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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hi Walter and welcome. That is very nice of you to add ready snacks, in the form of neons, for your angels. Why the wait for real plants? They will help your tank achieve a natural balance a lot faster. If you plant them before adding fish they will have a chance to establish their roots too.
  2. They may be called just cichlids because they are possibly hybrids. Most of what are sold in shops are hybrids I understand. Sorry I can't help you with your ID. I am not sure what some of mine are either but, like you, recognised the electric yellows
  3. Hmmm think level might be dropping very very slowly. Not too bad as we could top it up once a week. The fish would appreciate that.
  4. Caryl


    He might also have too big a load for the bugs to ever catch up with. We need tank size and what is in it. What filter are you using?
  5. Another day and level seems to be holding.
  6. 2. ambulia 4. might be star grass. My polysperma had wider leaves I think 6 is a crypt as I suspect are some of the others and I agree with antwan re the tiger lotus
  7. Water level hasn't dropped any further so I suspect it is just a bit around the top somewhere. Will have to decide what to do next if so... 1. add more rocks to cover bits of plaster above water line 2. Grow plants in a way to cover bits showing 3. Figure out where the leak is and seal it further. I think I prefer option 1 as it is easiest but will wait and see if it stabilises at this level then see what the landscapers suggest.
  8. I don't know about the other but I love my Jebo filters.
  9. You are on my mailing list now PJ so they must have paid up for you
  10. Well got up this morning to welcome heavy rain. Pond level has dropped about 6cm if that. Not sure if it is still very very slowly leaking all over or just at the top edge where it joins the rocks. Hard to tell with the rain. Will have to wait a few days to see. So I think we will just get a sniffle out of the poor landscaper today.
  11. It does not require fencing as it is not a swimming pool. We checked with the council before we started. It was a pond sealer they use for concrete water tanks Alan and didn't have a name on it. They put the slurry over the surface and this had some sort of sealant in it as well. They then brushed the pond sealer on in two coats with several days in between to dry.
  12. Well it is now dark but as the sun set the water level was still the same as it had been at lunchtime, which is a good sign 8) Here is our new lawn after they resowed the bare bits...
  13. I told you he's shy. I doubt you will get a pic of him at all - crying or not!
  14. Got home at lunchtime to find THEY HAVE STARTED FILLING THE POND AGAIN! It took half the time it did last time so here's hoping that means the leaks have been fixed. The landscaper says if it hasn't, he'll cry. This afternoon they are re-sowing the little bare patches showing up now the lawn has started to grow.
  15. Cloudiness may be a result of the fish overproducing body slime for protection indicating poor, or wrong, water conditions. Keep a close eye on the others for similar symptoms.
  16. The reason for the breeding scheme was merely to encourage more members to breed their fish. I will bring up your points at the next exec meeting Billaney. Perhaps we need to add more information or make things clearer in the YB.
  17. Pref. the coordinator but others will do I would guess. You must be able to count at least 10.
  18. It is a bit overstocked. Don't forget things will get worse as the fish grow. Do you know how old the neons are? When they get old the grow paler, move a lot less and tend to look a bit tatty. As many people buy them as a group, chances are they are all the same age so when one dies, the others aren't often far behind so people think they have something wrong when in fact it is geriatric siblings.
  19. Caryl

    Hi, I'm new!

    I hate to admit this but some of the people in here don't always know what they are talking about either :roll: :lol: We are all hobbyists sharing our knowledge and experience. Some have a lot more of this than others but all mean well and at least you know we aren't trying to sell you something! 8)
  20. Have you noted odd poo or anything? Perhaps he has internal problems. If only we could ask them!
  21. I never had a skimmer or lights and never did a water change in the almost 2 years we had the tank set up. Only topped it up as necessary. As a rockpool it didn't need these things. An 800L tank would have looked impressive! Of all the tanks we have had over the years, the rockpool marine attracted the most interest from visitors.
  22. Fins crossed Lyndy. Won't know until we fill it again.
  23. I would be inclined to stain it and tell people the screw holes add character
  24. Pond update. They have now put a special sealer (2 coats) over the sealed plaster stuff. Now needs to cure for at least 48 hours. We have lots more grass too!
  25. Contrary to belief - I am human
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