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    The Great Outdoors, The Sea, Fish, Nature.

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  1. Evening all. My pair of Bristlenoses have breed......7/8/07, im a happy man....lol, i have managed to catch about a dozen of them & have put them in a breeding net, tricky little buggers i tell ya. So was wondering how fast they grow. I have a 1500 x 600 x 600 tank, just under 600 liters. I have put them in with some Albino Corys i have also breed & they seem to be fine. Feeding twice daily with fine flake & shrimp pellets plus algae chips. Any idea on how long before setting them free into my main tank. Cheers SHARK
  2. Yes i do, they are in there own tank with Red Ramshorns & Baby Platties, they are wet to look at, just no babies.
  3. Cheers for that, have had a look at the website. I have some eggs that have been on the glass for about 35 days now & still nothing, was wondering whether they would be infertile. Any ideas anyone. Shark
  4. Hello to all. I have just had my Apple Snails lay clusters of eggs on the top class of there tank & was wondering how long the take to develope & hatch. Cheers the SHARK
  5. Well some interesting stories. I think some people on this site no alot & some no nothing, thats why i like this site..........lol........i have been breeding different types of fish, cold & tropical for 25 years & still have lots to learn. Also breed Turtles, Red Eared Sliders & Blue heelers/dogs. Have done some of my own looking around & asking a few questions. And this is what i have found out, for anyone that is interested. They dont need to come out of the water to breath, they can live very happily with out leaving the water, they have a long tube that comes to the surface that they take air in through, but thats not to say they dont come out of the water to breath aswell. From what i gather they need to pair up to breed, cant do it by them selves. They lay there eggs out of the water so the fish or other critters dont eat them, when the hatch they drop into the water. They also like to go walk about, the chap i spoke to has had them for 30 years & sometimes he finds them all over his garage floor in the morning, they like to get around. They are part of the Apple Snail family & can grow very large, not as big as the yellow Apple Snail, but big, tennis ball size, so looking forward to that. They can devastate a planted tank in days, so not much good if ya like a planted tank, wont last long with these suckers. They can live for up to 25 to 30 years if they are in the right environment, they also need calcium to stop there shells from going soft or pitting out, just like Turtles, same sort of thing. If you feed them heaps they grow very fast. Thanks to those people who had something to add. Cheers SHARK.
  6. I have 4 big brown Mystery Snails & they have started to try & leave the water, would this be something to do with breeding, with the water warming up. I have them in cold water with my goldfish fry, they clean up all the left over food & waste. The water temp is about 20 - 22 so was wodering why ??????? Any ideas would be great. Thanks the SHARK
  7. Afternno all. Im trying to find out any info on keeping freshwater Shrimp/coldwater. There seems to be only one type in NZ, but limited info. Any help would be great. Cheers SHARK.
  8. Good evening to all. I have just set up a tank for growing plants up, plus have some Red Ramshorn snails to keep things tidy, i have read that the PH cant go to acidic or it will corrode the shells which in turn will kill them. So if i put some small bits of dead coral in my filter for the water to pass by, do you think this would help. coral is a type of limestone.......YES/NO Thanks SHARK
  9. Afternoon everyone. Just one question. How long do platties live for ? The reason i ask is i have had some for about a year & found one floating, dead, did an exam on it , it was full of babies, but they looked like they were rooten. Anybody help Regards SHARK
  10. GOOD EVENING TO EVERYBODY. I was given some Platties a couple of weeks back & they have dropped there babies & was wondering how long they take to grow. They are about 5-6mm long. Do they grow fast ? They are in my 500lt tank inside fine mesh fish holders so they dont get eaten by my other fish. Also was wondering how many males i need i my tank to fertilize 8 females. Any ideas would be great. Cheers SHARK.
  11. Thank you all so very much for your helpfull info, have placed a cave in my tank 550liter & are feeding them on algae wafers plus zuccinis & peas. They just love them. Will just wait & see. Thanks again for all your help. Cheers SHARK
  12. Wow, so cool. How old are they ?? Will they breed with a normal B/N ?? And how do i get some.......lol. SHARK
  13. Unfortunately is spawning some fish die, the females get battered by the males, they hit there bellies, trying to get the eggs to release so the can fertilize them with there milt. I have had to take a couple of female Calico's out late last year, they where so exhausted, siting on the bottom, while the males are trying to bash them. Like the others have said, keep an eye on her, if you have a good natural ballance in your pond or tank your fish will heal in no time, very hardy Goldfish are. The Shark
  14. Bummer, something to work on i feel. Thanks. SHARK
  15. Sorry to here about your fish. Regards Shark
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