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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. An important thing to know about clown loaches is that they also need to be in a well matured tank - one that has been set up and stable for at least 6 months. Clown loaches are also sensitive to water conditions and get white spot very easily but are sensitive to the usual medication. I would not get them yet if I were you. Also, did you know they lose that bright black and orange colouring as they grow? Only the young fish are that bright.
  2. LFS - local fish shop Angels can be fine or can be the terrors of the tank. They are often fine when small but get vicious as they get older. Luck of the draw. If yours is fine you are lucky (and it is more likely to be female).
  3. He probably thought he would give you a little early Christmas excitement :lol:
  4. At this time of year I doubt a heater will be necessary. If anything, it may be too hot in the vehicle. The internal temp when you travel in your car is usually quite warm.
  5. Someone has just asked me to sell their hex tank (glass). No need to polish it
  6. Fish that size I would tend to just put in a chilly bin (or poly box) each, no bag. I have transported fish that way but if only a poly box, it will tend to leak around the lid, even if it is taped down! You could also try the Plastic Box or similar for large containers with leakproof lids. 1/3 max water to 2/3 air. Don't feed the fish for a day or 2 before travel (less poo). I would also have another container of aged water so I could do partial water changes if necessary. Don't know if you are making the trip with them in 1 day or stopping overnight. I have travelled from Blenheim to Dunedin with fish bagged over 12 hours with no problems. One of our members bought a discus from Wet Pets in Palmerston North, got it to our place, stayed the night, then continued on to ChCh the next day. Fish survived with minor water change at our place just to be on the safe side.
  7. In my experience, the shoaling fish have pretty much left other species alone when they have been in good sized groups (over 6) then they spend all their time keeping each other in line and don't disturb the other fish.
  8. Its whitebait. Perhaps you don't recognise them without the batter :lol:
  9. Caryl


    Nice pics. Just a suggestion - next time you take a photo cover the top of the tank (and light) with a towel or something so the only light is shining directly into the tank. It will look even better
  10. Yes but some tetras, danios and rasboras won't necessarily get along with the guppies. They like to nibble on the guppy tails. Shouldn't be a major problem though.
  11. In Blenheim we have no chlorine but they started adding lime and caustic soda to the water supply to raise the pH as it was 6.5 they claimed and affecting the pipes. It is 7.0 at our place and I just add water straight from the garden hose. No problems. Never use any chemicals, additives etc.
  12. Caryl


    Weight it down with rocks, silicone it to the bottom of the tank, tuck some fishing sinkers into it somewhere. It will sink eventually. Try boiling it with baking soda added to the water then rinsing it really really well before putting it back in the tank. If it is too big for your pot, do one end at a time.
  13. The plants will be fine. The fish will appreciate having them to hide in when they arrive too.
  14. Hi and welcome Angel. I too would check the pH the inanga were in compared to your tank. We have kept them too and they were very peaceful. If they are dashing about like that something is stressing them badly.
  15. Caryl

    Silly Question

    I gather the main reason for keeping them separate is to keep the strains pure.
  16. Quite possibly Luke but having never followed them, I would not like to speculate 8)
  17. There is a difference between being infertile and not being interested in females
  18. I seem to remember someone claiming fish were able to travel to other dimensions and this is where they go when you can't find them
  19. Mine arrived today too. Many thanks. Very nice book.
  20. Welcome Alex. I am sure you will get plenty of advice here - good advice too!
  21. Anyone needing one I suggest you contact Alan ASAP as they are very hard to get these days. Not much demand for them.
  22. Caryl


    2 possibilities. How long have you had them? 1. you actually have 1 Ancistrus sp and 1 plecostomus. Ancistrus grow up to 15cm and plecs grow to 40cm 2. You have 2 males and the bigger one is getting all the food and lording it over the smaller one. Are they old enough to sex yet?
  23. Breeding traps are small plastic or mesh containers designed to float in the main tank. They are used to house single fish to keep them away from others, or to keep a livebearer in while she drops her fry. The fry are supposed to fall through a small gap in the bottom into a chamber below and safe out of the way from being eaten by mum or other fish in the tank.
  24. Caryl

    Convict cichlids

    Just add water :lol: (actually, you might not even have to do that much)
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