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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. The crooked picture was the first thing I noticed too! :lol: Tank is looking good. Can't wait to see it "live"
  2. Fievels007 don't get clown loaches yet, your tank is still too new. Also make sure your bristlenoses and Siamese algae eaters have food to eat as there will be little for them in a tank only one month old. I suspect the BNs are so busy as they are desperate for food! Feed them bottom dweller pellets and cucumber. What size is your tank? Clown loaches need a big one as they grow very large.
  3. Caryl

    Dying Pleco's

    Never tried a weekend tab so don't know what it is (I know what you mean but don't know how they are made and of what) but I suspect they were the problem and, as said, the plecs got to them directly. For such a short time I would not have fed them anything. I regularly go away for a week at a time and do not feed the fish during that time. Never lost one yet, although they are pleased to see me :lol: My tank is very mature, heavily planted, and understocked. Not feeding for a week is not something I would suggest otherwise.
  4. Me, Grant, Afrikan (and Fishy-Lips I assume), Dave, Warren
  5. With dropsy, if you look down from above, the fish will appear all puffed out and the scales will look like a pinecone. More likely to be constipated I think. If he is constipated his belly area only will be swollen and yes, the scales will stick out a bit on the swollen area. Try feeding him a cooked pea (pop it out of the shell first as it is a bit hard to digest). Peas are good for constipation in fish. Failing this you can use Epsom Salts but I am not sure of the doseage offhand.
  6. Yes that isn't as bad as I was picturing. With a bit of luck it will recover.
  7. Could be you have a pair and the male is trying to get the girl's attention
  8. Not sounding good. If it has damaged deep enough to affect the gut I think it should be put out of its misery
  9. We won't be there on Monday shiuh! You will be able to attend and be home Sunday night if you are in Wgtn.
  10. Hi fluffypants and welcome. That will be too many fish for your small tank. Save money and stop adding the fertiliser, Stress Zyme and water conditioner, they are not needed. You will not have cooked the plants at 28C and by now you will realise that 25 on the heaterstat doesn't necessarily mean 25C :roll: . Neons are not good to start a tank with as their quality seems to leave a lot to be desired these days and they will most likely die in a newly set up tank. The zebra danios would be excellent to start with as they are hardy. 6 of these would cycle your tank nicely. If you start with them, do not add any more fish for at least 1 month to give the bacteria time to build up in the undergravel filter. This is what we mean by "cycle". As the fish produce waste, this is converted by good bacteria into harmless stuff and builds up slowly over time. If you add too many fish at once they will die from ammonia poisoning as the new bacteria can't multiply fast enough to keep up with the wastes produced. Guppies and platies are livebearers so will produce fry every 4 - 6 weeks - hundreds of them! If you do not want this, as you will have to have somewhere to put them, get all males. Otherwise, you want a ratio of one male to every 3 - 4 females. I would not add a Siamese Fighter (although many will disagree with me) I feel they are better suited to a species only tank of their own. Dwarf gouramis are sensitive to water conditions so don't add them either until the tank has matured a few months and stabilised. How about attending the next Totally Tanked meeting? Check out http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/februa ... 18496.html They will be able to give you a lot of help (and maybe fish and plants too ) and help you work out what is best for your tank.
  11. I don't shift big fish in plastic bags. They go straight into solid plastic containers or barrels. Much easier and no chance of burst bags.
  12. The bigger the tank the easier it is to look after.
  13. Welcome Ashbo. You also have a choice of local clubs you can join too.
  14. Comets need length to be able to swim as they are fast and grow large. 90cm minimum tank length I would personally recommend. Why not swap them for some fancy goldfish like veil or fantails? They do not speed about like the comets.
  15. You are in ChCh so as far as I know you do not need water conditioner as your water supply is not chlorinated. Wait for another ChCh person to confirm this though. Cycle is not needed either. You don't need to leave the water overnight, out of the tap will be a fine with a little hot water added to take the chill off it. What size is your tank? Comets are better in a pond.
  16. Yeah, PM Tank Man he will be able to advise you.
  17. I have barbs :lol: (not torpedos yet) The rosy barbs rip into it.
  18. Torpedo barbs - my favourite fish at the moment. I also love star grass but can't have it in my tank as the fish strip it bare within 24 hours Looking good!
  19. Sorry to hear that. Some times we just don't think
  20. welcome bdspider. I hope you realise some of the fish on your wish list are not suitable for your small tank!
  21. and you're getting some use out of that new camera Hope they all hatch and survive.
  22. I am ignoring this entire thread! :evil: :lol:
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