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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. I recommend starting with maybe 3 and give them a few weeks with your Leucos to see if any disappear otherwise this could be an expensive experiment. :slfg: Rummynoses are not exactly the cheapest of the tetras.
  2. So? what's wrong with some algae on wood? Big mistake if you ask me.. I liked how it looked before
  3. Funny my Leucos (common name from now on :slfg: ) are quite the oposite of shy. Substrate is fine redish sand from a beach north on the Coromandel.. some of it gets sucked into the filters but thats mainly because my Royal thrashes around like mad and stirres up the sand so much. Here's a pic that shows the substrate and a fat Sterbai. Don't have a good pic of the whole tank yet.. still on the lookout for some large root like pieces of native driftwood.
  4. I had 5 rummy noses that "disapeared" during the nights as well :facepalm: But that's it... I promise.. neons and rummy noses is what my geos have eaten. No other tetras than that. (I had Silvertip, Penguin, Glowlight, Red Phanthom succesfully with my Geos)
  5. I can't do it but I once had a friend who was amazing at it. He knew the exact sequence it would take to get one dot from one place to another.. he didn't even look at the cube as he carried out that sequence.. only occationally looking down to look for the next dot to move.. Didn't matter how much we scrambled his cube his average time to solve it would be around 2 min.
  6. You could always test it with a small school of neons. As I said I don't know if S. leucosticta will do like the altifrons and "accidentally" swallow a few in the night.. You should try it.. I would like to know and if they eat them then at least your live food was not expensive cardinals. I am planning on adding a large school of tetras to my 300L S. leucosticta setup too. Maybe lemons (like Japes tank)
  7. Good looking tank David! and nice plecs! Is that silica sand? Stick with the S. leucostacta mate, I'm sure they will do something very interresting if/when they get old enough to start breeding. I wouldn't trust them with a flok of Cardinals though. I haven't tried it but I know my altifrons snapped up quite a few neons as soon as they were big enough to fit one in their mouth. I would however trust both G. altifrons and S. leucosticta (even full grown) with any tetras that are larger than neons/cardinals. eg. Red Phanthoms, Yellow, penguin, silvertips etc... that size and up.
  8. Me too.. but with the rock on the left laid down flat perhaps.. looks unreal standing up
  9. hovmoller


    Yep Kelly Tarlton has them.. says so on their web page I guess they have special permission then?
  10. Leave it and it'll go brown. Shine some light on it and it'll go green. Your choice Nice setup by the way! How big is the tank?
  11. Anyone other than me care about this?
  12. hovmoller


    I think they have them on show at Kelly Tarltons... in their one freshwater tank
  13. Can't see the magazines again.. says I'm not logged in... :nilly: Why is this so difficult to get to work? Why isn't there a login on the main page instead of all this "from the forum" login? Seems fishy to me.. but hey I don't know diddly squat about web pages :dunno:
  14. Salut Have you got a copy of Stella's book? I think you will like it. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1507
  15. Or get more people involved
  16. That heater is sooo ugly! Hide it in the corner.. won't make a difference in performance or temp. Tank looks good! :thup:
  17. Can we see a pic of this red beast?
  18. Thanks smurff.. Can't find the specs for the transformer on their lights anywhere.. have sent them a question about this.
  19. I'm thinking of getting some Marineland Double Bright LED lights for both my future marine tank and my freshwater tank... Double brights for the freshwater and the "Reef capable" ones for the marine. I am aware that these are not the best LED's on the market but this is a cost driven decision. My question is: The power adapters for these lights will accept 100-240V, so that part is ok but the US has 60hz power and we have 50hz.. I don't really know what this means but wondering if this would cause any problems? Anyone have experience (or knowledge) about this? Cheers!
  20. I see some salvini in there too... and convict for sure
  21. Yep I can read the Aquarium Worlds now.. thanks!
  22. I can see Feb one now.. still not winning with November though
  23. I'm having trouble accessing some of the content in the members area due to "You are not logged in" message. I've followed the procedure decribed on the page (and tried your method too Diane) but still doesn't work.. I can access Aquarium World August... but not November or February. Is anybody else having the same problems? Anything I can do to get around this? Another thing: Member's Area drop down menu goes behind the quake relief fund ad so you can't see the bottom of the menu.. just thought I'd mention it.
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