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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I think if I attempted to console the landscapers they would run as fast as possible in the opposite direction and would never finish the pond! :lol: They sealed the latest patches today so now we wait until it has set and fill it up again. Having talked about this pond for over 20 years a few more days is neither here nor there. They are doing their best but haved found it a frustrating learning curve. I think they are more frustrated than I am. We all learn by our mistakes.
  2. I just had a plastic container about 40cm x 20 x 20 half filled with sea water. Added eggs (gathered from Lake Grassmere saltworks) and left it. They hatched, grew, reproduced etc with no input from me except to occasionally top it up with more sea water if I thought of it. Mind you, I wasn't feeding them to fish, just did it to see if they would, so not great numbers.
  3. Caryl

    Amazon Tank

    Amazon - a spelling mistake I think. Should be Amazin'
  4. Be aware if you are buying daphnia from elsewhere - they do not travel well!!! Most will be dead by the time you get them.
  5. Heaterstat gauges are inaccurate Lorraine. Just because it says it is set to 28 doesn't mean the actual temp will be 28 :roll: Use a separate thermometer to check. If you realise your heaterstat is 2 degrees hotter than it actually says, then set it accordingly.
  6. Caryl

    Welcome Back

    You spelled my name incorrectly Allan? :lol:
  7. It varies greatly across the country as couriers are usually owner operated so X company in Blenheim may be good but the same X company in Wgtn may be terrible. North Island Pet Courier Services will transport all sorts of animals. They advertised that here somewhere in the Commercial thread but I couldn't find it. They do special pet runs so the service is not available every day. You book ahead. Fish are$10.00 per bag to fit inside 10lt bucket. No limit per bag. No extra for kms Contact Karyn: [email protected] PHONE: 078737061 answer phone if not home. CELL 0273321991 texting is fine.
  8. Caryl

    New Tank!

    Aren't new tanks fun and exciting?
  9. Since I have seen them laid on the roof of a cave I am sure they are sticky! Good luck with them. The airflow is the key.
  10. Caryl

    Guppy Wall

    You still lose depth though blue. Hard to make sure they look balanced from both sides.
  11. Yes others have done it. Easiest is to cut out polystyrene to shape using a hot wire, apply thin coat of silicone then sprinkle sand or gravel over it. Careful of the fumes though and remember it will be heavy when finished but still want to float so you need to anchor it under bracing and maybe make it in 2 pieces for easier handling.
  12. Welcome Vickie. Good luck with the biotope. Is this to be a fast flowing Amazon or a settled bit?
  13. Caryl

    Guppy Wall

    Landscaping tanks that can be seen from both sides is tricky. They make great room dividers though. Would be better if you could get 2 tanks the same height though.
  14. Caryl

    Welcome Back

    I did thanks. The pics are in the off topic section.
  15. Caryl

    Welcome Back

    I assure you Alan it was not me they were missing
  16. The fish will love the mozzie larvae too. My outside containers are left to their own devices and have all sorts of things floating in them but no harm to the fish when I net out critters for them to feed.
  17. Sorry Lorraine but we did warn you this would happen. They are very sensitive to meds so if you resort to these, use half dose. Raising the temp will make the white spot lifecycle go faster and thoroughly vacuuming the gravel will pick up the cysts. Keep an eye on your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels and do water changes whenever these go up a bit. With a bit of luck you will be able to save them through the tank cycle. Good luck
  18. Is that your 'big clown'? :lol:
  19. There are a lot of fish variables too that need to be factored in - age, size, number, quirky personalities 8)
  20. Watch using that stuff as it often only works temporarily if there are buffers in the tank so you end up with major pH swings as the pH keeps going back to original.
  21. Caryl


    If they were in the gravel they are probably planaria worms. They are harmless but unsightly in plague proportions. A result of over-feeding.
  22. Caryl

    Hi From Tauranga!

    Hi and welcome Joel. We won't hold the fact that you are friends with Antwan against you :lol:
  23. Hi and welcome. If you like the FNZAS breeding scheme you will have to make sure your new club affiliates to us then
  24. Rebecca, when my son was 3 (he is now 23) we went there too and it took us ages to convince him that the diver (who was in there feeding the fish) was waving at him and could see him too. :lol:
  25. I want some rays! Had them glide over me recently at Kelly Tarltons. Very thick glass between us though
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