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Everything posted by the-obstacle

  1. The problem with the aro is that it will keep growing to about 50cms long. A 4 foot tank that's only 200 litres is going to be fairly narrow (less than 50cm's front to back) and will not be enough room for him to turn or be comfortable. As LA said you're going to need at least a 6 foot tank for an arowana to be healthy and happy. Unless you plan to buy a 6 foot tank soon I would move him on to someone that can give him the tank he needs. Also - what are your cichlids? There could be a clash with the pH requirements of the aro vs cichlids (africans tend to like a higher pH and aro's are generally a neutral / soft pH fish) but if they're CA cichlids the aro should be fine.
  2. can you PM or reply here with the name of the place? My extinguisher cylinder needs refilling.
  3. A pair (m+f) of rams would be great in that size tank.
  4. Ambulia springs to mind. That stuff will grow anywhere and it looks good / is good to hide in.
  5. Not sure how many have tried it but a few have expressed an interest in trying it. If I remember rightly it usually stirs up a fair bit of discussion around the ethics and maybe legalities involved.
  6. We both said the same thing. Hayden posted and I said 'Any light will be good for plants' as opposed to the opposite of any light being no light. We both then went on to explain that it may not be ideal - in our own special way. I still stand by the fact that light is better than dark and I also believe that these particular LEDs may surprise us all by producing great growing plants in the right (probably hi-tech) environment.
  7. how old? I've got a 5' tank that I pulled apart and rebuilt a couple of years ago. It was about 12 years old then. The glass was fine to reuse but the silicone was very due for replacement. as long as it's not chipped or cracked and is less than 50 or so years old it should be fine.
  8. For the record - I was having a laugh. I didn't expect you to explain anything. I've been told off enough to know how it works now I've still got fond memories of some of my better outbursts.
  9. Yeah, crypts of some sort. They're growing better than mine are at the moment.
  10. I'm pretty sure you can just suck them up into 10ml syringes. should be fine for a few weeks, they don' grow fast.
  11. I'm sure I've been censured for saying ass on here before. You've changed fish room, you've changed.
  12. usually when my crypts melt (which happens when I look at the funny) it's a lack of light / macro nutrients. If they're not growing they won't be using the nitrates in the water and your test levels will spike. Clearly the Java fern can't keep up. I would increase the water changes (15% daily) for a week until the levels were back at 0ppm then go back to normal and see if it spikes again quickly or gradually. The filters are working properly but you might just have to adjust the frequency of the water changes going forward. wow, it's been a while since I've given some advice here...
  13. Any light will be good for plants but usually you want it closer to yellow than blue on the spectrum but you will get growth with these, you just might not get fully efficient growth. I doubt you'll notice the difference though. I look forward to the results.
  14. Hey man, I totally approve of this build. The black silicone really makes the tank look that much nicer and 1200 deep? awesome! Looking forward to seeing it wet but I'm enjoying perving at the build process in the meantime.
  15. Don't do it! They look good but don't sound good and for the price you'd be better off with sennheisers. but if you must then get the black ones
  16. we've caught squid off the back of the boat at night with sprat hooks and a spotlight and little bit of bait. Whilst moored at mansion house bay so about 2-3 metres deep. as said above they come in to feed under the cover of darkness.
  17. amazon is definitely cheaper - I haven't bought a book in NZ for years because of it.
  18. I use Telecom - it works out about the same price as any of the naked DSL providers and you get a home phone and a service company that responds when you have problems. I've been with orcon, ihug and telstraclear in the past but I'll never go back.
  19. I wondered what happened to that tank. Good call, welcome to the darkside
  20. if it makes any difference I got a 4s a couple of days ago and I'm really happy with my decision.
  21. the key thing with marines is to keep everything constant which means checking levels a lot. If you're happy doing this, and correcting any anomalies, then a salt water tank is a piece of cake. First figure out where you're going to get new salt water every week for 10% or so water change. Then go for it.
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