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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I have a mini one that hangs off the side. I don't like it. It doesn't prime well. A hang on back filter is good for small tanks
  2. If you work it out we'll see if its worth it for me
  3. Thanks you two. They didn't seem to have any bigger then 300something ml jars though. I may have been looking wrong :-? :lol:
  4. I sure am. Where did you get them from?
  5. The two landscaping stores i've been to had nothing like it :-?
  6. http://www.planetcatfish.com/shanesworl ... fectionist Most of you have probably seen that before, but those rocks look awesome. What do we have in NZ thats similar?
  7. So what are you going to do to prevent it happening again?
  8. I was at school! Basic computer class *yawn*
  9. I think I got mine from either bondor or expol
  10. Baking soda raises pH etc too I believe
  11. Sucks dude! You could always add some limestone or coral rock and do smaller water changes? Or get a big bucket and get the water right before you put it in(like marine keepers do to mix salt). You could always get pH up stuff too.
  12. Send me a new SD card and I'll take as many as you like :lol:
  13. I have no clue. I'll try set it on fire later? :lol: I think the grade of poly is somewhere in this thread
  14. Girlfriends family friends own a very large pool that would easily house large pacu. It was 28-34 degrees throughout summer. They had a problem keeping it cool. During the colder seasons they put a cover on it and they use solar heated water to keep the pond at about 30. Seeing as its underground it is probably better insulated by I think you can do it if you have the space and the money
  15. From my experience males and females have gotten along fine together. My 200L had 3x males and 30+ females swimming freely in it Animates stocks a nice whiptail for about $33
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