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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. Are you gonna use a canister filter and put this inline with that?
  2. Give blood.... Squirt! :sml1: Nah seriously good on you... you get that pleasant feeling afterwards that you have done something good and perhaps helped someone. Agree that more people who could.. should!
  3. If you're bying a small 50gr container then just go Hollywoods but if you're going for a 2.2kg bucket for your africans then try here: http://www.kensfish.com/ You'll save megabucks!
  4. Nice setup! Is that just black tape at the top to hide the water line?
  5. +1 That paper you linked to mentioned that they caught more than 6000 of them in lake Taupo! Selling for $80/fish on TM!... now thats just a business venture waiting to happen! :slfg:
  6. Sorry for the misunderstanding.. Sounds to me you are doing things right... Kribs and convicts are known for breeding in almost any conditions so it's a bit weird they have done nothing. Assuming you have both male and female I can only think that it could be water quality.. Do you change the water often and have good bio filtration? oh yeah and like Geoff said give the kribs some sort of cave.. that helps
  7. As said above you need to separate the different species to different tanks.. then research (google) as much info on each species as you can regarding keeping and breeding and then try to create whatever is required for each species in each tank. You can't just plonk a whole bunch of different fish together in one tank and expect them to do "what fish does". Fish are different you know.. with different needs and different ways of doing things.
  8. Thanks I have no idea what their colour is called. They were pretty, so my wife wanted them :slfg: and they go well with my gentle natured Eartheaters. Yeah I'm happy too that they are happy enough to spawn. Always exciting when fish spawn :bounce:
  9. They're in a SA setup with Eartheaters and cories so won't be expecting them to be very succesful. I wasn't exactly planning Discus fry but I guess you can't fight natural instinct! :slfg: I really only have the discus in there because my wife thinks they are pretty :nilly:
  10. First of all nice work! Interesting to follow your progress. If I may add an idea for your tumbler 2.0. I remember seeing in trout hatcheries back home big upside down cone shape (funnel I guess) egg tumblers where water flows from bottom to top like yours. This way the flow is fast at the bottom and slow at the top and the eggs is always suspended somewhere in the middle bouncing around. Harder to make I guess but would work very well I think.
  11. Your plan so far sounds excellent. Most important after keeping the fish alive is to keep whatever filter material alive (the bacteria) so you can connect it ASAP and have biological filtration from the get go. What kind of filter does it come with?
  12. Sorry don't have much experience with price of big tanks (I just pay what you ask :slfg: ) but I think your setup is a great package for someone looking for a tank that size. The $1500 you are asking is too cheap imo but of course the demand is low for tanks this size. I think at least tank and stand should go together since the meassurements are not standard. Don't rule out the possibility of having the sump underneath the tank. That's what I would have done if I'd had the space for your tank. I would have just put the stand up on a frame or blocks or whatever to give it that extra height and to be able to have sump underneath. Other people might want it higher off the ground too so that would work perfectly. Having seen this tank a few times now I can only say that it is a fantastic setup and the possibilities for it are endless... Sorry can't buy it cos your other two tanks are in the way of where it would go :slfg:
  13. I use AVG Free, never had a problem and it's free (stating the obvious)
  14. Ok my bad.. you were right :oops: But "give way to whatever will hit the passenger side" still doesn't work for roundabouts.
  15. Sorryt but this doesn't make any sense in regards to the new rule. What about roundabouts and when you turn left into a street? in those cases you would be hit on the driver side but you should still give way. I think people should stop making up funny ways of remembering the rules and instead just learn the actual rules
  16. Panel beaters must be rubbing their hands right about now.
  17. Nice concept... would have thought there would be a shimmering kind of effect when you look into the tank but the site claims there is not.. But yeah curious fish would certainly go for a ride to sump town quite easily :slfg:
  18. You might find it in Hollywoods online shop (Auckland based shop if you don't already know, sorry not sure how new you are to the country)
  19. Yeah agree (from Denmark).. well.. not beer ... but I meant aquarium stuff... If you need gear ask family back home to buy and send :slfg:
  20. Welcome to NZ! Assuming you are a foreigner (like me) cory prices are not the only prices you will have to get used to being more expensive.
  21. Poor Gold Spot.... has to share his tank with a bunch of silly africans! Nice when they recover like that
  22. Good idea.. I have done same thing with ceramic tiles I bought at bunnings for $1/tile
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