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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I was just having a look at my young Clowns (L104, P.Maccus) and noticed one of them has a tail like a L204 or L066. Anybody else noticed that before?
  2. Found 50+ eggs in my tri tank. About time seeing as I saw them doing it yesterday! My eggubator is being used so I'm now trying to DIY one using a fish food container and a sponge filter :spop:
  3. +2 Too many fish in a small tank maybe? Need a six footer like Antwan 8)
  4. I'm 5 weeks off my restricted and will be putting in a lot of driving, so if anybody wants to pay gas(or fish) I can possibly do some pick ups and drop offs
  5. Around 12-15cm, so not big
  6. No complaining at all! I'm keen to get my pandas breeding. They are rather small atm though
  7. Might DIY a real fry saver. Not too keen on using that one. Dropped in some meth blue though I already have 50+ young ones, no need for more
  8. Is there a cave for them to breed in? As long as the tank is large enough and there is hiding places, it should be fine. The only issue I had was when I had 5 large males in one 4ft. 3x spotted 2x GBA. Resulted in one very dead Spotted and some injured GBA
  9. Spotted BN :lol: L140 look to have much bigger eggs, but a lot less I replaced a cave in the L140 tank with the cave from you, and just dropped it into the spotted BN tank which is below the L140 tank. He decided to take home in there and breed. Cave was smaller than him so the eggs were outside. Two large clutches. Makes me wonder if it was two females or just the one
  10. A Rutherford will get you two plecs :lol:
  11. So after watching my cories do the "t position" this morning, I was hoping to use my eggubator for cory eggs. These are not cory eggs
  12. I'm not expert, but I don't think thats a seahorse :smln:
  13. Trade them for my active young ones! Or buy the ones like Adriennes? They're pretty stunning and active!
  14. Ancistrus often cross breed. Thats why there are so many variations with the common BN. I have ones atm that are pretty standard but have a yellow band on the tail.
  15. I had nine adults at one point. Now its five adults, two babies and 15ish fry
  16. I only have black gravel
  17. Hmmm. I wonder where you got that! Good to see some nice tank shots of the fish
  18. Joshlikesfish


    Maybe the forum can peer pressure him into letting them go :lol:
  19. Joshlikesfish


    Do it P44. Everybody but you seems to think breeding them is worth it
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