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Everything posted by hovmoller

  1. We have a saying in Danish: "If you don't like the smell in the bakery you can leave" You have made your opinion clear already and no one is forcing you to keep reading this thread.
  2. Hi there, This might be one of those beaten to death issues but it's new to me so I'll ask: I'm using an Eheim 5000 as my return pump but I find it vibrates (hums) quite loudly. Now I've put it on a foam pad in the sump and that helped a bit but I think most of the sound is coming from the vibration it causes in the return plumbing. So my question is this: Does anyone know of a good type of soft flexi hose I could put between pump and pvc plumbing? (instead of pvc hose) Cheers
  3. That sounds an aweful lot like we are not allowed to discuss this because it doesn't conform with your opinion. No one is doing anything unlawful here.
  4. You should provide a bit more info before people can comment on that.. Like what kind of fish, plants, substrate you have etc..
  5. What's this "import via Redwoods" business?... sounds interesting :smln:
  6. Very good point there blueether. I think I would keep them separate.. so what if one works more than the others?
  7. In which alternate universe is this true? I don't think you have all the facts here. We should be so lucky. The fish world would be a better place
  8. Doesn't make sense at all... too unpredictable and a recipe for disaster imo. That's why you need at least 2 drains. One where you can with a valve set it to work in full siphon and take almost all the water and another where the little water that is left runs down the sides of the pipe. If you are thinking about having such a high turnover there's no reason why you could have 2 or 3 drains set to run full syphon (controlled by valves) and another witha small trickle for the rest Easy
  9. +1 This is on the marine tank I bought from you (with the exeption of the 3rd failsafe durso) It's very quiet.. Have a look here: (very good explanation) http://www.glassreef.com/basics_overflow.php
  10. Yeah this is a silly discussion really.. How long is a piece of string scenario... more information needed
  11. +1 4 is overkill unless you intend to have it outside in a drafty shed with no insulation. In which case it would be a waste of power.
  12. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48031&hilit=heatloss+calculator
  13. Interesting but sound cut out after 1min..
  14. Interesting thanks.. wouldn't want to slowly kill our fish..
  15. You should be banned from fish keeping mate! What a screwed up attitude you have to living beings. Boooooooohhh :an!gry
  16. Why don't you just put it in the place you want it in the tank and strap some rocks to it until it can stay there by itself... much much easier imo :dunno:
  17. From an Art exhibiton at Trapholt Museum in Denmark: Blenders were connected to live power and visitors had the option of activating the blenders. Sometimes I just don't understand art :facepalm:
  18. Good looking fish! :nfs: But what happened to your S. leucosticta? (jurupari) it looks like it's been beaten up!!! :an!gry
  19. G. winemilleri !drool: !drool: !drool: Agree this is a very nice setup... could be a whole lot better though if it had a proper background instead of just a mat grey/black wall
  20. Always interesting to hear about your tank ideas Henward but this thread has gone seriously :smot: I'm still keen to know if anyone has heard of any pikes around
  21. Yeah it's a bit of a tease when you talk about your fish and what you can order Acara but anyway it's nice to see what you are keeping over there in Ireland.
  22. There's not much difference in insulation performance between average polystyrene and mineral wool. Around the same R-Value for the same thickness. If you are filling in between framing etc. then wool is easier to get a better fit without gaps etc.
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