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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    My new tank

    Hey I'm resting!!! It is almost 6pm here and Grant headed off to Computer City so I am resting after a full day on Lantau Island walking up to the giant Buddha and visiting the Po Lin monastery 8)
  2. Caryl

    My new tank

    He doesn't have to wait until I get back as I can harass him here from Hong Kong Head back to Brunei tomorrow then Kota Kinabalu and Mulu.
  3. It will raise it if it has lots of shell in it. Try collecting the sand from as high above the high tide mark as possible as it wil have less shell in it.
  4. Watch the amount of fine bits of shell in it as it will raise your pH. I sometimes get fine gravel from our local beach but have to get it above the high tide mark as the lower stuff has too much shell.
  5. I got it from infected plants and I tried everything to get rid of it but nothing worked. Used Erythromycin as a last resort (and handily I work for a doctor so could get it without prescription) and it worked within 24 hours with no detrimental effects to fish or bacteria in the filter. BG has never returned.
  6. Thought you guys might like the pics I took of the marine tank in Singapore Airport and at Underwaterworld on Sentosa Island. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all The tank pics are the last in the album. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... r%20World/ Quality isn't the best on some but hard to take pics with people jostling and walking in front of you!
  7. Take note Alan, Blenheim doesn't have chlorine in their tap water. We're pure we are (I always wash my filters under the tap)
  8. Caryl


    Hi Craig and welcome from me as I surf the Net in Singapore's Changi Airport. 8)
  9. Bettas don't swim well with those flowing fins. A place to rest would help I am sure.
  10. Most of them, depending on how cold. Java fern, Java moss, water sprite hygrophila, bacopa (baby teas) to start.
  11. That is usually signs of stress, or disease. Are the new tank conditions totally different to the old? Is he in with other fish? Something is not to his liking.
  12. Caryl


    What sort of plant? You haven't got plecs or BNs have you? They can suck holes in some of the more delicate plants. Snails eat holes too of course.
  13. OK, don't add any more fish. You have too many all ready. Remember how big goldfish get and yes, they can outgrow a tank.
  14. You can fit a galleon in it? Must be huge :lol: What are the measurements in cms? Are we talking long or tall litres? It makes a difference as stocking levels are based on surface area. I hope you keep an eye on them all at feeding time and make sure all get a share of the food as the comet will beat the rest to it easily and take more than its fair share.
  15. Hey! That looks like what they call porridge over here :lol:
  16. Supermarkets, malls, vets, libraries, schools, anywhere you can find a community noticeboard.
  17. All the lfs have gravel in varying colours. I like the dark brown one myself and it is cheaper to buy in bulk but I would have thought a place like Bunnings would be way cheaper. Your BN should be developing bristles at about that size and if it doesn't - congratulations, it's a girl!
  18. Generally speaking I have found shops not so keen to put up club posters. They are aware many clubs breed, sell and swap fish and plants among themselves so doing the shops out of businaess. The chain stores all have policies like Animates. There are exceptions of course You only found 10 lfs in ChCh? There used to be at least 15.
  19. Yes we need tank measurements please. Also, what sort of goldfish?
  20. Caryl

    Pond liner

    A lot of people got to farm stock supply places and get the stuff they use in farm dams.
  21. Caryl

    Leopard Fish

    Phalloceros caudomaculatus. They are a great fish. Their spawnings are not as frequent or large as guppies so you don't get overrun with them. You don't see them in pet shops very often. I guess most people like to go for more highly coloured fish but they are one of my favourites.
  22. Caryl

    Wok's fish

    Here are the photos I took of wok's fish when we had dinner at his plave last weekend... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... 0Feb%2007/
  23. 2nd spawning? Your fish obviously have nothing better to do :lol:
  24. Ain't the web wonderful?
  25. Caryl


    Perhaps now is not the time to tell Ruthie we were known as "The Guppy Killes" as we couldn't keep them alive when we first started keeping fish :roll: That was over 25 years ago though and we know what we were doing wrong now - everything! Got it sussed now
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