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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Try those stores that sell 10l goldfish bowls :nilly: I can think of a few example of local overstocking :nilly:
  2. How do you know they weren't kept in clean water? Its a matter of if's and buts.
  3. +1 Used that method to clean all my 2nd hand tanks. (Except it was brown vinegar :lol: )
  4. I prefer the mudkips one http://tinyurl.com/5dmmz6
  5. I get the impression that a lot of people see it the other way in my case :lol:
  6. Welcome You should join the Auckland Fish Keepers Association
  7. I should be able to get there on my own :nilly:
  8. You caught her out :lol: Which means I'll be needing another lift from you that week
  9. Theres still some more space. Maybe add a few more dats?
  10. We did not! I would also like to know! Also, did I get bonus points for completely removing the word? :lol:
  11. At 5x the cost its not worth it I was hoping somebody knew so that I wouldn't have to disturb so many post offices :lol:
  12. 1200L tank would make an amazing tank for growing up any small fish :lol:
  13. Depends. You could always go over the top but I've seen a few tanks that are totally overstocked and the fish tend to suffer. End up smaller etc from being stunted.
  14. Convicts and kribs would both work. T bars and keyholes would probably also work. You could try filling the tank with livebearers? They'd be happier in the low temps than the other types of fish. I can give you some free guppies and platies if you are keen
  15. There is probably hundreds of threads on fish shipping, but is there anywhere around howick/botany that ships fish? I have to drive to onehunga or something from mine to ship fish. Driving in rush hour traffic is such a hassle.
  16. I have an idea, not sure if it'll last the whole meeting though
  17. Yes it should be running 24/7
  18. :roey: :lol: I'm sure I can think of something fun to do!
  19. Be excited for the one in two months that I'll be or organizing ha ha :thup:
  20. You can get fancies that droop into VT But like others say. Watch out for finrot. I do tend to agree with keeping it separate though. The coke bottle method works well. Guppies and fighters can have issues and if the fighter is already weak the guppies may just make it worse
  21. It looks so much better than when the plants were all up the front :thup:
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