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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. If you have used aqadviser it would also have told you that your tank is not high enough. true?
  2. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=48810
  3. Discus likes height and depth and you have neither in that tank
  4. +1 Sign me up! (any new eartheater for that matter... I'll take it!)
  5. My favorit guy: (Geophagus altifrons)
  6. Could you turn that up to 27 degrees for us please so we can see what happens?
  7. Which is why we need a controlled experiment to start with.. then we can speculate on other build ups after that. :thup: Squit is excactly right.. assuming the new water is zero in everything except water then any concentration in the tank is a decreasing exponential curve. Where you end up after having dripped in the same amount as your tank? who knows... but it will be quite far from 0
  8. Good math Squirt! Henward I think you should set up an experiment: Set up a tank with water only and add something that can't dissipate or evaporate (eg salt) Meassure concentration to start with, then do "100%" water change over a week by continous drip and then remeassure the salt concentration. I'm sure we will all be very interrested in what you find.
  9. Thanks but the login doesn't work (yes I am doing it the way it's described on the web page) Was hoping that if any progress had been made regarding this issue (the list) that someone would have posted it in this thread instead of just linking to a bunch of minutes whenever someone is curious of any progress. Is this not what this thread is for? Apologies if I have misunderstood something
  10. :sml1: I love this word... I'm gonna use it!
  11. Try this: It's designed to give you a rough idea of how big a heater you need for a tank but also you can use it to see how much energy you can save by insulating your tank http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48031&hilit=heatloss+calculator Any questions please jusk ask
  12. Knob or not a knob I would also like an update on this topic.. Haven't heard a thing for yonks.. Not impatient.. just curious
  13. Put a beaver in and tell him to build his dam in the middle! :slfg:
  14. Interresting ideas.. I found when dividing tanks where keeping fish of different sizes it's always difficult to decide the right opening size in the divider.. As the fish grow there will always be some that are around the size of the hole (or a little bit too big) and they will certainly try to go through which could lead to injury or death. And especially plecos could get stuck with their hard protruding bits. So unless you have a clear distinction between big and small fish I would not do a divider where smaller fish could swim through. Whatever the option sounds like an awesome setup though :bounce:
  15. I don't have guppies, my friend does.. If you're only planning to keep that one krib then I's sure there won't be problems... if you add another so you have a male and a female then there might be trouble. Kribs will defend a territory (small or big depends on the individual I guess) but I have never heard of kribs being fin nippers in general..
  16. One krib will be peaceful with other fish.. your guppies will not be toast (it might eat fry though) But you could face trouble if you get a pair of kribs and they start spawning.. then your guppies might take a beating. Depends on the pair though. Some (like mine) breed happily in my community tank and only defend their little area while a friend of mine has a pair as well and the kribs chase his guppies around the whole tank in defense of their territory leaving all his guppies with nipped fins.
  17. Have a look on trademe for a used eheim external filter. They are super good and super quiet... much better than a big internal thing taking up space and awkward to clean. Agree that you should seal the concrete as a final step on your background.. not sure with what though but concrete can leach some nasty stuff into your tank... and make your water very hard and alkaline. Not good for most fish.
  18. Leigh would be a very bad idea at the moment. Huge swell and almost no visibility... I agree it's awesome on a good day but right now.. it's BAD (quote from seafriends website) If you like going out for dinner you could go to the revolving restaurant "orbit" in the skytower. Mains are $30-40 but that includes very good food a few loops with stunnings views while eating and access to viewing area above either before or after dinner.
  19. I think they might just be young parents? Congrats on the fry! Kribs are such good fish and yours are looking nice and healthy :thup:
  20. We shifted house in december.. I had all my plants (anubias, amazon, argentine, chain, micro swords, twisted val and xmas moss) outside in a transparent bed roller bin thing with aquarium water in it up until last weekend (so that's 3.5 months) when I planted most of them again.. They survived. Looked a bit pale and the roots had grown all funny but they are now back in a tank and seems to have done quite well.. HTH
  21. Gie? Yes I think I bought these from you once! hehe.. They are very nice fish and yes maybe one day I'll give breeding them a try. For now they are just keeping my S. leucosticta company.. goes very well together.. and yes they are male and female cos I saw at least one little wriggler that had his head stuck to the pipe as they do.. very cool!
  22. It's a goldfish... quick kill it before it grows up and becomes an ugly goldfish! :sick:
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