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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. My 1992 honda integra thats done 285000k's needs so much done to it, its not even funny :lol:
  2. I'm in need of a haircut Hairs almost longer than my girlfriends!
  3. Joshlikesfish


    Mine went in that cave. Maybe you could try something similar? Small fry should survive in that jungle of yours. Worth a try
  4. You could probably use it for stationary
  5. Thanks Critter! Still looking for a tank shot of a small tank
  6. Thats wicked! I'm dieing to get my restricted! Have to have somebody drop me at westgate on both saturday and sunday :facepalm: :sml2:
  7. Thought about using a normal fem and line breeding?
  8. Hey everyone Looking for a decent photo of a small betta tank with a betta in it that I can use for my computer assignment. Basically a small display tank. I cant use random photo's due to copyright, so if you think you have a photo of your tank that I may be able to use, please post it Also general photos of bettas for the assignment too Thanks
  9. Awesome!! Still nothing from my group. Whats your trigger?
  10. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Food-beverage/Lollies-sweets/auction-388678574.htm That sums it all up. Those seem to be big sellers :sml1:
  11. 5-7cm? I know the packet from the gravel siphon I bought said to do that when getting the flow started
  12. I have successfully acclimatised those types of guppies to warm water. Minnows can be done also but I have no experience. You wouldn't want to mix danio's, tetras and minnows in a small tank on a visual basis. A large school of one type would look more effective. You could add something like dwarf gourami (which may have issues with the guppies), corydoras or killifish?
  13. 64L is all good for tropicals! My first tropical display was only 50L
  14. I tend to disagree with what animates told you about the cm per liter ratio but it makes sense with most of the fish animates stocks. From what I know, goldfish produce a lot of waste for their size and most tropical's don't in comparison
  15. Still looks pretty normal! The L200 I got to see in person all had slight variations. Spot sizes etc
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