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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. You are aware they're the ones you sold David R right? Just making sure
  2. Getting that low is part of the trigger that I was attempting. With my panaques, I did it as low as 19 for a fortnight.
  3. Since KrazyGeoff told me they were to young to breed, I cut down on feeding, raised the temp back to 27 from 23, and stopped checking for breeding activity. I had a slight filter problem two weeks ago and the tank got covered in brown algae. Did 10-20% water changes every one to three days. Along with the cold water changes, the 100W heater was failing and would make the temp fluctuate dependent on the weather. Usually all 4 bamboo caves had the tail of a plec sticking out, but one of the caves didn't so I thought I'd check to see if it was empty. I shined my torch in and funnily enough, he was on eggs :nilly:
  4. Not at all P44. They're the protein based stuff. Novo Fect is the vege stuff. I highly recommend it. In fact, I highly recommend all JBL products. Except don't feed TABIS to hypans. Not good for them
  5. I'm 170something and I weigh 40kg more than you I started the gym at about 80kg. Now I've 96kg a year later haha. Slimmed up and put on mass Was it also meant to be 170cm fishy? :gigl:
  6. They're the staple diet of my L270
  7. Bare bottom tank, filter, only the cories, plastic plants or real plants, normal temps, cold water change in the evening. Should do it Feed them up in that tank for a fortnight first
  8. Stop using the stabilizer. Let it go naturally.
  9. I found a mini tri in my adults tank today. Looks IDENTICAL to the adults but tiny. Was so chuffed
  10. Endurance? Just run or cycle. Upper body strength? I wouldn't do too much. You're 14 right?
  11. The day isn't over! I usually go to the gym around 7-7.30. Often don't leave until closing time at 9
  12. I totally agree with that. I joined the gym at 80kg to try and burn fat. Now I'm 15kg heavier and so much healthier. I can run now whereas I never used to be able to. Since I started a year ago, I've learned that it doesn't matter what the scales say, as long as you're happy with your body
  13. Neither of them were hanging out there today. I plan to set them up a 60x30x30 this afternoon to try and get them going. The plecs three times their size would get in the way of any breeding :lol:
  14. Sucks to hear about it! My cockatoo is fine after his little swim on the floor though. A female has taken home in the cave you made me and he's chilling around outside it
  15. They're womanly functions all become in sync, or something like that
  16. I'm 17 and used to watch flipper as a kid haha
  17. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=50533 Check out that thread. I always follow it when I breed my bettas :lol:
  18. There should be plenty of small glass tanks on trade me. Its where I got almost all my tanks from. Worst come to worst, you can get them made firsthand by Tanks2u
  19. +1 +1 I always spawned mine in tanks with no flow. Kept the nest together better. Also the unplanned spawnings were done in places with little flow. The male may not have found something appropriate to make his nest under either
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