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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    This or that

    water (teetotallers here) gravy or white sauce?
  2. Caryl

    This or that

    vegetarian (but I love my meat) vegans won't eat anything from an animal including eggs and milk, much stricter than vegetarian I think chicken or pork?
  3. Caryl

    My poor neons

    If the other neons got very thin before they died I would suspect internal parasites. Female neons get nice and plump when they are full of eggs. All neons get plumper after they feed. Also, do you have any idea how old the neons are? They may be dying of old age. Old fish will get thin and ragged looking and may also develop curves of the spine. If they were all bought together they will be a similar age so all die about the same time. Neons in aquariums live anywhere from 2 - 5 years depending on age when bought.
  4. We have very strict quarantine laws and many meds are banned here too. The MAF meesheelly mentions stands for Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries.
  5. Welcome. Is that Bubble's tank or Bubble stank? :lol: Just curious as it makes a big difference 8)
  6. I never thought you were keeping your fish in inadequate conditions. I was merely curious as to the poor size of the goldfish and your answer explains it fully and makes their size perfectly understandable. They certainly look fit and healthy and no offence was meant. The reason I asked what size the tank was is that if it was actually bigger than it looked then so, possibly, were the fish. Goldfish here are used to much colder conditions than you apparently keep them there. My goldfish are outside and cope with down to 24F in winter and up to 97F in summer. I have the Anubias nana and it is one of my favourite plants. Not sure if the other varieties are available here but I am sure Blueandkim will know
  7. Then you will be pleased to know I ought to have fairly regular Net access (and free!) while away
  8. Caryl

    This or that

    Swiss roll (hard decision though) Rock n roll or country?
  9. I am impressed the water doesn't fall out of that tank, being set up on its end like that
  10. Welcome and happy fishkeeping 8)
  11. The tank is looking nice. Here we usually recommend not to mix cold and tropical fish. What size is the tank? They are awfully small for 12 year old fish.
  12. Nothing wrong with second hand, depending on how old they are, how long they have been sitting unused, and how long they were used for. I would not pay more than half retail price for second hand (depending on the above).
  13. Caryl


    Send a PM to AMAZONIAN in these forums. He lives in Nelson, has years of fishkeeping experience and has just started up the Tasman Aquarium Club so will be able to help you heaps. Just remember, a shop is there to sell you things (whether you need them or not) Welcome to The Fishroom.
  14. Magazines all set ready to post Monday morning :bounce:
  15. Going pale is a sign of stress as well, not necessarily a disease.
  16. He didn't go on the cover cos all that white would have blinded the posties! Sarah, I have sent Chris an email but got no reply. Can you check please?
  17. and he spotted another typing error! :lol: Obviously photography is not my daughter's forte
  18. Getting there. Got all printed and stapled. Have folded, wrapped and stamped 100 so far :roll: Guess who got to read it first... :bounce:
  19. No idea sorry. Perhaps someone else knows. :-?
  20. Caryl


    Doesn't matter
  21. Hi and welcome. Good to hear you are enjoying your hobby. I hope it expands as it is going to with the fish you have chosen. Some of them are going to outgrow your tank A 1.2m is ok for juvenile silver sharks but a 1.8 minimum will be needed.
  22. Try a pea or two (shell removed) in case it is constipated. The rounded, shorter goldfish types often have swim bladder problems. Did you change the type of food recently?
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