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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    Yeah Ruthie, contact me when I get home (March 14th). I live in Faulkland Drive, Blenheim and am president of the local aquarium club. Happy to help you. By the wonders of modern technology I am typing this from Brunei Welcome to The Fishroom by the way :lol:
  2. Looking good. PLeased you all enjoyed yourselves.
  3. I have a well planted tank but don't use fertilisers or CO2
  4. Caryl

    Hutt Pets

    I was unaware they offer FNZAS discount. If I get official notification of this they will be added to the retailers' list in the magazine.
  5. Caryl

    My poor neons

    The cardinals will probably hang out with the neons.
  6. Places that sell farm troughs and stuff also have clear plastic pipes of various sizes.
  7. As one who only does water changes once every 3 or 4 months I would say they should be fine :lol: Do a water change 2 days before, so you have time to spot trouble. If the tank is mature, understocked and well planted it will be fine. If you usually do a water change once every 7 days then strectching it to 9 isn't a big difference. Make sure the filter is going well at full output.
  8. I am wondering if something died somewhere or there is a pocket of uneaten food stuck. Have you checked under rocks, in ornaments etc? It should have come right by now. Otherwise, I would do as Mystic suggests and strip the tank.
  9. Caryl

    This or that

    FRY (stop stirring :lol: ) summer or winter?
  10. The majority, if not all, will be eaten by the adults
  11. If you want to email the pic to me in the meantime I will post it for you.
  12. Feelers we set up a rockpool marine with critters from the Kaikoura coast. We caught those little red anemones, rockfish, triplefins, hermit crab, brittlestars, various other starfishes, a sea cucumber, lots of shrimps, and chitons.
  13. The one I said I liked is now 5th from the bottom :roll: :-? The last one is also excellent
  14. Alan you can't add an image here from your computer. It must be uploaded to a hosting site, like Photobucket, first.
  15. I would like to point out we were merely interested in your theory and were asking questions as to how it worked. None of your answers explained logically. Just because some queried your method doesn't necessarily mean they disagreed (although some did. We live in a free country and allowed to disagree with someone), they were merely trying to understand your reasoning. I am sure I found some of your posts offensive long before you decided we were the rude ones as you seemed to feel defensive from the start. I hope you enjoy your time elsewhere.
  16. Yes they were OOA. I now have no Africans at all as I sold them all to kribkrazy (who can't wait for his next delivery )
  17. The dorsal fin keeps the fish upright, serves to protect the fish against rolling and assist in sudden turns and stops. Is it possible those with 2 live in more turbulent waters or swift currents? Never thought about it before.
  18. You're right, you did find some nice pics :lol: I particularly like the 2nd to last one for some reason.
  19. 3 years already? I will be very interested in this thread and a good topic Layton. Perhaps I will be able to convert it into an article for the AW I know nothing about the history of marine keeping in NZ so will be very interested on whatever people can add.
  20. Caryl

    Tiger Barbs

    red albinos? :lol:
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