a reference with a quick google.
  22. Looks interesting What is the dark/black substrate? Santa is paying me a visit on Sunday hopefully :happy2:
  23. There was one caught in England earlier this year, so they can survive for at least a short time http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/17/piranha-caught-in-folkstone-pond and one found dead last year http://www.thisisnorthdevon.co.uk/news/Piranha-fish-River-Torridge/article-1293631-detail/article.html
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