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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Update. Pond is still leaking slightly. Luckily from the top, not the bottom 8) It has been raining steadily and the rain has filled the pond faster than the leak has drained it so the level has risen a little overnight. It is about 10cm shy of where it should be and the guys will fix it. Not a lot they can do with this weather though as the pond needs to be drained and the sealant stuff set and dried. Here is a pic as it is today (overcast drizzle and all). Note the lovely green grass. We have never had that before! Here are our first pond additions... The fine bits floating around the boat are the leaves from the overhanging silk tree. I am hoping the fine leaves will break up quickly and not cause problems dropping into the water as I know overhanging trees can be a problem but like the look and didn't want to trim the tree.
  2. It does here too Caper but also means "to build, or put together quickly" :lol: . The context helps you work out which 'knocked up" is meant.
  3. I agree with blue but are you also checking the water parameters? That seems a lot of fish to have added so quickly. Have you any test kits? When starting a new tank it helps to check the pH, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels so you can tell if the tank is cycling properlyl. It will also help you decide when to do partial water changes. Leaving the tank empty for a week would have done nothing except allow the gravel dust to settle and for you to check the consistency of your heaterstat temperature (which is a good thing to do). It will have not started cycling until you added some fish. A 280L corner unit sounds good. Do you have any pics?
  4. Poly doesn't seem to change anything but it will slowly berak down over many years. One of our club members used a hot wire to gouge out caves and shapes then siliconed gravel to it. Looked great (but was very heavy). Do the work outside too or the smell will get you.
  5. Talked to the landscapers last night. They are still working on the problem. I don't think the pole is at fault now, just somewhere around the top of the rocks. It is better than it was, the water level has only dropped slightly and not as far as before but it is still a good 10cm lower than it should be. We bought 2 yellow rubber duckies and a battery operated boat. Mummy duck falls over but baby floats nicely. Haven't tried out the boat yet
  6. The brown stuff shows the filter is working. It is supposed to do that. It will eventually go black if you don't clean it. I guess the important thing to do is ask lots of questions of many people (preferably fish keepers :lol: ) and read heaps then go with the majority. I too have had both good and bad advice from shops but then I also try to educate myself before going in so I have a fair idea whether their information is likely to be correct or not. Both books and the Net also have incorrect information at times so you will also learn by your mistakes, and hopefully not kill any fish in the process.
  7. RTB sharks can be very peaceful until they reach a certain size, or age, then get very territorial. This is so of a number of species.
  8. New territory suddenly thrust upon it. Very stressed with his new situation and possibly different water parameters. Hopefully he will settle down again.
  9. Come back from our holiday to find the pond is still losing water around the pergola pole Haven't caught up with the landscapers yet but will let you know how things progress.
  10. I don't think Star Wars has anything to do with it. Greeblies must be a colloquial word. It just means general bugs and microscopic critters.
  11. Well I for one am confused. This post makes little sense to me. I assume you are referring to something on Trademe that also happens to involve a person who is also an NZKA member? I hope you are not tarring a whole group with the same brush if you are having problems with one or two individuals. We are not responsible for trademe auctions or individuals for that matter!
  12. Caryl

    Gold Fish Help

    Is she behaving normally and eating well? If so, I would leave her alone. I have seen fish look like this for years with no apparent ill effects. If it is bothering you, perhaps you could try stripping her.
  13. Caryl

    Gold Fish Help

    Could be just the angle of the pic but I thought it was more protruding on one side than the other, hence my egg bound thoughts, rather than dropsy. I have had goldfish look like this and live perfectly happily with no problems whatsoever.
  14. Why not show us the pic here?
  15. Perhaps they were Easter eggs
  16. Caryl

    Gold Fish Help

    Looks more egg bound to me (but I am no goldfish expert). Better wait until someone more knowledgeable re goldfish comes along
  17. Good pics! I would not put the guppies outside in those temperatures. They might cope with 10+ but that doesn't mean it is good for them, or that they will breed. Minimum temperature I would suggest should be 15C but preferably 18C. Others may disagree though :lol:
  18. People with turtles throw cuttlefish bone in the water for them. Perhaps you can do this for the snails?
  19. Lorraine also needs to know we have all 'been there done that' so we know, usually from personal experience, what can be done wrong and hopefully how to fix it. That is what we are here for. We do not intend to freak anyone out!
  20. "Greeblies" is a well known scientific term Sharn Do you not have greeblies in Canada Caper?
  21. Snail shells are made of calcium carbonate. They need an alkaline pH to stay in good condition as acidic water will erode them. People use shells to raise their tank pH. Do you just have the shells or are they live snails?
  22. Caryl


    My tanks are all about 22C unless it is summer then they heat to whatever the room temp is - anything from 24 - 33C
  23. I think they are only waterproof on the Seratone side. The rest would rot under water.
  24. Caryl

    700L tank

    CONGRATULATIONS! Yes we had a great trip away thanks. Will get the pics resized and photobucketed soon I hope. Trying to catch up in here first.
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